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:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 959 Kbps about 0.96 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB)

Download Speed is:: 117 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 688 Kbps about 0.69 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 84 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/08/12 - 7:53am

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-UR4GE6BWZ

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-7T9XLQKN6

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; FunWebProducts; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) [!]

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All I have to say is that is one fine connection for Hughes.

And I am truly jealous. I did have my go whacky above caps once, it was frickin great, got me in a couple of flames, but it was damned nice while it lasted!

Enjoy.  :D

That U/L is killer.  :thumbsup:

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I would love to download anything with speed that could come close to yours nice speed How can one find which sat one is using. is there not specific sat they are now using for the 7000 that has advantages in latency.

I hope this will improve, I get a bit discouraged with dial up download speed for my downloads

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Well step up to the plate and disproove it Bird Fan. We tried and it seems he is getting them. So I am satisfied until then.

And even if they are burst, I wish I had them.  :laughing7:

And he even tested with the 1496.  :D

Maybe the test isn't as accurate for him??

I seriously doubt he gets that upload when he uploads to somewhere else.. But unfortunately, there's really no way of knowing your speed.

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How can one find which sat one is using. is there not specific sat they are now using for the 7000 that has advantages in latency.

I have no idea on the specific sat for 7000. But to find you sat, I can give you the locator.

Click on system info. Satellite Box on the right.

I believe these are my coordinates.

Longitude: 83 West

Receive Frequency: 1310 MHz

Sorry for the late post.  :D

I am sure Truckinslim would appreciate it Blunted 2. As I know how it feels to get extreme speeds and feel like I did something wrong.  ;)

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System info:

Longitude: 93 West

Receive Frequency: 1433 MHz

I knew this but I see in some reading in and around that some folks know the actual name of there sat this coordinates would be different as to our specific location am I correct?

;Longitude: 93 West 1433 MHz satelite.

e.g.:SatMex5, 1130

I am still getting around 5byte/s download and my pages won't load when I download tried different download managers MS, firefox, emule, and Mozilla. It sometimes starts fast real fast likes 210 then drops quickly to round 60 and then drops down all the way to 5 and stays there.

I checked on another PC to make sure it wasn't my OS I still think the pages are sometimes faster then dial up but download speeds are in fact a bit below 56k and thats bad really slow indeed.

I checked and made sure that I wasn't FAP'd. Why would I be cannot download above dial up speed

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I knew this but I see in some reading in and around that some folks know the actual name of there sat this coordinates would be different as to our specific location am I correct?

;Longitude: 93 West 1433 MHz satelite.

e.g.:SatMex5, 1130

I am still getting around 5byte/s download and my pages won't load when I download tried different download managers MS, firefox, emule, and Mozilla. It sometimes starts fast real fast likes 210 then drops quickly to round 60 and then drops down all the way to 5 and stays there.

I checked on another PC to make sure it wasn't my OS I still think the pages are sometimes faster then dial up but download speeds are in fact a bit below 56k and thats bad really slow indeed.

I checked and made sure that I wasn't  FAP'd. Why would I be cannot download above dial up speed

On the  sat you could actually ask Hughes, or someone on here (ghostmaster or Bird Fan) would probably know. I was actually told by one of them that mine was AMC9. And then I put it in my sig.

On your speeds, I am not sure if I have helped you as of yet.

You are running a clean computer?

"Achieve the Best Performance Out of Your Computer"


You have restarted your modem? Pull second cable out of back of modem and touch the tip for like 10 seconds or more, and replug.

You have downloaded the "Browsing Optimization Utility" in the site? Some say it does not make a dif. but I do it anyway.

What is your signal strentgh? System Status radio button in at the top. It might tell if you need a repoint of your satelite.

You do defrag regularly?

What do you get on speeds at hughes test site?

Have you checked with Hughes yet to make sure you are configured correctly in internet options?

Have you tweaked it yet if all of that is done?


I almost forgot, do you know if you are grounded properly? When they installed I made sure they were grounded to my water line. If your is plastic, you may need to put in one your self. Or make sure it is grounded to the mainbreaker box.

Are there any obstructions, trees etc..?

And above all else, Is the sky clear?

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I almost forgot, do you know if you are grounded properly? When they installed I made sure they were grounded to my water line. If your is plastic, you may need to put in one your self. Or make sure it is grounded to the mainbreaker box.

I was going to mention that. This sounds like a grounding problem..

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Thank you for all your suggestions and I will look at everything you mentioned and double check it.

The installer was a new kid I really think a bit slow and clumsy so maybe I will check the ground in the morning, my signal strength is always around 70 we have a clear view of a brilliant Maine sky. Wheather isn't the trouble I hope the ground is the trouble because it will be nice to see it up there and my system is very clean. Thanks again[

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anyone have the dway non-India support phone number???

There is one And I need to call these guys. This is ridiculous I can not even test the last test said ouch what do you have dial-up and that is slow like I said when it slows it stays slow I power cycled checked the ground clean optimized and went to extreme lengths I should get better even if this was peak hours right? I mean 5 not even dial up. Thanks

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