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Hi... New member here

Just upgraded from the DW6000 to DW7000 a little over 24 hrs ago... any suggestions ?

Wonder if I should sit it out for a bit or keep calling support to at least express my discontent... LOL

Previously on AMC3 (87/1150) with the DW6000 and averaged 800/40

AMC3 87/1250 with rate code 256 2/3

Lots of transmission errors.

This seems very erratic...From DWay Test Site

December 30th, 01:36PM - 1006/26 kbps

December 30th, 01:34PM - 876/14 kbps

December 30th, 01:29PM - 14/12 kbps

December 30th, 01:27PM - 16/20 kbps

December 30th, 01:26PM - 940/15 kbps

December 30th, 01:19PM - 1013/185 kbps

December 30th, 12:49PM - 1008/19 kbps

December 30th, 12:43PM - 1011/20 kbps

December 30th, 12:40PM - 1009/19 kbps

December 30th, 12:39PM - 922/14 kbps

December 30th, 12:35PM - 951/10 kbps

December 30th, 12:30PM - 1011/195 kbps

December 30th, 12:28PM - 710/24 kbps

December 30th, 12:26PM - 1004/9 kbps

December 30th, 12:23PM - 356/163 kbps

December 30th, 08:35AM - 829/12 kbps

December 29th, 10:36PM - 946/10 kbps

December 29th, 05:04PM - 939/13 kbps

December 29th, 03:01PM - 999/13 kbps

From testmy.net

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1082 Kbps about 1.1 Mbps (tested with 748 kB)

Download Speed is:: 132 kB/s

Tested From::

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would definitely call....your uploads should be "up to" 200 depending on which plan your on, others are having problems with the high rate of transmission errors as well. You could do the force range found on the advanced page it may help it may not  (if you do it sometimes takes several mins.)

would definitely call....your uploads should be "up to" 200 depending on which plan your on, others are having problems with the high rate of transmission errors as well. You could do the force range found on the advanced page it may help it may not

You can register on ANY satellite and transponder you want to.  However, when your modem "downloads configuration paramters", it will put you on what ever one you are assigned to.  The only way to switch transponders is to have them do it for you....

and the reason they do not allow you unlimited numbers of repoints is because a repoint is a reassignment of transponder/bird. imagine the havoc if people were allowed to repoint at will. while probably not that much of an administrative effort to reassign the transponder in their database it would lead to people getting a repoint every time the traffic on their transponder peaked, slowing them down, to get on whatever transponder is 'free' at the moment. the only interesting part about that would be a study of user behavior and propagation of tips on 'hot'  birds on forums like this. "get on 89w quick, it's screaming!" 10 minutes later when everyone has repointed and the speed is in the crapper "satmex x is hot hot hot!" it would take only weeks for every halfway speedhungry dway customer to have a motorized selfaligning dish. or possibly a second one as well to scan the other birds at intervals to gauge their traffic load. speed would turn into less of a lottery and more into a high tech game of follow the leader.

and the reason they do not allow you unlimited numbers of repoints is because a repoint is a reassignment of transponder/bird. imagine the havoc if people were allowed to repoint at will. while probably not that much of an administrative effort to reassign the transponder in their database it would lead to people getting a repoint every time the traffic on their transponder peaked, slowing them down, to get on whatever transponder is 'free' at the moment. the only interesting part about that would be a study of user behavior and propagation of tips on 'hot'  birds on forums like this. "get on 89w quick, it's screaming!" 10 minutes later when everyone has repointed and the speed is in the crapper "satmex x is hot hot hot!" it would take only weeks for every halfway speedhungry dway customer to have a motorized selfaligning dish. or possibly a second one as well to scan the other birds at intervals to gauge their traffic load. speed would turn into less of a lottery and more into a high tech game of follow the leader.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You can register on ANY satellite and transponder you want to.  However, when your modem "downloads configuration paramters", it will put you on what ever one you are assigned to.  The only way to switch transponders is to have them do it for you....

Well, I was supposed to be on the 1250. When I talked to the tech, he told me to type 1250 for the transponder, but I got put on the 1150. Am I assigned to the 1150 or 1250?

You're probably on 1150.

I believe 1250 is also used as a temporary assignment when configuring and registering the terminal.  I seem to remember seeing a different transponder temporarily assigned when I upgraded my dish, although 1150 is my assigned transonder, and that's what I went back to after the config of my terminal completed.

I noticed that because I saw my sig strength drop a couple points when registering, and that prompted me to look closely at the stats.

They probably tell you to put in the best transponder when registering, to reduce any registration problems...some transonders give you a better signal or what not than others too.....I had 76 max on 1390 on AMC9, and they changed me to 1370 it jumped to 89.

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