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[HELP] Need some Knowledge

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I know this has prolly been asked before, and alot too but i dont feel like searching around for hours for the anwser so hopefully someone will be able to help.

Heres the story.  My grandmother has this F#@&ing habbit of deleting ...err.. "cleaning"  S#!t off the computer she doesnt reconize. Well this is her puter but i have a folder in my documents with all my S#!t in it that i use ona  daily basis, just for my personal use, ya know ?

Well this folder has over 300 files and pics and whatnot in it that i realy cannot afford to lose with her bs " cleaning".

So my question is  is their a program that will password protect or even " lock " the folder so she cannot remove it ?  Hell, if she couldnt access it would be all the better.

Thanks guys.

~ Nick

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right click folder and in Properties > Attributes > [check] Hidden

and make sure in Folder Options  ~  Hidden files arn't shown.

Grandma won't see it and you can just go back to Folder Options

and set it to view hidden file when you need to . .

remember to set it back when your done.

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Hiding the folder would prohibit sharing them on p2p programs and id realy like to avoid that if possible.

Im not trying to hide the folder.. i just want it passworded or ' locked ' so she cannot fuck with it. Im not trying to store porn or something. :lol:

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If you are running xp on the machine you can encrypt the folder so she cannot access it.  From what I understand, even an administrator cannot access it.

Here is how to do it:


Hope this helps!

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