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  1. Thanks CA3LE Totally understand Maintenance Downtime, gotta keep gear updated. Kudos on your ‘Failover’ logic for Test Server selection. When I noted DALLAS was used, I of course checked MIRRORS & no Toronto!?!! As I wasn’t sure if You were aware of Toronto status so I spoke up. BTW, is DALLAS the Failover Test Site for North America/Continent or Planet ? ( maybe a Feature Tweak there ) I offer a FEATURE Tweak of MIRRORS : - specifically for Toronto which currently lacks duplicate nodes, update the Site Descriptor with ‘Down for Maintenance’ and make Site ‘UN-pickable’ . Thanks again … your site is still the Best Kick-Ass Speed Testing beast !
  2. Toronto Test Server is OFFline…since 2PM-ish. I Last used server 07:40 TOday. !Is there a Static List of Test Servers? Thanks
  3. Oooh CA3LE - Ya might have a tough glitch [ I was so hopeful you had fixed it, via …"Wrong result ID given"] but … STILL occurring… and the glitch has history before June 2018. I'm loosing ( a quick scan seems to show _only_ loosing the DOWNload ) test results…inconsistently…back to Mar 18 29,2018 at least For tonight… latest Combined Speed test… :::.. Internet Speed Test Result Details ..::: Download Connection Speed:: 5975 kbps or 6 Mbps Download Speed Test Size:: 5.6 MB or 5760 kB or 5898240 bytes Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 747 kB/s Upload Connection Speed:: 647 kbps or 0.6 Mbps Upload Speed Test Size:: 512 kB or 524288 bytes Upload Binary File Transfer Speed:: 81 kB/s Timed:: Download: 7.897 seconds | Upload: 6.486 seconds Tested At:: https://TestMy.net Test Time:: 2018-07-10 00:49:15 Local Time Client Location:: Ottawa, ON CA https://testmy.net/city/ottawa_on Target:: New York, NY https://testmy.net/multithread Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/cmz5HvwiM.Wk5t4p1fX TiP Measurement Summary (Download):: Min 5.07 Mbps | Middle Avg 5.92 Mbps | Max 7.41 Mbps | 30% Variance Client Stats:: https://testmy.net/quickstats/iceb https://testmy.net/compID/996201283980 User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0 [!] - ON the Test results page … Time Size Speed User ConnectID TID Tue Jul 10 2018 @ 12:49:15 am CA 512 kB 647 kbps 81 kB/s iceb 996201283980 Wk5t4p1fX Tue Jul 10 2018 @ 12:49:07 am CA 5.6 MB 5.99 Mbps 749 kB/s iceb 996201283980 cmz5HvwiM So Wk5t4p1fX DOES show My _UPload_ test result, BUT cmz5HvwiM shows AU test done, without a TMN account!?! ???Are MY fouled/missing Test Results _recoverable_ ???
