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Hi I have been given a Epson Perfection 1650 scanner , never used ,

I am using Win Xp and after installing the twain driver it works well in Xp , but I cant use the scan to printer option button without Epson's Smart Panel apli. ,any one got a link to where I can get this software , Noooo please  dont point me to Epson been there done that, what a crap site , loads of mention of smart panel apli, but no clue as to how to get it ,

Roco  UK

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Hi guys thanks for the help, but,  been there and dun that, Epson do not own the Epson Smart Panel  :shock:, yes, they do the updates only , but from the link I traced the  application to NEWSOFT in Germany , yes they will sell me the apli. for $11.00  :cry:

as a download only ,all this hassle for a free scanner , just so I can use the copy button,

I have never had this sort of problems with lost disks before ,with Umax, canon, agfa, etc

so what started with good intentions to match my scanner and printer (Epson )  is beginning to fade

also during my search I found many forum posts worldwide hinting the  prog. was crap, and needed a uninstall apli to get it off again ,  :evil:

So thanks , I think I will carry on useing my Canon Lide scanner , at least the aplications for it was free to download , 

Epson  :biggun:

Rregards Roco  UK

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Hi guys, its me again , LOL , just found a freebie on Nonags .com ,

iCarbon , for scanning (copy)direct to printer, easy set up and to use,and doe's just what I needed , works on all scanner/printers , it picked up on scanner drivers , that have been installed on my puter. and printers ,

easy to select correct ones ,and save settings , 

so who is a happy bunnie then ? :D :D :D

thanks for the responce anyway , much appreciated  :icon_thumright:

    Roco  UK


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