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Just got this message from a person on my aim buddy list

(don't click the below link)

they're talking about us on myspace

[ link ]

I was dumb enough to click the link because it was from a trusted friend. Apparently it sends that link to everyone on your buddy list, besides that I'm not if does any damage. Luckily Kaspersky seems to have caught it right away.

Has anybody else seen or heard of this?

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Hmm yea I just clicked that link and it seems clean of viruses. I know I clicked the link at it downloaded a file from some ip, starting with like 202. Maybe at that time I was directly connected. Let me go check the logs.

Got it. The link being spammed turns out to show up as

[ link]

but it actually links to the following which you should not click http://209.0*.24*.16*/public/profile.myspace.com.

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This is what comes up with that ip:

OrgName:    VPLS Inc.

OrgID:      VPLSI

Address:    c/o ACS Government Solutions

Address:    1400 S. Grand

City:      Santa Ana

StateProv:  CA

PostalCode: 92705

Country:    US

Krypt Technologies

Doesn't sound farmiliar to me.

VPLS Inc. is a hosting company http://www.vpls.net/. And it looks like Krypt Technologies is a division of it.

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i dont know of the specific name but i just call it the aim virus. what happens is a buddy of yours will send you a link saying check out these pics or something like that. when you click the link you get the virus then it sends the same link to all your buddies and is a vicious cycle. happened to me once but i quickly got the fix for it.

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