  4. CA3LE, ?1/ Is the TiP Data and Variance being captured/retained within TMN results db? …since you implemented TiP? NB: TiP Data is data points and MIN|MID|MAX values ] IF TiP in db 2/ Results Data Export _suggestion_ Include just the TiP Variance Thanks
  5. It would be useful, for we Users and helpful for You, to improve the Visibility of the _Speed Test Version 13.7 Version Number_ (V No.) . IDEA1: place the _V No._ in the Page Header along with Page Footer as now shown. IDEA2: keep the _V No._ in the Page Footer. Convert the Top Line (with Mail, Notify, User pop-down & Sign-Out Features) into a Floating (Tool) Bar which sticks to Top of browser Page. Cool IDEA3: Implement Single-Click on _V No._ could Auto-Copy to client's Paste Buffer. IDEA4: on New Topic Create in _v13 Bug Reporting_ Forum, auto-enter the _V No._ into the Title &/or Details Field(s) OR as TAG (oooh ya! ) . Use Cases (aka arm twisting ) -Users: Bugs, Requests wrt GUI, feedback provided by a user can include relevant _V No._ to improve communication which better aids You to 'home in' on related code -Development & Support: the _V No._ is a simple Attribute that would be easily supported by Source Control System (SCS) VARIABLE Feature. Granted that Branching & Merging could make it nasty/messy/convoluted Njoy iceb
  6. iPad 6.0.1, Safari, Mercury, AtomicLite browsers • attempt to copy Result Details doesn't get/Copy Text!? Just Copies the enclosing Box!?!! Via either… •• /results, _Share This Result_ Tab •• /results, _Result Details_ Tab I noticed this Copy foible about when V13 GUI updated for the _EMAIL_ Button shown on the above pair of tabs. Good News… OSX browsers have No Copy foible as per above scenario. (Fx14, OSX 10.5.5 Safari, Opera12) Good luck hunting
  7. Site restructured… current URL http://www.bb-elec.com/Learning-Center/All-White-Papers/Wireless-Cellular/802-11-Basics.aspx www.bb-elec.com/Learning-Center/All-White-Papers/Wireless-Cellular/802-11-Basics.aspx
  8. Safari 3.2.1 shows home page, testing & related live pages, /results, /quickstats/… display fine, but GUI for Forums, Profile are fouled; seems to be missing a CSS ref or 2 or… FWIW, OpenDNS via Safari 3.2.1 looks even Worse nearly unusable Safari doesn't appear to hit any 404 or site blocks for TMN Thankfully FF 14 and Opera 12.02 work fine, as does iOS 6.0.1 Safari & 3rd-party iOS browsers So Lad you've more important, much more useful coding to explore, support… press on don't sweat this one at All! -this GUI glitch is No problem for me…just another motivation to get beyond OSX 10.5.x iceb
  9. Hey … been there, done that! Thanks for digging thru the code & persevering … Much appreciated.
  10. Your variable tweak…didn't help …yet as I'm still running same browser instances, so will test again with fresh/clean browsers Any firewalls in net modem|router are in _defaults_. The OSX firewall is _default_ state with some known OSX App, file share blocks; also running TCPBlock which I have just set to log _all_ Blocking AND Allow actions, just-in-case
  11. I have just reverted to ISP DNS, but no glory seeing the TiP Data graph. Tested on: Mac desktop Safari, Firefox 14(with default (virgin) profile), iOS Safari. Other graphs I _do_ see: - /results - /quickstats/iceb - /memberstats - ?are there other graphs?…besides the above & TiP Do you source your web HTML, JS, jQuery from _only_ TMN & TMNstatic (CDN) hosts? …I ask 'cause I use OpenDNS for _more_ than DNS resolving, but also _block_ crud|malware|spam|pr0n sites as well as some(?) ADvert sites/CDNs.
  12. CLI testing would be handy for the network toolbox, thanks. Willing to Beta test
  13. Testing iOS Safari - Cookie tweaks & iPad Restart > does _not_ resolve issue - Clear Cookies & Data, and iPad Restart > does _not_ resolve issue Test Mercury browser V7.3 (*1) > does _not_ resolve issue --Note1 curious Version Number reporting quirk as app says 7.3 and iOS AppStore reports V7.3, But TMN reports User Agent is 7.2!? I'll check with Dev. I have other iOS browsers which I have not used too much but I won't test yet. I'll check the Apple forums, etc re: Safari. --- I am using OpenDNS servers and not ISP DNS servers.
  14. I am only shown the Result Data row but NO TiP graph whether viewed As popup https://testmy.net/db/NKDvjBc&framed=1&framed2=1&framed3=1 Or page https://testmy.net/db/NKDvjBc . The TiP Summary graph is shown on Combined Test Result page https://testmy.net/results I will try an iOS Safari cookie tweak & report back…
  15. TiP Data graphing per Result, As reported in https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/30630-tip-measurement-summary/page-2#entry339033 …Does not work !? I've tried Mac desktop Safari, Firefox, Opera nor iOS Safari.
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