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What do you have to look at when putting in new ram for ur computer?

If i have a cpu that is a XP 2600+ the bus speed is 332.7 so would that mean i can only support up to pc2700(333mhz) ram?

And would putting pc3200 ram into a computer that has a cpu bus speed of 333 would it underclock the speed to run at that frequency?

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it shouldn't depend on your motherboard, as a computer is a computer weither you build it or bought the box from the store.

If the FSB on the CPU is 333mhz then put PC2700 in it, PC2700 runs a clock speed of 333Mhz which is a 1:1 ratio with the computer, this speed is the MOST the CPU can do so I can assure you it probably wont do that all the time so you would be safe with PC2700 as long as you dont want to over clock it.  If you want to over clock it then you would want to get some faster ram like the PC3500 or PC4000 etc, the only advantage these rams have over one another is the ability to push more Gb/s of data through them, sinse your processor can only do 333mhz FSB it wont really matter unless its overclocked as the RAM can only get stuff to your CPU as fast as the CPU can take it.  when I did my bench marks with my older computer, when the ram was the same FSB as the CPU I got more memory read/write bandwidth.

Again it wont matter the motherboard as the RAM can only get it to your CPU as fast as the FSB will take it.  surrfice to say 333mhz is max for that chip then PC2700 is the max you should need...again unless you overclock that is..  Memory is the bottleneck in most old and semi new computers especially with the now built in memory controllers, but that is another issue all together.

Get the PC2700 is you dont want to overclock it and have it running at stock speeds or possibly a little faster, but not much (and by not much I mean not much).  If you want to do some serious overclocking then get some PC4000 or PC4200 and get some serious air or water cooling and you might have a smoking rig on yer hands! :)


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Yeah... you can put what ever you want in pretty much... as the ram is going to be stepped down to the correct speed... So if you buy PC-4200 and the max that your computer will run is 2700 then the 4200 is going to run at 2700.  It is possible for the faster stuff to be cheaper than the older 2100/2700 stuff right now.

One other thing make sure you are getting the right stuff.. Dont get DDR2 if you computer supports DDR!

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it shouldn't depend on your motherboard' date=' as a computer is a computer weither you build it or bought the box from the store. [/quote'] Where do you think the FSB is located? Of course it matters on the MB (motherboard). How does the CPU and RAM communicate? The MB!
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Yeah... you can put what ever you want in pretty much... as the ram is going to be stepped down to the correct speed... So if you buy PC-4200 and the max that your computer will run is 2700 then the 4200 is going to run at 2700.  It is possible for the faster stuff to be cheaper than the older 2100/2700 stuff right now.

One other thing make sure you are getting the right stuff.. Dont get DDR2 if you computer supports DDR!

^^^ says it all ^^^

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Shit ur lucky i have like the crappiest piece of crap ever made by any company.

i only have 256 RAM!

but it really does matter what type of MB u have because there's diff sizes of RAM and if u have and old MB new ones wont fit so just look for ur size and just dont overclock

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i believe the answer was given to me a while back lol but thanks for the continued posting.

My friend is going to buy some corsair pc3200 value ram even though itll step down to 333mhz if he buys a new cpu and mobo he'll have good ram to swap out.

and i bet i have worse ram on this comp.

256 stick of 133mhz sdram

64 stick of 100mhz sdram

and my old old comp has 47 ram .. SIMMS i think i win on the lowest form of ram lol

maybe u should close this cause i got the answer im looking for, thanks for the replies

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u should attach a ram which is of same type as previous. for ex their are two types of ram one is SD and the other one is DDR. The difference can be made out with the number of cuts in the slot. if there is one cut then it is DDR and if their are two cuts then that is SD.

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i know i know SDRAM is 168 pin and ddr is 184 pin.. i resolved my question.

Motherboards can support up to certain types of ram ie. pc100 and pc133 are 168pin, ddr ram is 184 pin.

The bus speed on ur cpu regulates the frequancy of the data transfer on ur ram

bus of 333mhz = pc2700 ram

bus of 400mhz = pc3200 ram

i got all the info i need thx everyone

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