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Post your speed and how much you pay monthly

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Thanx for your answer to my post, sorry you didn't realize an increase in speed.  

I just rechecked my speeds and it's Download :: 63.9 Mbps 8 MB/s   Upload :: 5.7 Mbps 713 kB/s so I stand corrected claiming 66.9/5.6 consistently.


You're definitely right when you said speed & pricing varying by location, and it sounds like you are pretty rural (not all bad living in beautiful VT).

I'm beginning to think that the few companies that offer internet plans are all a little bit shady and will do or promise almost anything for our dollars.

The biggest by far . . . being Comcast!!!


19 hours ago, LionBill said:

Thanx for your answer to my post, sorry you didn't realize an increase in speed.  

I just rechecked my speeds and it's Download :: 63.9 Mbps 8 MB/s   Upload :: 5.7 Mbps 713 kB/s so I stand corrected claiming 66.9/5.6 consistently.


You're definitely right when you said speed & pricing varying by location, and it sounds like you are pretty rural (not all bad living in beautiful VT).

I'm beginning to think that the few companies that offer internet plans are all a little bit shady and will do or promise almost anything for our dollars.

The biggest by far . . . being Comcast!!!


I moved here eight years ago from CT.  At the time, the only option besides dial-up was a very expensive, not so great satellite.  People would often ask me if I missed CT, to which I would reply that the only thing I missed was my internet.  Everything comes with a trade-off.


I have read a lot of bad reviews about Comcast, so I think for now I will stick with what I have until something better comes along.  Videos can be choppy, as they sometimes try to play faster than they can download, but otherwise it is mostly adequate for what I need.

  • 3 weeks later...

:::.. Internet Speed Test Result Details ..:::
Download Connection Speed:: 51644 kbps or 51.6 Mbps 
Download Speed Test Size:: 159.3 MB or 163072 kB or 166985728 bytes
Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 6456 kB/s or 6.5 MB/s
Upload Connection Speed:: 2970 kbps or 3 Mbps 
Upload Speed Test Size:: 3.8 MB or 3872 kB or 3964928 bytes
Upload Binary File Transfer Speed:: 371 kB/s
Timed:: Download: 25.867 seconds | Upload: 10.679 seconds
Tested At:: https://TestMy.net
Test Time:: 2017-12-24 10:18:02 Local Time
Client Location:: Northampton, GB GB https://testmy.net/city/northampton_gb
Target:: London, GB https://uk.testmy.net
Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/gtGDwP9YI.N9CnbwkG1


Phuket, Thailand - $18.00/mo ADSL


:::.. Download Speed Test Result Details ..:::
Download Connection Speed:: 10481 kbps or 10.5 Mbps 
Download Speed Test Size:: 9.3 MB or 9511 kB or 9739200 bytes
Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 1310 kB/s or 1.3 MB/s
Tested At:: https://TestMy.net
Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/~ET_b0-Y1

Client Host:: 3BB Broadband https://testmy.net/hoststats/3bb_broadband
Compare:: 7% faster than client avg, 13% faster than host avg, 127% faster than city avg, 44% faster than country avg, 35% slower than world index 
1MB Download in 0.78 Seconds - 1GB Download in ~13 Minutes - 187X faster than 56K
This test of exactly 9511 kB took 7.436 seconds to complete
User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_2) AppleWebKit/604.4.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0.2 Safari/604.4.7 [!]

  • 2 weeks later...

   £29.99pm  :::.. Internet Speed Test Result Details ..:::
Download Connection Speed:: 74373 kbps or 74.4 Mbps 
Download Speed Test Size:: 60.6 MB or 62080 kB or 63569920 bytes
Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 9297 kB/s or 9.3 MB/s
Upload Connection Speed:: 16866 kbps or 16.9 Mbps 
Upload Speed Test Size:: 11.6 MB or 11840 kB or 12124160 bytes
Upload Binary File Transfer Speed:: 2108 kB/s or 2.1 MB/s
Timed:: Download: 6.838 seconds | Upload: 5.751 seconds
Tested At:: https://TestMy.net
Test Time:: 2018-01-04 04:10:43 Local Time
Client Location:: 
Target:: London, GB https://testmy.net/multithread
Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/gJD67iT3b.yYetGgbZD
TiP Measurement Summary (Download):: Min 68.96 Mbps | Middle Avg 74.16 Mbps | Max 80.52 Mbps | 15% Variance
TiP Data Points:: 76.9 Mbps, 74.18 Mbps, 74.54 Mbps, 73.58 Mbps, 74.3 Mbps, 68.96 Mbps, 73.82 Mbps, 80.52 Mbps, 74.3 Mbps, 73.7 Mbps, 74.06 Mbps, 74.66 Mbps, 73.58 Mbps, 74.18 Mbps, 74.66 Mbps, 73.94 Mbps, 73.7 Mbps, 74.06 Mbps, 74.66 Mbps
Client Stats:: https://testmy.net/quickstats/Zulublue https://testmy.net/compID/23222654895526
User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 11_2_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.4.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15C153 Safari/604.1 [!]

