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Hello dialup

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Most already know I got rid of satellite, and now on dialup.

Verizon has put in a 2nd phone line, and was cheap, its dedicated for dialup, image is what I am only capable of with analog phone lines, thats what the Verizon guy told me when adding 2nd line.

Stupid old phone lines, but browsing is not too bad.

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:(  So your speeds are faster now on dial than you got from Sat.?  I'm sorry but if I had to use dial after having my connection I...I...I don't think I could deal with it....I'd have 2start drinking or somethin....You have no other options?

8) Microwave

:haha: :haha: It was funny, but then the online stuttering was great. :haha:

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Satellite was fast(had no problems with speed), we had our roof done and dish had to come down in the process, decided to leave it down and save money, was paying $99 a month for the service, will be getting another satellite service when or if available.

No other options, DSL, IDSL, ISDN wont work over an analog phone line, too far from cable, 15 miles or so, too mountainous and forested for wireless.

So satellite and dialup only 2 choices out here.

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Do they have ISDN here in America?

I though that was like Europes broadband ;):haha:

(Except Sweden)

Not saying that Europe is slow,theyre catching up,but I think I would have satellite than ISDN or none :)

yea i know one girl i used to play Outlaws with, she had ISDN 128k in Philaldelphia, but that was a few years ago.

ISDN has been very popular here, 10 years ago, it still is popular in unurban areas where they dont have adsl.

I think adsl is the most common broadband in Europe

sorry this went off topic

VanBuren :)

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yea i know one girl i used to play Outlaws with, she had ISDN 128k in Philaldelphia, but that was a few years ago.

ISDN has been very popular here, 10 years ago, it still is popular in unurban areas where they dont have adsl.

I think adsl is the most common broadband in Europe

sorry this went off topic

VanBuren :)

Yea everyone I know from Winmx has ISDN in Europe.

And I apologize too for going off-topic

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:) ISDN technology is still used in USA, a way to look at ISDN is that it is a speed 128(digital),you would be surprised how much this technology is used in many things ....for instance phone systems......its not the newest technology but its still in widespread use. There are still many company's that use it over a phone line because thats all thats available  :)

8) Microwave

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