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I've never been up for more than 2 days straight, but I want to see how long I can stay up. A friend bet me I couldn't stay up 5 days, so I wanna try and see if I indeed can go for 5 days. (Thats what summers for)

How long have you been up? Any stories? I hear it gets pretty crazy after awhile, like some people start hearing things that aren't there.

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richcornucopia, somebodies bored! I stayed up 3 days straight one time only on coffee.  :coffee: Slept like 14 hours nonstop after I got to my destination.

The other time I accidently took some acid the wrong way. 4 days on that one. Fine, I was a newbie. I assume you are young, so 5 days are not impossible, but it will take you a few days to recouperate after it. I hope the $$ is considerable enough?

How much $$ and how old are you?

Number 1 the boredom will bore you badly. Second go buy some Vivran if you can still get them. They will work better! Second the extra days will not even be worth it.

I think I've heard of Vivarin, is that like nodoz and stay awake? The energy drink I'm talking about is called ripit and it's got 200mg of caffeine per can.

The nodoz and vivran will not give you as bad effects as coffee will. I am not sure about the energy drink. I used to get about 1 hour sleep every night while I was in tech school during military. About 2 months straight. Out partying. I did pretty well til I slept through a very hot date one time. I woke up at 6 Am and was pissed.

i've stayed up for 3 days when i had dialup ....guess why  :haha: ....thats when i was getting  some dvd quality movies transfered to me from a friend....i usually don't stay up for over 1 day that much so after about the second day for help staying awake i pulled the coffee maker from the kitchen and put it on my pc desk and drank that and lots of coke and dr. pepper  :lol:

i would go the nodoz route, drink alot of coffee and you will have some nasty looking teeth :)

i agree go with the nodoz and vivran  ;)

The coffee will make you feel like crap, piss alot, and so forth.

The caffeine pills will not bother you near as much.

And find something very entertaining. The forum will help some. And I mean really entertaining. It has got to keep your attention. Who and how will they know if you make it?

the trick is always have coffee ready ( i drink espresso ) and never get bored or you will get tired but if you keep busy you will forget about it everytime.  i am 26 now and stay up 2 days at most now cause of work but when i was younger i never slept much at all.  i still hate it even if i am sooo tired i just don't want to sleep cause it feels like a waste of time.  :-|

Try creating something intriguing. I am not sure what, but something like a prodgect that will keep your mind busy. You can waste an hour easily. Try getting something that you can count down how close you are getting. Like coins or something. One item for each hour needed. Eliminate one for each hour gone. The first twp days are  easy.

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