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sweeet!  I read the article, does it still run on gas and hydraulic energy?  if so how much furthure would it go on diesel than gas? :)  hmmmm, I can bet this, it wont be long and it will be in cars, and ford will make a fortune selling it to other companies, imagine the royalities they could make! :)

Bwalker25:Yes it must still run on gas if it didn't there wouldn't be a MPG rating deisel would probably be even better MPG.I haven't read about this technology & intend to if it developes.My problem with it is the high pressure cylinder that would hold the hydraulic pressure.How does this react in an accident?

I still want to see them develope a high efficency large capicty  light weight battery for an all electric vehicle.Then they could use something like the hydraulic pressure tank to save wind energy while stationary & drive an alternator to charge the efficent battery.

Bwalker25:Yes it must still run on gas if it didn't there wouldn't be a MPG rating deisel would probably be even better MPG.I haven't read about this technology & intend to if it developes.My problem with it is the high pressure cylinder that would hold the hydraulic pressure.How does this react in an accident?

I still want to see them develope a high efficency large capicty  light weight battery for an all electric vehicle.Then they could use something like the hydraulic pressure tank to save wind energy while stationary & drive an alternator to charge the efficent battery.

My only question about all electric is they still have to produce electricity from some resource. I know it is not just from hydroelectric dams. :roll: :roll:

tommie gorman ;There are a lot of undeveloped sources for electricity.In my part of the country we have a lot of wind but it is only minimally tapped.Although it would have some enviromental impact they could literally put wind chargers down every section line here with minimal interference to the farms & ranches This could generate far more electricity than our area could use.One of the problems is when the wind is light whichis not very often there hasn't been a good way to store it.If they could or would develope the right batteries for this that would be one way.I just thought if this hydraulic system could power a vehicle it might be a way to store wind energy & power  alternators or generators to produce the energy constantly.

There are many ways to tap the enviroment to produce energy.So far solar panels are the least efficient.Hydroelectric is good but did you realize they can build ocean hydroelectric dams that use the tides going in & out to generate electricity they just don't

We have a great amount of methane we don't use or even hear about using.Or how much methane do you think the human sewage in sewer plants generates everyday.This could be collected burned in stationary engines to generate electricty to power homes & electric cars.Not to mention the cattle & other feedlot operations are also a source of methane.There are also vast deposits of methane in the oceans.

Less good are the way a lot is generated now fossil fuelslike natural gas.coal , & other petroleum sources & of course nuclear power plants.If they can ever develope cold fussion of course that would generate all we need.

Cholla, I did not mean that there are not unused resources. So many in fact that we really don't need foreign oil at all. But the oil companies would go broke, and right now they have the money to win!

Hell, if you think about it, why does natural gas have a rate hike every winter. Think about it, it is large deposits setting on top of crude oil. They have to tap it or burn it to just get to the crude oil. They always talk about importing it. BULLSHIT. It is in the ground right here. I remember an article one time, a fella out in Kansas state had found oil on his property, and had tried to get any gas company to come and extract it for free, just so he could get to the oil. They all said that they were under contract, and could not come and get it! I mean rate hikes my AZZ!!! The general public is ignorant and will believe any type of bullcrap they put out. If I had a gas pocket I could run my vehicles, heat my house(with the doors open all day if I wanted to), generate my own electric, and sell some to the neighbors. Natural gas is straight out of the ground with a sulfur smell added to detect leaks, only. Pretty stuff. Ain't that the shitz also, every time you take a crap or fart you create methane, just hard to get it in a balloon and into the carburetor. And yes wind, I know 2 someone's who had a wind turbines like on farms for electricity and they both got shut for noise pollution, to close to neighbors, did not have neighbors permission within so much distance, so they had to shut them down. One was actually owned by a writer, and looked like a castle, pretty cool place.

Farmers also let a lot of fuel go to waste, cow manure and old crop cuttings. Every time you throw your trash out, you throw away good fuel. Except for metal and plastic which is recyclable. Oh well, we are a throw away society. Ones man's trash is another man's treasure. Look at all the good computer parts thrown away every day. Who would not like some of the computers that are thrown away because they could not get them to work and figured they would buy a new one because GEEK PATROL was going to charge them as much to fix them, as a newer one was going to cost. Oh well I guess I have gone too far off the subject, Man I would still like to have one of those trucks. And if they split the hydraulic-cylinder into two parts they could fit it shorter between the two bumpers. But will probably cost about $8000-$10000 extra just because they can, with excuses why.

tommie gorman ; In the Texas panhandle windmills for water have been kind of a tradition so I doubt if they could get them stopped.I was talking about more of a government program putting in the windmills so that would be harder to stop.What I beleive is they try to build them too big anyway several smaller windmills make more since to me.& would be a lot quiter & cheaper to maintain.Say 5000000 windmills in the Texas panhandle would generate a lot of electricity,create a lot of jobs & could be the size of the ones used to pump water.The suffer much less stress than the huge ones & enough small ones would generate more electricty.

On the natural gas people are definately being misled.In Alaska they pump it back into old wells because the wouldn't let the government build another pipe like the one for oil.The thing is there is already one in Canada that we would only have to build about 400 miles of pipe to connect too.Then pay Canada something for letting us use it.So far this is not even planned.

Its bad here because we pay more for instae natural gas than what they ship out of state. In Amarillo a rich rancher donated a huge gas deposit about a 100 years ago to give Amarillo a cheap supply.The city found a way to sell it off to Boone Pickens a Texas oil man.He ended up stripping what he sold us so it wasn't nearly as good.& was allowed to sell any excess he pumped out if we had been supplied.

It will be cool if this hydraulic vehicle works like the articl said .I'm waiting to read more about it.

Would be interesting to know if it has much zip (h.p. or torque). But it would have to, in order to be considered much of a pickup! And my thought would be they would have to exchange the single for twin cylinders to keep it away from the bumpers, as shown in the pictures,in case of an accident. Just a thought.

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