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ADSL without a phone line - Is this possible ? YES

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hi there guys

some of you might have noticed i haven't been around for the past 2 weeks

well the truth is i have been blacked out. yeah i have no internet connection for the past 2 weeks

i moved houses on a Saturday and the next Wednesday i was suppose to get internet

that Wednesday when i got home i found out my phone line was full of static. I would pick up the phone and i would hear is noise down the line.

obviously to stay with so much noise down the line my ISP could not get Adsl to work on that line.

took us 1 week to get an engineer on site to find out our line was faulty and it was plugged into faulty equipment in the exchange (not a suprise to me) so he said he would swap us to new equipment and because this line was so OLD he would recommend us to install a new line. that would be free of charge from the Telephone people.

so after 1 week and a half with no internet we were going to have to wait for more 5 days to get another engineer on site to install a new line so then i could ask my isp to put my adsl down that new line.

well i gave up to admitting i could not do anything else until GUESS WHAT ?

i come home today and i have NO PHONE LINE but my ADSL LINE light in my router is on

WOOOHOOOO i scream plugged my laptop on and goggle appeared

i thought it was cached, so i did a speed test just to make sure i was live on the internet and it work

so i don't know how guys i have no dial tone on my phone what so ever but i have internet

well until Monday at least i hope

Thats exactly what i thought and that is why me and my house mate are so puzzled about this issue

maybe some one out there has the same situation

it is technically possible to hoke us up with adsl not not the phone but normally you need to get a phone line from a compay and then you can enable it to have adsl on

without a live phone line no one will install adsl on it.

not saying its not techincally possible but its damn weird


yeah that would be a good idea

i can't talk much about that but lets just say i have tried that and i have tried more then just the normal stuff :)

and no my router is not connected to my neighbor wifi

fingers crossed they dont cut me untill monday

ok ok guys

so we all came to the same conclusion that is possible but what i am after here is has any one expirience this them selves ?

i did but mine was messed up and wasnt working good so i counted it as no cause it was less stable than dial up but it happened.

I don't know what kind of phone line you have, but a typical phone line has 4 wires (red, green, yellow, brown) of which only red and green are normally used.

I have seen phone lines before that consisted of 6 twisted pairs, but still only 2 wires are used

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