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Hello, i came accross your site and you people look like the people who could help me.

I currently live in NJ, and for personal reasons I am forced to move to Maryland. The section i am moving too is very rural and iu cannot get cable, dsl, or ISDN. (I was suprised about the ISDN, but it looks like most of the major providers are grandfathering ISDN in maryland. Which means they will support current customers, but will not accept new one's.) So i am stuck with dial up (and in my area, the lines are not updated. so im stuck with 28.8 kbps) and it looks like i am going to get Direcway aka. Hughes net. My big problem is that i want to play video games (BF2, CS:Source, etc.) but you cannot do this with satellite. Here is my possible solution.

I was talking to a buddy of mine and i were talking and we were thinking about maybe bridging a dial up connection and the dw connection. I could use the direcway's bandwidth and the dialups lan lines to lower my latency.

What do you guys think? and maybe if this works, all of you who miss online games could do this too.

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really at 28.8k dial-up if the connection is a stable 28.8k with good compression u can play cs:s america's army with little to no lag i know , i do it every night nighttime is always best. But If u do want to play games on satellite the truth is with my exp. the best would be 1-way satellite sat download with dial-up upload. bf2 might be pressing it. But what it really comes down to is getting used to the lag u get i kill people all the time playing aa no prob. and then i also hear people on broadband saying "omg i can't play i got a 90 ping OMG OMG OMG" but the truth is i play with a 150 ping all the time and own so really its up to u and how u handle it.


hm. even rural may have some options. have you considered renting a t1 from the telco? it will most likely be fairly pricey but imo a far better option than the at best extremely latent at worst extremely slow sat link. just an idea, something to research for ya.

hm. even rural may have some options. have you considered renting a t1 from the telco? it will most likely be fairly pricey but imo a far better option than the at best extremely latent at worst extremely slow sat link. just an idea, something to research for ya.

That is a good idea, but i dont think my area is wired for it.

Telco=Telephone Company i assume

Hi, before you commit to either satellite provider you need to consider the Fair Access Policy.

WildBlue FAP Monthly Usage Thresholds

                                        Value Pak  Select Pak  Pro Pak 

Upload Threshold (MB) 1        2,300        3,000        5,000

Download Threshold (MB) 2    7,500        12,000      17,000

1 Upload Threshold is the volume of data that can be uploaded during the previous 30 days before the Fair Access Policy may restrict the user

Welcome to the forum jwko  :wave:

I have never had the fap. And some have warned about it.  ;)

Actually I am glad eveyone is flocking to WB, if they keep going it will leave more bandwidth for me.  ;)  Dang, now my secret is out.  :haha:

Guest thecableguy

Hi, before you commit to either satellite provider you need to consider the Fair Access Policy.

WildBlue FAP Monthly Usage Thresholds

                                      Value Pak Select Pak  Pro Pak 

Upload Threshold (MB) 1      2,300      3,000      5,000

Download Threshold (MB) 2  7,500      12,000    17,000

1 Upload Threshold is the volume of data that can be uploaded during the previous 30 days before the Fair Access Policy may restrict the users speeds.

2 Download Threshold is the volume of data that can be downloaded during the previous 30 days before the Fair Access Policy may restrict the users speeds.

Go to  http://fairaccess.hughesnet.com/  and check out hughes FAP and you will clearly see which one is the better choice.

It sux when you pay so much for satellite internet and have to really watch how much we download. I was with wildblue and seems like I was always restricted with dial-up speeds because of the FAP. Switched to DirecWay pro and only been restricted once but was lifted within' 2 hours.

The HughesNet FAP policy as posted is very misleading and not at all what the average user experiences based on my own experience with them and certainly that of many many many others here.  WildBlue has demonstrated a quality service and the reviews from their customers are equally positive.  I don't think I've ever heard a complaint about WB's FAP even once.  WildBlue also has far superior customer service compared to HughesNet and their network so far has proven to be stable, something I wouldn't even hint at with HughesNet.

Guest thecableguy

Read here about WB FAP: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-10822;all

Yeah, they have their problems also. Just new right now. And it will change as time goes on. Maybe worse.  ;)

I stand corrected....hmmmm it would appear they are testing the waters and that may not be a bad thing yet.....remains to be seen I guess.

Thanks for all the input guys.

Would WB or DW warn me if i get near my FAP limit? Are there any programs to detect it?

Also, is there any way for me to mod my connection? When i get this satellite connection, i will of course play with it, but is there anything specific i can do?

Guest thecableguy

Thanks for all the input guys.

Would WB or DW warn me if i get near my FAP limit? Are there any programs to detect it?

Also, is there any way for me to mod my connection? When i get this satellite connection, i will of course play with it, but is there anything specific i can do?

Not at this time but I think a FAPOmeter would be a very good idea for those companies....kudos to the one who comes up with it first.

drquack11223  Welcome to the forum.  :hello:

Thanks for all the input guys.

Would WB or DW warn me if i get near my FAP limit? Are there any programs to detect it?

Also, is there any way for me to mod my connection? When i get this satellite connection, i will of course play with it, but is there anything specific i can do?

There is a place you can go to get a Fap Monitor. It is real good on letting you know when you get close to your limit.

It will cost you to join this site to be a member. Then you will be a life member. It is well worth it . They have a few tweaks and some other information.

http://www.copperhead.cc/  DirecWay Uncensored

http://www.wildblue.cc/  Wildblue Uncensored

Copperhead owns both sites. 

The forums are nice.

Another forum to go to that is nice for more information is,

http://www.dslreports.com/forum/sat    dslreports Satellite Forum

There are a lot of Sat. people in here and we will try to help out as much as we can.


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