organ_shifter Posted January 6, 2006 CID Share Posted January 6, 2006 - THE US Department of Defense has revealed plans to develop a lie detector that can be used without the subject knowing they are being assessed. The Remote Personnel Assessment (RPA) device will also be used to pinpoint fighters hiding in a combat zone, or even to spot signs of stress that might mark someone out as a terrorist or suicide bomber. In a call for proposals on a DoD website, contractors are being given until 13 January to suggest ways to develop the RPA, which will use microwave or laser beams reflected off a subject's skin to assess various physiological parameters without the need for wires or skin contacts. - More here:'s In the News Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tonyswhirl Posted January 6, 2006 CID Share Posted January 6, 2006 It allready exits - its called a wife Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voltageman Posted January 6, 2006 CID Share Posted January 6, 2006 It allready exits - its called a wife Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
organ_shifter Posted January 6, 2006 Author CID Share Posted January 6, 2006 It allready exits - its called a wife That was good. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted January 7, 2006 CID Share Posted January 7, 2006 Big Brother is watching I guess its time to make our aluminum foil hats that should keep them from noticing us. To be serious sounds like an invasion of civil rights to be microwaved & lasered without your consent. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tonyswhirl Posted January 7, 2006 CID Share Posted January 7, 2006 Big Brother is watching I guess its time to make our aluminum foil hats that should keep them from noticing us. To be serious sounds like an invasion of civil rights to be microwaved & lasered without your consent. This is the best deflector benie site!! You can make them for your pets too!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jkandra Posted January 7, 2006 CID Share Posted January 7, 2006 It allready exits - its called a wife You got that right Tonyswhirl. I get cought every time I lie or do something wrong. So I try not to do anything wrong anymore. Been together 28Yrs now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tonyswhirl Posted January 7, 2006 CID Share Posted January 7, 2006 You got that right Tonyswhirl. I get cought every time I lie or do something wrong. So I try not to do anything wrong anymore. Been together 28Yrs now. yeah well it is 32 years for me - and it is a lot easier to just be good then spending time covering your tracks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jkandra Posted January 7, 2006 CID Share Posted January 7, 2006 Congrats on your 32yrs. This is my secondand I an very happy and glad. The first didn't last but a year. it was all her doing she took everything and my son Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tonyswhirl Posted January 7, 2006 CID Share Posted January 7, 2006 Well it is great the second one is so nice, also good luck on the retirement - I gotta keep working for a few years yet!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FallowEarth Posted January 7, 2006 CID Share Posted January 7, 2006 ...which will use microwave or laser beams reflected off a subject's skin to assess various physiological parameters without the need for wires or skin contacts. - Sounds healthy. Mom always told me to wear sunblock, but I guess I never knew the whole reason why. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jkandra Posted January 7, 2006 CID Share Posted January 7, 2006 I'll get another job I can't sit down long I got to keep doing something. Factory work sucks 30yrs soon. That why I want to retire. Do something that is fun or less stressful. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted January 7, 2006 CID Share Posted January 7, 2006 tonyswhirl ;I like the aluminum foil benie site. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voltageman Posted January 7, 2006 CID Share Posted January 7, 2006 I thought you weren't supposed to go by a microwave if you have a pacemaker... So what happens when they scan someone, and they drop dead because their pacemaker stopped working? The "Patriot Act", is another example of government going too far...To be a free society, you assume the risks of being a free society...If not, move to N. Korea and starve... While I agree changes needed to be made after 9/11, I think Bush took it too far, and to try and make the "Patriot Act" permanent, is the first step in taking away our freedom... I guess we are all now guilty until proven innocent... