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Comcast router f*c*ed up...

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hey... i was wondering if anyone was having the same problem as me..

i have comcast cable internet, ive had it for about 2 years now. since i got it, ive always had the standard RCA modem and a linksys BEFSR41 router/4port switch. recently, i was rediong a bunch of stuff on my home network, and everythign was disconnected. i wanted to use my desktop on the internet, so i plugged the RCA modem directly into the desktop. it worked fine, just internet as usual. when i went to plug it back into the router, it doesnt work. the router's status page says it doesnt have an IP address assigned to it by DHCP. so i hit DHCP Release and then DHCP renew, which has always worked in the past....

i get nothing... the router doesnt get an IP and i cant connect. ive tried restarting the modem, router, desktop etc etc....

ive heard that comcast is now charing $20/month if you wanna use a router on your cable internet.... WTF? :evil:

anyone had similar problems? does it sound like comcast nailed me and now wont let me use my router? :?::?:

HELP please... :?:?:?:cry:

thank you

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I don't think they can stop you from using it, most ISP's want you to pay extra for a router any way.. Try this, hook the modem back to the router and unplug both router and modem.. wait a min then plug the modem back in wait for the modem to load then plug the router in, thats what I do when I don't get and IP and it works.

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>>>>I don't think they can stop you from using it

do you mean technologically there's no method of blocking access by a router but allowing access to a PC?

>>>>most ISP's want you to pay extra for a router any way

even DSL and such? im just wondering, because in the past ive never been charged... what experience have you had with ISPs charging?

it seems pretty annoying to me... it really doesnt cost them any extra for you to use more than one PC on their service.. :(

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yea i kno earthlink wants like 9.99 a month for homenetworking but they cant stop you from buying one...niether can they tell if your using a router unless they come to your house and see it. Just try unpluging the modem then pluging it back in, and if your router still doesnt get a connection you might have to put that linksys disc that came with your router back in and set up the router again

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I have the same router on mine and I just had the same problem with it. I have Cox Cable Internet and I reformatted my computer and when I went to re-install my router it wouldn't work for a little bit. Anyway I just kept putting the CD that came with it in and kept playing with it and bam, it worked. I have never had any problems with it in the past but this one time was when I experinced it . It has been working fine ever since. Just keep playin with it and it'll eventually work. That's what I did. That's all I know to tell you to do. Hope this helps.

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