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Okay after you guys are done laufghing at me can you tell me how to tell what kind of ram i have? :D I have 512 at this moment but i want to get upto 1000 :)

;) Nah we dont laugh at people for not knowing something about a computer ......RAM(Random Access Memory) comes in blocks of 256, or 512 and so on......so 256,plus 256 plus 256plus 256 equals 1024

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i guess you are looking for what type of ram you have. well, my divining skills are off today, so we have to do it the hard way. is your comp from one of the big vendors? dell, gateway etc? if so, post the model here, and i can take a look at their site to see what it says, or you can try and take a look at your bios, some list at least the type, if not the organization, meaning number of slots used, etc.

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bigw, go to this site http://www.everest.com and download the program called "everest home edition". After downloading, look to the menu links on the left of the screen. Click on +computer and expand the selections, then click on "overclock". After the overclock screen appears, arror down to SPD memory modules to see the who, what, how, and whys of your current memory in your OS. Also, as you'll see once you get into the site, there is absolutely nothing that you can't find out about your system.

Then, when you get ready to order new upgrade to your ram, go to either http://www.crucial.com or http://www.4allmemory.com,and scan your system with either or both. Both will tell you exactly what and everything you need to know about upgrading memory.

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bigw, the idea was to get your computer scanned to see what you need to look for, not to necessarily buy from those sites. Did you use the "4allmemory" site for a scan? If necessary, go to one of the price comparison sites to get the best prices and service. Be sure and read the feedback from customers at each site you consider. One site that comes to mind to help you find the best price is at http://www.nextag.com

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  • 5 weeks later...

periods please...


nuff said.

if you want memory, go to www.newegg.com / www.zipzoomfly.com

They have the BEST prices on memory.  To start off, if you don't overclock, grab the 512mb corsair valu-select.  I have two in my comp and it works flawlessly.  Hell, for $67 bux each, you'd be happy too.  If you want more power, go corsair, kingston, crucial, or possibly geil (not too sure about them).  Another good site is www.pricegrabber.com to find the cheapest price anywhere, as well as the best stores to shop at.

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