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted January 8, 2006 CID Share Posted January 8, 2006 Voltageman; I know we have done some joking in this topic.But to get serious & political.I think if a poll was done most members would be against the so called Patriot Act.It violates the Constitution like few laws have .I agree to stay free we need to take the risk of terrorism.Think how many American soldiers that have died for that freedom .What if they had said "It's not safe to go to war instead we need the government to take away our freedom & protect us" What do you expect from Bush who was Illegally appointed President the first time by the Supreme Court.If not for this he wouldn't have won a second election.I recently watched a special on Bush & the Florida election.It said that several black people were listed as felons on the election rolls so they weren't allowed to vote about 95% of these were not felons this amounted to about 60000 eligable voters not allowed to vote & about another 95000 ballots of black voters were thrown out.Usually the black vote is Democratic.For all these votes not allowed is criminal especially when Bush supposedly won by 504 votes.These don't even take into account those votes with the so called dangling chads.So with a crooked President why should the fact he had the Patriot act drawn up to take away our rights be a suprise. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FallowEarth Posted January 8, 2006 CID Share Posted January 8, 2006 Bush is bad for America. The sooner the American people, the true soul of the country, not only realize this, but do something about it, the better off the country will be. No joke. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peepnklown Posted January 8, 2006 CID Share Posted January 8, 2006 Fascism, it Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted January 8, 2006 CID Share Posted January 8, 2006 fas Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voltageman Posted January 10, 2006 CID Share Posted January 10, 2006 Funny how one president gets a BJ in his office, and almost gets impeached, yet another goes to war on false terms, spends billions of dollars on that war, sacrifices thousands of american troops, and nothing is done... Just me or does that seem wrong? So if this logic is correct, you can lie about the reasons for war, and you don't get impeached, but if you lie about getting a BJ from your secretary, they try to impeach you...That makes alot of sense.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JimPrice Posted January 10, 2006 CID Share Posted January 10, 2006 Voltageman; I know we have done some joking in this topic.But to get serious & political.I think if a poll was done most members would be against the so called Patriot Act.It violates the Constitution like few laws have .I agree to stay free we need to take the risk of terrorism.Think how many American soldiers that have died for that freedom .What if they had said "It's not safe to go to war instead we need the government to take away our freedom & protect us" What do you expect from Bush who was Illegally appointed President the first time by the Supreme Court.If not for this he wouldn't have won a second election.I recently watched a special on Bush & the Florida election.It said that several black people were listed as felons on the election rolls so they weren't allowed to vote about 95% of these were not felons this amounted to about 60000 eligable voters not allowed to vote & about another 95000 ballots of black voters were thrown out.Usually the black vote is Democratic.For all these votes not allowed is criminal especially when Bush supposedly won by 504 votes.These don't even take into account those votes with the so called dangling chads.So with a crooked President why should the fact he had the Patriot act drawn up to take away our rights be a suprise. Since when are politicians supposed to be honerable? Prentending that our political system will do what's right some day because they ought to know what's right is foolish thinking, and a waste of time. Those in power for their own benefit will never have it taken away by means of the very system they run. The only way to get them to give it up is to forcibly take it from them. You sound so sincere in your ranting that I wonder whether this simple fact has ever crossed your mind. As far as the Supreme Court's decision for Bush goes, calling it illegal is absurd even if for only the following two reasons: 1. They're the Supreme Court, and therefore, the final word in the land. They may make silly or unfair decisions from time to time, but they are the final arbiter of legality. 2. Regarding # 1, we the people let them stay that way. It's all on us. Illegal? No. unrighteous? Perhaps. About the Patriot Act? I agree with you that it goes too far. But again,ranting aout it's questionable legality is akin to noticing your house is on fire and complaining about how unfair that is instead of grabbing a water hose. I respect all whohave died before me in the name of American freedom. But they too, didn't bitch about how it should be. They grabbed the proverbial water hose and and gave their lives actually fighting the fire. Thomas Jefferson once said something along the lines of "Occasionally the tree of liberty must be replenished with blood", or something like that. Regardless of exactly how he put it, the meaning rings clear: Leaders forget, and soon complaining and reminding won't do the trick. Sometimes you have to take stronger measures to remind those leaders that they are actually suposed to be servants of the people they govern. /soapbox Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted January 11, 2006 CID Share Posted January 11, 2006 JimPrice; It is my beleif the Supreme Court can make an