whiteolorin Posted January 9, 2005 CID Share Posted January 9, 2005 I use the DW6000. I was trying to download the Linux operating system. It's over 500 MB which i know will put me over my FAP limit. The problem is when i am downloading something, whenever i get to around 60 MB, my speed will drop from 120KB/s to 2KB/s. I have contacted direcway and all they do is set and tell me about the FAP. I am sure that being subject to the FAP isn't going to cause them to drop my speed that low. This happens any time i try to download a big file. I don't know if it is a problem with my computer or the modem or what. I don't think it's my computer. It's a Dell 8400 that I just got a few weeks ago. This happened on my other computer too. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 9, 2005 CID Share Posted January 9, 2005 Hi whiteolorin, If you have a FAP threshold of (what is it? 167MB for most users?), the FAP will actually start to 'kick in' sometimes LONG before you reach your limit. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15559 Share on other sites More sharing options...
whiteolorin Posted January 9, 2005 Author CID Share Posted January 9, 2005 I had thought of asking someone to mail it to me on a CD but I didn't think anyone would actually be willing to do it. Since you are in Costa Rica i won't ask you to do that. I think my sister has DSL. I'll just ask her. Right now i've just been using a download manager so that I could download parts at a time. I hope something other than Direcway becomes available to me. Even though you did not have the "magic answer", I thank you for your response. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15615 Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 9, 2005 CID Share Posted January 9, 2005 I think you'll find there are more than enough "willing members" here to download that file, split it up into several pieces using a file-splitting program, and then make it available to you in 100meg sizes, or 25meg, or whatever it takes to work smoothly for you. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15617 Share on other sites More sharing options...
RTB Posted January 9, 2005 CID Share Posted January 9, 2005 Just gimme the link and and I'll get it for you. Then you've got a choice between downloading from me (125 KB/s max) or YouSendIt. That FAP thingy is called AUP at Chello. Even tho they don't officially tell what the cap is, it was at 50 GB/month before the upgrade. 50 GB per month isn't that much tho... I could use that much bandwidth in 23 hours. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15620 Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted January 9, 2005 CID Share Posted January 9, 2005 if the download slows down only some time after its begun... try using a dl manager like getright, then when the speed drops, pause the dl, wait a while and resume, hopefully at full impulse power? Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15646 Share on other sites More sharing options...
whiteolorin Posted January 9, 2005 Author CID Share Posted January 9, 2005 I'm using the GetRight download manager. I think i'll just try downloading a little bit at a time. I'll eventually get it. I emailed direcway again and told them in the email that I didn't want them to mention the FAP at all. When i got a response, the FAP was all they talked about. What would normally take me a little over an hour is taking days because of direcway's stupid fair access policy. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15711 Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 9, 2005 CID Share Posted January 9, 2005 Super whiteolorin! Again, I'm sorry that I couldn't pull in that file for you, but at least the "magic answer" found it's way to you, and that's what this forum is all about. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15725 Share on other sites More sharing options...
RTB Posted January 10, 2005 CID Share Posted January 10, 2005 *Hats off to RTB (The Troll Guy) for his kind offer to download the file for you when I fell through the floor. Give that man a medal! (No medals here, so I gave him a click on the ole Applause Button)! Yeah.... Pity I couldn't actually provide him the file. Chello did lower the maximum use to 40 GB, and my dad got a warning email. He then forced me to say I won't download anything anymore for the sake of my sister's wrath. He's a moron with computers. We used 30 GB so far, and the irony is that this 'agreement ' has one flaw: I can still upload enough to cap us out. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15768 Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 10, 2005 CID Share Posted January 10, 2005 Hmm ..oh well, at least you can say you gave it your best shot right? (If nothing else you got ONE CLICK on your Applause 'button')! lol.... Hey, that's hilarious that you are hogtied from downloading anything yet nothing was mentioned about uploading. lol... However, isn't it wild how the greater majority of users just have NO CLUE about such things yet they always seem to be the ones in charge of the danged things? Like, how the hey are you going to be able to use ANYTHING to it's utmost unless you learn everything about it that you possibly can? At least he's getting the file, although it is the long road to have to take in order to get it. (I have a passionate hatred for DirecWay's FAP BS). It has prevented my helping even myself! So, at the best it's stupid. Say, thanks for the reply! I thought I was all alone in here tonight! Cheers! Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15771 Share on other sites More sharing options...
