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I went to a chilli cookoff 1/8/2005 in Amarillo.Tx .I tasted about a 100 different chillis.Some excellent,some good & some I wouldn't feed to my dog.This doesn't have much to do with computers  so here is some tech advice: don't spill chilli on your computer unless you have a good firewall. ;) Any other chilli lovers at testmy.net?                  Cholla

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hi .s1 I guess it makes a difference if you are weaned on chill like they do in Texas.To me they all taste different but some beer or water in between samples helps .This is a 100 small samples not bowls .So most who come to the cookoff can have some. Cholla

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Say cholla,

You wouldn't happen to be talking about the Dalhart Texas Chili Cookoff would you?  I went there with my rattlesnake chili for 10 years in a row before it became impossible to get there!  I love chili ...and some of the stuff there that the Cajuns were making was HOT!  O  M  G!!! IT WAS HOT!!


The Reverend  :)

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hi Reverend: no this one is in Amarillo,Tx it has been for several years .it is usuall one of the first two weekends in January depending on how they fall.It is put on for Make A Wish usually sponsered by Coors & Bud.My receipe for steak chilli will nearly melt the pot.Has 7 to 10 different chilli peppers of various heat range in it . These dried peppers might be hard to find outside the south west.Have you tried Morton's chilli blend chilli powder its one of the best .with it almost anyone could make pretty good chilli  mild enough for most people.If not they shouldn't be eating chilli anyway. Cholla

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B^d mmm i love chili. we have one chili festival a year over here and u know what? its never spicy enough, never has enough meat, and it rained this year right when i got there... sigh... nothing worse that chili with no meat thats watered down by rainwater...

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first off, i cheat in my recipe. i use these packs of seasoned italian pork sausage from costco, all you need to do is strip em from their skin, bingo preseasoned ground meat, and they come in two flavors, mild and hot, so that's a good way to grade the result from the start. the mild ones btw are also great to start a spaghetti sauce. hehe.

and if i'm feeling wimpy, i add liberal doses of sour creme to the bowl, in addition tto the half quart or so of half and half that is in the pot anyhow, for flavor and color. gives it that nice coppery touch, and fat is a great taste carrier.

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hi  resopalrabotnick : I'm sure we all have our quick recipes for when you don't have time for the long version.Try chorizzo sausages if you can get them.But I'm with you in putting the Itallian sausages in the spaghetti sauce. :cool: Cholla

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heh rasopalrabotnick: I understand the need for speed when you can't spend 8 hours mine usually takes 3 to 4 hours to get yhe right thickness.But when you are in a hurry the sausage works .that is why I suggested the chorizzo sausage takes the same amount of time as the Itallian but already has the Mexican spices.

hi microwave:I agree even just meat & beans are good .As the commercial goes"How long has it been since you had a bowl of Wolf brand chilli .Well thats too long"


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