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I have recently up-graded my system to 1Mb broadband and, at the same time, installed Norton Internet Security and Norton Anti Virus packages.  Since introduction of the Norton packages I have had increasing difficulty doing the speed tests within the testmy broadband site.

Upload tests no problem with the results being posted to my stats file.

Download testing, it would appear can be only achieved by using the "flatbed file" and, whilst test speeds are looking good they are not reported to the stats file - "No tests taken" on the days in question.

Any advice in this connection would be appreciated.

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If you are using the computer for personal or at home, get rid of Norton. I personally use various softwares on my computers for security. Firewall is the free version of Zonealarm. Anti virus is covered by AVG, again free and it has a built-in email scanner. Since 1996, I have tried various Symantec products and always found them to be too aggresive for network and file activity monitoring. Keep it simple and try other products that are specialized for what you are trying to do. I never rely on an all-in-one package for internet security. There are more virii, trojans and spywares being produced every day. I monitor my firewall and anti virus on a regular basis to make sure I am not wide open to the net or prone to a virus I may have downloaded within some file.

Symantec is geared more towards business computing and therefore heavily armored. This requires more resources. That is my opinion.

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Google this: norton suite problems

This is one of the results:


See the reviews at the bottom.

I may be wrong, but there may be ways to setup Norton to make it more friendly towards requests coming from the internet. This may allow it then to update the stats file. Like I said, I have only rarely used these programs but I know there are others out there that can answer your post. If you dig deep enough, I hope you get the results you are looking for.

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getting something other than norton would be so much better of a choice - i mean, even free anti virus programs and firewalls work great - norton has too many compatibility issues, you run it while you run some other program and all hell breaks loose....

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In fact try this test and see if does not work. Then make up your mind. Download and switch from norton to AVG Free just to try it. If it works for you, why would you care if you just put it in desk. If it does not meet your expections, you are not out any money. Just reload norton. If you feel better paying for it they have an AVG you can pay for and get a few more bells and whistles. Either way "FREE" to try or use!

Don't forget to go off line and remove norton first.


Also try it in safe mode with networking, it will pull out more.

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If you are unable to run the download test with Norton's running, try this version of the test: http://www.testmy.net/d_load.php?ni=1&tt=1&s=97&st=st&ta=&top=&nobar=1

Thank you for your advice.  The avenue to do a d/l test as suggested above did not work.

Normal testing on upload is OK and being reported to member stats.  Testing on d/l, with Norton enabled can only be done on "flatbed file" basis and, whilst results were given they were not registering within member stats.

I have adopted a simple solution ........ disable Norton for the 60 seconds or so that it takes to do the test, normal service is resumed with test results registered, and enable Norton thereafter.

Thanks to all those who offered their advice.


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