I have hughes satellite gen5 new installation about 6 months ago, paying 69.99 a month, VERY rural:


Fri Jan 12 2018 @ 4:14:10 am US12 MB862 kbps 108 kB/s61846841655Hughes Network nMpJGrc1Lshare

Fri Jan 12 2018 @ 4:11:49 am US12 MB871 kbps 109 kB/s61846841655Hughes Network Tv3gxYwfkshare

Fri Jan 12 2018 @ 4:08:43 am US12 MB923 kbps 115 kB/s61846841655Hughes Network Dmi3dXbU2share

Fri Jan 12 2018 @ 3:51:42 am US12 MB814 kbps 102 kB/s618468393381Hughes Network ECoaA8gc9share

Fri Jan 12 2018 @ 3:49:22 am US6 MB1.52 Mbps 190 kB/s618468393381Hughes Network 70FmyAVkZshare

Fri Jan 12 2018 @ 3:47:52 am US12 MB1.32 Mbps 165 kB/s618468393381Hughes Network 480j5yUxJshare

Fri Jan 12 2018 @ 3:45:22 am US12 MB1.95 Mbps 244 kB/s618468393381Hughes Network h41IUKGHTshare

Fri Jan 12 2018 @ 3:43:46 am US12 MB830 kbps 104 kB/s618468393381Hughes Network 4dL9b03SZshare

Fri Jan 12 2018 @ 3:39:52 am US12 MB894 kbps 112 kB/s618468393381Hughes Network FCW2cu3Jhshare

Fri Jan 12 2018 @ 3:36:50 am US12 MB687 kbps 86 kB/s618468393381Hughes Network JALe7cSYdshare

Fri Jan 12 2018 @ 3:21:00 am US12 MB543 kbps 68 kB/s61846844315Hughes Network Yg20bxD3Qshare


speed is usually better, just recently around this time of night (~04:22 UTC) it looks like this.



8 minutes ago, NTD said:

I am a novice.  Not a novice to poor treatment by ISP's.

I pay for 50 mbps.  The price is around $40.  Occasionally I get 14mbps, but usually I get 10 and under.

Is that anywhere near the speed I should get ?

If your ISP is advertising 50 mbps, you should get at least that speed in today's arena. Back when we were using dial up and older cable systems, speeds were not a guarantee but that was back in the late 1990's and early 2000 years.  Now, with newer cable/fiber networks, fiber only and better technology in modems, channel bonding and other improvements, most ISP's should be able to provide the speeds the user subscribe to.  

You need to post your test results and inform us which ISP you have.  Also, it makes a difference if you are testing your speed with a cell phone, laptop or desktop computer.  Not all laptops and cell phones can reach the maximum connection speed like a desktop computer will.  If you only get 20% of your advertised speed, you have an issue with your ISP and/or equipment.  The best solution for remedy is to get the ISP technician out to your location as they are the ones who get things fixed and cut through all the scripts the 800 # folks are told to use depending on what words you use when asking for support.  Sometimes, you have to make up something to tell them to get the technician out there otherwise you will get no place. Use some logic if going with that idea such as, "I see a chewed cable/wire going to the house" or similar but as long as you suggest something to them that is on their side of the modem or they will tell you it's your problem. Sometimes it is your problem so find someone if you don't have the know how to check your connections.  BTW, when testing you must always use a wired connection to be fair to the results.  Wireless is not consistent and not a great tool for testing.


