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I think the best way to get WPM up is using IM. I took typing classes in school, and I used to type up reports on top of reports (esp. @ Uni)...but I still think that typin away on MSN and ICQ and AIM was what made me a quick typer. I can score upwards of 100 WMP on typing tests. But then again, I'm on the computer all day at work... :roll:

Also, proper typing technique (position, etc.) is important, not only to build speed because it's efficient, but also to protect your wrists. No carpal tunnel.  A good keyboard helps too.

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That is as close to a unanimous vote as you will ever get here. I would go for it. I cut my teeth on that one myself.


Circuity City $9.99 or $19.99 choice.

c=1&context=&keyword=Mavis+Beacon Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing +Teaches+Typing+&searchSection=All&go.x=22&go.y=7

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