illegal decision.Let me give you an example.Someone files a petition for a court order to execute everyone over 6ft.tall.The lower courts turn it down till it gets to the Supreme Court they decide to give the court order I say this would be illegal even if they decided to do it.This is why Congress can make a new law that is the same essentally as any the Supreme Court declares unconstitutional thus overriding the decision until it comes before the Supreme Court again. As for bitching instead of doing something well if one man does something he is called a terrorist take Timothy McVey It takes enough that are ready to fight to make a revolution. I like Jefferson heres one more of his quotes & a couple of others. I have a right to nothing which another has a right to take away -- Thomas Jefferson Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. -- John F. Kennedy When a government has ceased to protect the lives, liberty, and property of the people ... and ... becomes an instrument in the hands of evil rulers for their oppression ... it is a ... sacred obligation to their posterity to abolish such government and create another in its stead. -- Sam Houston Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JimPrice Posted January 11, 2006 CID Share Posted January 11, 2006 Laws are not made by someone filing a petition. That is the business of the legislative branch. The taking of a life is already defined as illegal, and is such already a matter of law. While I agree with you that the legislative branch does re-introduce the same attempts disguised differently, in order to push their agendas, your example of killing a group of individuals only barely passes as an analogy. Discrimination is illegal as a matter of law, as is murder. Therefore your analogy bears no real-world signifigance to what could occur. I also agree with you that those that would rise against unjust leadership are often branded as terrorists. The best example is our forefathers- traitors in life, and heroes to us all, only long after they were dead. As for Tim McVey, if he truly was the one who perpetrated that act, he was no valient hero, and is no example for the cause of patriotism. He killed innocent civillians with no regard. Heroes can give up their own lives if they wish, but they have no right sacrificing innocents upon the alter of their convictions. I like Sam Houston's quotes as well. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dukebettrthanunc Posted January 11, 2006 CID Share Posted January 11, 2006 You people are messed up. What's the big deal about privacy? If your are HONEST, then you have NOTHING to hide. If you have a secret that you don't want anyone to find out about, chances are that someone needs to find out. Secrecy is what leads to problems. I do think there is a time and a place to keep things confidential, but when you are talking to people with terrorist connections is not one of those times. You're all just selfish. You won't give up your UN-NEEDED privacy, even if it means saving the lives of thousands of other people. There's the age-old question, "What would Jesus do?" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FallowEarth Posted January 11, 2006 CID Share Posted January 11, 2006 I think there's something about having the freedom to choose what I want or don't want to say, as opposed to having that taken from me without consent. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JimPrice Posted January 11, 2006 CID Share Posted January 11, 2006 You people are messed up. What's the big deal about privacy? If your are HONEST, then you have NOTHING to hide. If you have a secret that you don't want anyone to find out about, chances are that someone needs to find out. Secrecy is what leads to problems. I do think there is a time and a place to keep things confidential, but when you are talking to people with terrorist connections is not one of those times. You're all just selfish. You won't give up your UN-NEEDED privacy, even if it means saving the lives of thousands of other people. There's the age-old question, "What would Jesus do?" Being "honest and having nothing to hide" has little to do with an American citizens's right to a reasonable expectation of privacy. It assumes that because "Joe" thinks his own life is nobody else's business, "Joe" must be an evil murderous bastard hiding something horrible from the rest of the world. What would Jesus do? I suppose He would do whatever He feels is right- it's one of the perks of being Omnipotent. On the other hand, I suppose he might do unto others as He would have them do unto Him. So perhaps He might caution YOU not to blindly judge whether or not MY right to privacy is uneeded, and might further suggest that you take care to set your own house in order. Consider this: The moment we give up our basic rights in FEAR of terrorist actions- they've won. Terrorism is loosely defined as altering your enemy's behaviour through the use of tactics designed to instill fear, thereby causing the behavior change desired. By your own admission, I would guess terrorist logic is sucessfull on a person such as yourself. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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