RTB Posted January 10, 2005 CID Share Posted January 10, 2005 Hmm ..oh well, at least you can say you gave it your best shot right? (If nothing else you got ONE CLICK on your Applause 'button')! lol.... Hey, that's hilarious that you are hogtied from downloading anything yet nothing was mentioned about uploading. lol... However, isn't it wild how the greater majority of users just have NO CLUE about such things yet they always seem to be the ones in charge of the danged things? Like, how the hey are you going to be able to use ANYTHING to it's utmost unless you learn everything about it that you possibly can? I'm amazed that some people are able to use a computer without crashing it every few minutes. Another example would be that my sister almost demanded a P4 3 Ghz, etc, etc etc for browsing and other really minor stuff. but when I tried to explain to her that such tasks need no more than a P2 she went beserk. At least he's getting the file, although it is the long road to have to take in order to get it. (I have a passionate hatred for DirecWay's FAP BS). It has prevented my helping even myself! So, at the best it's stupid. New calcs: It takes 18 hours to use up the full 40 GB with this connection. Something really does not add up here, and even worse, my dad first thought we had a cap of 1.5 GB, which is reached in 42 minutes with the pipe fully used. Say, thanks for the reply! I thought I was all alone in here tonight! I believe it was my last post on any forum yesterday, after that I was watching Naruto epps. Downloading 50 epps of that anime was 16 GB bandwidth used already. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15829 Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 10, 2005 CID Share Posted January 10, 2005 In your calculations, did you remember to add in the amount of "refill" you get each hour for 'non-usage' (except when you haven't used anything ...then DWay gives you nothing ...of course)! Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15880 Share on other sites More sharing options...
RTB Posted January 10, 2005 CID Share Posted January 10, 2005 It does not work that way here. The maximum is simply 40 GB per month, go over it, and you get capped at 64/64, even though Chello also claims it would be set to dial-up. I would test it, if it wasn't for the others that wouldn't like me to fill it up. Why would your sister think that a P4 running at 3.0GHz would increase her surfing speed? It would only increase her system speed limited by the motherboard and amount of memory (just to name the largest speed factors at play). Besides, since when does one need a dual-threaded CPU to surf? lol... She has no idea of internet speed, or what is needed to be able to do what she needs for school projects. She currently uses my ex-computer, which is a P3 1 Ghz, 512 MB ram (it was 384 originally), Geforce 5700 (or something cheap like that), and decent Gigabyte motherboard. I doubt she is happy with it. Sigh. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15882 Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 10, 2005 CID Share Posted January 10, 2005 Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15886 Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted January 10, 2005 CID Share Posted January 10, 2005 when i saw you say memmaker i immediately thought of the ram-doubler software that compresses the ram like speeddisk does. mwahahaha. forget the name though, also back in the day when ram was more precious than gold... Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15888 Share on other sites More sharing options...
RTB Posted January 11, 2005 CID Share Posted January 11, 2005 I remember the time when I would have killed to get my hands on a computer like she's presently using! Ha! You could speed her up using some of the older "helper" programs though ....like "mem-maker" ....remember that one? I've still got a copy of the 4.1 version if you'd like it. It takes your memory and maximises the efficiency of it ...and it certainly will make any older computer much more "stable" and a bit faster ...simply by reorganising the way the system uses the memory. (It's designed to work with RAM ...NOT DDR)! She has forbidden me to enter her room, and I'm not interested in speeding her computer up. She doesn't deserve it. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15984 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MICROWAVE Posted January 11, 2005 CID Share Posted January 11, 2005 Ahhhhh siblings.....it brings back such fond memories for me................wait no it doesn't I hated my brothers they were older and got to do everything I wanted to do and couldnt.... LOL Microwave Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15986 Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 11, 2005 CID Share Posted January 11, 2005 Then what more could you ask for? That is beautiful for your sake! lol I'm blessed in that I have no siblings ....even if I did I would disown them in the same manner that the Quakers used to in the mid-1800's. Back then, in New England, they had decrees drawn up at their local churches which allowed them to legally "disown" their siblings, assuming they had a good reason. ("Can't stand them" was a good reason). heheh... Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-15988 Share on other sites More sharing options...
whiteolorin Posted January 13, 2005 Author CID Share Posted January 13, 2005 seems like this topic took quite a shift. went from download help to talking about old computers and siblings. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-16478 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted January 13, 2005 CID Share Posted January 13, 2005 If you look at posts here by the time they reach the second page they have generally taking a right then left then two right hand turns in terms of topic. :haha: Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-16481 Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted January 13, 2005 CID Share Posted January 13, 2005 God must love crazy people. He made so many! LOL... (and we like to keep it interesting and diversified too)! Seems that most all Posts will eventually veer off in one direction or another, but instead of moving them into a new topic ...I find it more fun to leave them "as is" ...for unexpected surprises to the reader and to preserve the "human aspect" ...but of course! lol.... (I am the worst offender)!!! "The Rev" Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/1354-i-need-some-help-with-a-download-problem/#findComment-16669 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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