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hi im new here, sorry to bother you all but is this right?

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When you do IPCONFIG you can find your default gateway.  Try pinging that IP address a number of times like this:

ping -n 30 (IP address of default gateway)

Then post the statistics.

just did i tes for if i need any tweaks on a website this is what i got

Service: isdndslcablewirelesssatellite Speed (advertised) kbit/s:  Operating System: win95win98win98SEwinMEwinNTwin2kwinXPMacLinuxFBSDSolaris Connection: normalwinpoetwinXPpppoerouterpppoeraspppoeenternetpppoA 

1. Your Tweakable Settings:

Receive Window (RWIN):  128480

Window Scaling:  1

Path MTU Discovery:  ON

RFC1323 Window Scaling:  ON

RFC1323 Time Stamping:  OFF

Selective Acks:  ON

MSS requested:  1460

TTL:  unknown

TTL remaining:  58

TOS/TOS subfield:  0


2. Test 917421 byte download

Actual data bytes sent: 926181

Actual data packets: 636

Max packet sent (MTU): 1500

Max packet recd (MTU): 1500

Retransmitted data packets: 6

sacks you sent: 63

pushed data pkts: 100

data transmit time: 17.986 secs

our max idletime: 1913.8 ms

transfer rate: 49987 bytes/sec

transfer rate: 399 kbits/sec

This is not a speed test!

transfer efficiency: 99%

3. ICMP (ping) check

Target unpingable

Notes and recommendations:

RWIN is in range

Looking good

Notes and recommendations:

Good data stream (no/few rexmits)

1 second+ stall detected (FAQ #1606)

Notes and recommendations:

Become pingable

if you need basic packet loss tests done

Check tweak FAQ

This is from webROCKET (a speed software) and it talks about the different settings, pay attention to the RWIN setting information.

""What is MTU?

When you download a file, it is broken into many packets of data before it is sent over the World Wide Web to your computer (where it is then reassembled). The size of these packets is called your MTU value, or the Maximum Transfer Unit.

Setting your computer's MTU value too low would make downloading less efficient. This is because a greater percentage of the packet is taken up by a packet header. Each data packet header contains a variety of information about the packet itself, such as source, size, ID, and destination. However, setting the MTU too high can also decrease efficiency. Other computers on the Internet might not be able to handle MTU values of a certain size. If you set your computer's MTU value too high, some computers along the delivery path would be required to break these packets into smaller pieces before accepting them and passing them to the next computer. This "Stop. Break. Go." processing of packets can dramatically slow down data transfers.

It is usually best to select the settings Ascentive has researched by using the QuickOptimization panel in webROCKET. However, expert users and experienced network engineers may make their own adjustments to the MTU value by using the Detailed Optimization panel in webROCKET.

How should RWIN be set?

RWIN stands for Receive WINdow. This "window" is a buffer, or holding area, that your computer uses to sort the packets of data received when something is downloaded.

Each packet of data that your computer receives needs to be accepted in a certain order before the file you are downloading can be "put back together" on your end. Although these packets of data are sent out in the correct order, sometimes the packets can take different paths and arrive out of order, or get lost altogether.

When the next packet of data your computer receives is not the right one (according to its order), your computer has to stop and send a request back to ask for the missing packet. This request takes time. However, because of the RWIN buffer, your computer downloads the data packets to a storage area first. This storage area can hold more than one packet at a time (usually four to six). If the data is received out of order, your computer will continue to download the data packets to this holding area, waiting for the packet that is supposed to come next. Your computer will only have to send a request for the missing packet if your RWIN fills before the needed data packet arrives.

It takes significantly less time for the data packets to pass from your RWIN buffer to your application's memory than it takes for your computer to make a request for a needed data packet. However, setting your RWIN size too large would result in a slower download process. Your computer's RWIN buffer would have to fill completely before it realized that a packet of data was missing (rather than just out of order) and request a retransmission of the packet.

Custom RWIN settings may have an adverse effect and should only be used by expert users and network engineers.

How should TTL be set?

When you download a file, it is broken into many packets of data before it is sent to your computer (where it is then reassembled). Not all of these data packets use the same path along the Internet to your computer. Some packets may not arrive in a reasonable length of time and some may even become lost. An arrangement of incorrect routing tables could cause a packet to loop in the network endlessly and congest the network.

Because of this, packets of data are set with an "expiration date" and will be discarded after a certain number of hops (a hop occurs every time a packet is sent from one computer to the next along a path). TTL stands for Time To Live. After a packet is discarded, your computer will have to request the missing packet(s) again from the originator.

Setting your TTL too low would make it impossible for some packets to reach their destination. Setting it too high would cause the network to become congested. This value is set automatically by the QuickOptimization feature, although expert users and network engineers are free to make their own adjustments on the Detailed Optimization tab.

How should PMTU be set?

The PMTU settings can be selected, however they are rarely used. Black Hole Detection detects troublesome routers and attempts to choose another one -- so if you are having connection trouble, you should select this PMTU option.

Automatic Discovery means that your system will attempt to come to an agreement with the server or router, regarding the packet size. However, this agreement may not always be the optimal size.

We recommend using the QuickOptimization settings in webROCKET. However, expert users and network engineers may make their own adjustments on the Detailed Optimization tab.""

RWIN set at 64240 for your 1 Mbps throughput is ok if you are surfing within your country as latency is 100-150 ms range.

RWIN set at 128480 will be good for you if you surf to overseas as your latency will go 200-300 ms range.

But remember, higher latency and higher RWIN gives higher packet losses.

My suspicion on the cause of your slowdown is either line quality or hitches in your ISP's network. As FallowEarth has guided you to scan for possible spyware and none was found, i would conclude that your comp is clean.

But one unusual point was raised by you: difficulty to get into DOS and your inability to do the "netstat -b" command. Something may still be hidden in your comp? The Forum section on Security may be a good place to seek assistance in this area.

have just noticed something, i tryed downloading ituns and quicktime player earlia, when it starts its at 130kb/sec, then starts dropping after about a minute its down to 60kb/sec....thats not normal is it?

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