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To all who use Paypal be aware a scam email is going, see below:  This email says you have added another email address to your account and  urges you to login to your account.  Don't do this!  I have contacted Paypay Customer Service and they have acknowledged the email is a scam and the scamers are trying to gain access to your account information. 

This was the third time I received this email and when you click on the links you believe your at Paypal it looks very real and one can be fooled easily.  Paypal asked that all emails of this nature should be forwarded to: [email protected].    I would also ask Paypal what they are doing about this as it is so easy for one to be fooled by this scam.



You've added an additional email address to your PayPal account.

If you don

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thanks for the heads up, i got alot in my paypal account, don't wana loose it.

This is not a new spoof.  It's been around for a year or so, maybe longer.

dlewis, you should never keep more than about $50 [or more than you can afford to lose] in your Paypal account.  They can and WILL take it whenever they feel like it.

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This is not a new spoof.  It's been around for a year or so, maybe longer.

dlewis, you should never keep more than about $50 [or more than you can afford to lose] in your Paypal account.  They can and WILL take it whenever they feel like it.

I know i should not keep more then $50 in there at one time, but i kinda have to, i do alot of deals and buy and sell alot on ebay, so i have about 1000-1500 transfering each day, but i do have the 4th level of verification with paypal, so i get insurance, if any amount is stolen i get 100% of it back. I just wish google would start  there paypal killer.

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Eventually you will purchase online.  Most things like bank forms are secure what they don't tell you is if your account is pilfered it is most likely due to your computer being infested by a virus, trojan or whatever.  I read about several small business operators who worried about entering information into online banking forms but the bank officials told them the forms where absolutely secure. 

Again , what they didn't tell them was if their computers became infected then entering information into the online banking forms could be had by hackers.   

Eventually, they lost thousands of dollars because a keylogging program on their systems recorded information as it was being typed into the secure bank forms.  Yes, the courts sided wit the banks and the banks never paid back the money and those small business owners learned a valuable lesson: security starts at home>

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I have yet to see a spoof related to ebay or Paypal that addressed me by name.....its always a general heading as Dear Paypal member,         never Dear Frankilin Prone etc... as the real emails are

real easy to avoid spoof email....go directly to the web site

regardless if you buy on-line or not....your info is on a system somewhere if you have an account or use it in a store or apply for an auto loan. If you PC is clean, and protected with virus scan, a good firewall, your safer than standing in line.

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