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OK her eit is.  I just got Wildblue installed after 2 years of DW (6000) model.  My wildblue is pro plan 79.99 a month  (includes web space and dialup access)  1st I find the Wildblue to download at approx 40% faster than DW 6000 (which i got a pretty consistant 1000 down)  The upload with my wildblue , though better than DW is still not the 256 up as advertised - it is around 114 or so  - the download is pretty consistant at 1500-1600 - Here are my questions.  Is the TX light on the Wildblue (upload light) suppose to blink at consistant intervals?  Mine never seems to stop even with computer shut down.  blink........blink........blink  etc.. Is this normal ??!! - I have shut off all antivirus etc.. no firewall no router and still it blinks (of course it becomes full light etc when uploading) can anyone tell me if this is normal.  Again my upload speeds are a little slow, is this flux pretty normal for Wildblue...  Overall though I for the momnet am happy with the download ,  page browsing is a little less than i expected but not bad - after a few times of the proxy settings detected it picks up so not really a problem.  However the downloading of jpg in its own window is slightly slower than DW  BUT i love the wildblue speedburts - ive seen as much as 600 in a sec so downloading a 600-900k file takes just a sec sometimes!  BUT I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE TX UPLOAD light - please let me know.  thanks all

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  • 5 months later...

Help....I have direcway 6000 and I need a part replaced on the dish itself (I don't know what it is, but the seal is worn on it and when it rains it fills with water, thus no internet; then the water leaks out, tada, internet) Anyway, the installer has suggested that b/c I've had it 3 yrs+ that I just switch to Wildblue $199 install w/faster speeds.  He said it would be cheaper than repairing the direcway dish.  Any ideas?  DSL & Cable not an option....live in the "sticks!"

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Dude, all you have to do is unplug the modem, go to the dish, cut a small slit in the LNB plastic cover and press on it a little bit to drain the water.  After that, the water won't stay in it any more...

Thats all I had to do...

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I did pretty close to what ghostmaster did, except all I did was use a sewing needle to poke a small needle hole top and bottom of the plastic. TOp hole lets air in, and bottom hole keeps the water drained. Right after I bought it. No problems since. (over a year ago )

Strange for a dway installer to be pushing a WB product.

They have their problems at WB just about as bad now, anyway.

GO Wild Blue! ( I love it when someone else joins them and increases our bandwidth ).

Sorry. Welcome to the forum StephyJ  :wave:

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Thanks for the advice, I will do the repair myself, save some $.  Now here's another $6 million question:  what do you think of upgrading to DW7000?  And ghostmaster, it's "Chick"  ;)    or do you call everyone Dude?

I down graded from the 4000 to the 6000.....wish I haden't...but I can't see the money for the 7000....upload is a little better...but not much from the results that I've seen....down load is very close to the same....so what's the gain.....15 months.. :haha:

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Stephy J if you will go to your name on a post in here and click on it it will take you to your profile info. Click on "Forum Profile Information" on the sidebar, in there add your gender. It will stop the "dude" part. We have no way of knowing.

Thanks for the advice, I will do the repair myself, save some $.  Now here's another $6 million question:  what do you think of upgrading to DW7000?  And ghostmaster, it's "Chick"  ;)    or do you call everyone Dude?

As for upgrading I would only if U/L is that important.

Actually as soon as my contract is up, I am going to try the 4000 setup which I got off of ebay. It will not cost me except the purchase off of ebay of $25 for both of them. (2).

I actually prefer the D/L to U/L anyway. Won't ever purchase the 7000 myself. Too damned much to start over. $500 +install+etc... NOT ME!

Not till they go down on ebay anyway.

And so why don't you go back to your 4000 Aggr3 ? ?

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Thanks, I changed my profile.  Actually, I was just kidding with ghostmaster, I don't mind being called a "dude"  (I've been called worse!)

Re:  4000, the 6000 is the only modem I've had. 

Also, did you receive an email/info from hughes "inviting" you to purchase the HN7000S?  I checked out the "deal" and they promised faster D/L & U/L for only $49.99 (the purchase of the new modem--self install) and of course a 15 month contract.