Here are more speeds typical for my hughes satellite gen5 new installation about 6 months ago, paying 69.99 a month, VERY rural::


Time     Size   Speed ConnectID Provider TID  

Wed Jan 17 2018 @ 7:31:33 pm US70.6 MB31.71 Mbps 3.96 MB/s618468398058Hughes Network 9AScfibW0share

Wed Jan 17 2018 @ 3:42:12 pm US35.5 MB15.21 Mbps 1.9 MB/s618468398058Hughes Network UBNCMd3axshare

Wed Jan 17 2018 @ 3:41:02 pm US12 MB11.46 Mbps 1.43 MB/s618468398058Hughes Network 7WvqOoANfshare

Wed Jan 17 2018 @ 9:01:04 am US36.6 MB19.22 Mbps 2.4 MB/s618468398058Hughes Network UI97E2Qmkshare

Wed Jan 17 2018 @ 1:52:59 am US12 MB1.17 Mbps 146 kB/s618468398058Hughes Network sP2JBoX9Nshare

Wed Jan 17 2018 @ 12:23:43 am US12 MB887 kbps 111 kB/s618468398058Hughes Network q5z6UCZsAshare

Wed Jan 17 2018 @ 12:20:42 am US12 MB957 kbps 120 kB/s618468398058Hughes Network wcMWqT19yshare

Tue Jan 16 2018 @ 10:39:26 pm US12 MB3.97 Mbps 496 kB/s618468398058Hughes Network fXGSMOhgBshare

Tue Jan 16 2018 @ 10:18:20 pm US73.4 MB17.86 Mbps 2.23 MB/s618468398058Hughes Network szxlW1ZVvshare

Tue Jan 16 2018 @ 9:32:14 pm US70.9 MB18.2 Mbps 2.27 MB/s618468398058Hughes Network SslWYqEQzshare

Tue Jan 16 2018 @ 5:38:34 pm US73.4 MB29.9 Mbps 3.74 MB/s61846842022Hughes Network VGDfUem5Ishare

Tue Jan 16 2018 @ 11:52:50 am US70.8 MB36.22 Mbps 4.53 MB/s61846842022Hughes Network vfE08FuC9share

3 hours ago, NTD said:

I am a novice.  Not a novice to poor treatment by ISP's.

I pay for 50 mbps.  The price is around $40.  Occasionally I get 14mbps, but usually I get 10 and under.

Is that anywhere near the speed I should get ?

It looks like you’re averaging about 14 Mbps, and using the Dallas Test server. How far from Dallas are you?

6 hours ago, Pgoodwin1 said:

It looks like you’re averaging about 14 Mbps, and using the Dallas Test server. How far from Dallas are you?

I am in Atlanta. I have had four or five techs out. One had a tester and read 45.  Techs on the phone make adjustments, change channels, and I get 35 to 40.  A day or two later I am back to 14 or lower.  I will check with a line.  But if it is better, I will have to move my laptop tp that room ?

6 hours ago, Pgoodwin1 said:



9 hours ago, NTD said:

I am in Atlanta. I have had four or five techs out. One had a tester and read 45.  Techs on the phone make adjustments, change channels, and I get 35 to 40.  A day or two later I am back to 14 or lower.  I will check with a line.  But if it is better, I will have to move my laptop tp that room ?


Try the Miami Test server and see if you get similar results. And yeah, check with an Ethernet cable.

Here's Miami: 

starstarstarstarstar   down arrow Download :: 73.3 Mbps 9.2 MB/s  up arrow Upload :: 5.8 Mbps 723 kB/s
Speed in Mbps206% faster than The Index 24 Mbps225% faster than the US Average 22.6 Mbps224% faster than My City Average 22.6 Mbps63% faster than My Host Average 45 Mbps2% faster than My Average 71.6 MbpsMy Download Speed 73.3 Mbps05101520253035404550556065707580225% faster than the US Average: 22.6 Mbps
Speed in Mbps31% slower than The Index 8.4 Mbps18% slower than the US Average 7.1 MbpsComparable to My City Average 6.7 Mbps21% slower than My Host Average 7.4 Mbps16% faster than My Average 5 MbpsMy Upload Speed 5.8 Mbps00.511.522.533.544.555.566.577.588.5931% slower than The Index: 8.4 Mbps
Your speed had a 84% middle variance
TiP Summary - Minimum :: 48.28 Mbps | Middle :: 72.89 Mbps | Maximum :: 118.62 Mbps


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