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Thanks, I changed my profile.  Actually, I was just kidding with ghostmaster, I don't mind being called a "dude"  (I've been called worse!)

Re:  4000, the 6000 is the only modem I've had. 

Also, did you receive an email/info from hughes "inviting" you to purchase the HN7000S?  I checked out the "deal" and they promised faster D/L & U/L for only $49.99 (the purchase of the new modem--self install) and of course a 15 month contract.

FIrst of all I'd bet you are way cuter than any dude.  :shock:

Second of all do not fall for that one. You did already fall for the 6000 I see.

"a 15 month contract " is enough for me.

And I already get 1800 D/L speeds with a consumer account now off peak. So what, a faster U/L only? You mean a whopping 150kbps. And how much more per month is it?

Anyway not for me, even if it was free for the modem and s&h.

So many tried it on here, and were not happy with it. (the 7000 modem's)

I will be able to try out the 4000 in a few months and I will let you know what I think then.


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Water, you are very mischevious.  :twisted:

A siding crew one time was telling me about this guy asked how to smooth out the calking out once you apply it. They told him to wet to and use his finger. So he started spitting on it and smoothing it out with his finger. Well he ended up getting some in his mouth and asked the others how to get caulk out of his mouth. Well when I heard that one I asked him if this was true? (He was working that day on one of my houses). He responded yes.  So I proceeded to tell him to back up off of the caulk. Everybody just busted up. (If you don't get this one water just PM me ) :twisted:

:haha: :haha:

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"Dude" isn't really a gender specific term anymore, but in anycase, im sorry mam....lol....

The caulk joke was from a comedy central show called Crank Yankers...( if nobody caught the reference )

I don't think you can upgrade to the DW7000 unless you get one off of Ebay.  If you still can upgrade to one from Hughes, don't.  You're better off waiting for the HN7000S to become fully operational on all sats.  And if you do that, don't fall for the 49.99 + 15month contract.  Just fork over the extra 150 bucks and buy the modem straight up.  At least then, if it sucks, your only out 200 bucks instead of 15 months of Hell.  When I upgraded to the DW7000, I was thrilled.  The better uploads increased performance a lot for me.  But it really depends upon which satellite your on.  I would just hold tight for now, fix the water problem, and wait it out.... 

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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 797 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 97 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/09/24 - 8:14am

Bottom Line:: 14X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 10.56 sec

Tested from a 2992 kB file and took 30.735 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 76.71 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-J67AGSIK9

User Agent:: Opera/9.01 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) [!]

tommie my downloads died 2 weeks ago and sofar haven't figured a way to revive it. Maybe I need to call wildblue? or upgrade to 7000s.

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Thanks, I'll stick w/the 6000, and DWay.  It seems to be fast enough for me.  As for U/L, I don't even test, it's too depressing :(  and it really doesn't matter.

Re: the price, I believe it's about the same, maybe $10 more a month for the pro plan?  (I have the "home" plan)

Also, I like you're logic regarding people switching to WildBlue...more for us!

Here are my D/L stats for this morning EDT. 

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 1394 Kbps about 1.39 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 170 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/09/25 - 6:55am

Bottom Line:: 24X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 6.02 sec

Tested from a 2992 kB file and took 17.578 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 34.3 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-IPF1EDRK9

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) [!]

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Damned nice speeds there StephyJ, more than most folks on here. You must not run much in the background like some. The only thing I have running is my AV and Microsoft Defeder. I get great speeds also.

Go Wild Blue ! :thumbsup:

Kinda like watching everybody run to the otherside of the ship.  :haha:

Think I will stay on the high side.  :D

No extra charges.  ;)

And actually performance and speeds can also be worse than dway.(hughes.net)  :)

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Ive noticed in alot of yalls post, yall talk about the DW4000 having higher speeds then the DW6000. I always thought this hole time the higher they went in numbers (like going from 4000-6000) That the speed was faster that way.

What made the DW4000 unlocked? Or was it made before it got so many customers?



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Jennifer.........welcome to the forum....and the 4000 is faster because the software for it resides in the computer that it's hooked to.....whereas the 6000 has it embedded in the modem and it's controlled by Dway/ hughs....it's downloaded by them at will.....anytime they please.....hope that helps.. :D

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