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With them kind of fluctations you might as well be on satelite.  :lol:

Hurry up and D/L something. ;)

shucks missed my speed slot by 10 min's  :lol:

Hi Cholla , just the one phone line ,for both, the wiring from computer to pole is ok , ladder and torch job  ;)

my local green painted box is about 1/2 mile away , on the main freeway to London Airport , and one of the busiest roads in the UK ,

I think it would a bit difficult to break the lock and delve inside without being noticed  :twisted:

my plans for now are to get back onto my ISP, and put the ball back in their court, I will go back and retest the things that they required , ie, line test at 6am, midday, and evening ,

although the line tests I have done all come back in the 1.7-1.9 Mb range, but internet speed tests are all over the place, I think my speed to the BT hub looks about right for my line lenght and age ,

because even when the slow speeds are with me, a Bt hub test is still around 1.8Mb although after it has left the hub, it belongs to my ISP, I think that is were my main congestion is , most noticible in peak hours,



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OK guys time to bring VOL #1 to a close

can anyone riddle me this, I turn on my computer and adsl connects at 3.1 Mb  , great,  much better than my old 250Kb service, so I do a test to BT (my Telco ) that bypasses my ISP and get  this =

The speed test has completed on test server speedtester1.nat.bt.com for user 02089xxxx and you have downloaded a 1.7Mb file at a speed of

1454 kilo bits per second (Kbps), your service bandwidth will have been quoted to you in kilo bits per second.  :whaa:

and all internet tests agree with this ( sp1a from microsoft , tmn and various UK tests  etc

so why  do I connect at 3.1Mb  but only get 1454 Kbps on all tests ?

the reason for asking is, I am about to go apeshit with my ISP (8Mb service)

and I need to know the relationship with connect speed and actual speed ,

( in the UK we have a split system the ISP and the phone company (BT) who provide the wire , ?

Hi Roco:I can tell you what dial-up does.If I set my modem to detect DTE speed then it will report the fast setting I put for the modem to connect at in my case 115200 bps If I set it to detect DCE then it reports my actual connect speed Which is usually 40000bps to 45333 bps or 40 to 45K.

I can't remember the name but I know you posted a meter like I also use mine is MyVitalAgent that should tell you the speed .So what does it say your DL speed.

At your distance there shouldn't be any loadcoils on your line.In the test I posted for dial-up on the graph each major drop except the first one represents another load coil on my line.These are data killers which slow speed but like I said there shouldn't be any on a DSL loop.In the box even though yours tests well you need to be on a loop with no load coils.If I understand it correctly this is one of the reasons DSL needs the right kind of telephones or filters.On a dial-up line the load coils are for voice quality.

This is why I suggested finding a BT repairman working on the box so you could have him make sure you are on this type of pair.

  • 10 months later...

LOL my speed finally settled at 1.9 Mbps  :evil2:

the original high speeds was due to line adaptive rates ? (best reliable speed obtainable ) on my phone line ,

this was the same speed as I obtained from a BT engineer line test ,so came as no great suprise ,

now moving on to 2007 , ADSL+2 is rolling out in the UK , my Exchange is now ready , but my ISP -Pipex has been taken over by Tiscali .com rated 49 th out of 50 for reliability and service :evil2:, my contract (1 year is up ) so I can move on free of charge ,

so is it that easy ?, my email addresses will change, I use one for business so that could be a loss of income , folks have know me as Trader-xxxx for 5 years ,for me reliability, cost , and finally way back in the priorities speed , are the important factors , + I use a laptop on 56K dial up for my Biz account , as I can plug it in any phone jack and get my mail ,  :undecided:

the UK's big problem is the past it's sell by phone line system , my phone line is 60+ years old , and the exchange is 3 miles away so using ADSL is never going to be fast for me , and the same for a lot of other UK folk ,

the bad thing is the advertising of 8Mb service is in the small print " up to 8Mb  "

if any UK member needs to learn more ,have a look on http://www.dslzoneuk.net/ 

it explains more about our "unique adsl  system "  :sad:,

BT=British Telecommunications  who own all the phone line systems in the UK , so for ADSL no mater who your ISP is,  they rent the line from BT ,

  • 2 months later...

Well , a year on , and I am still stuck on 1.9Mbps  down 320 Kbps up , :evil2:,

the UK average has now risen to 4Mbps down ,

I am still with my ISP Pip ex , on the 8Mb plan :evil6:

Pip ex has been taken over by Tiscali  :evil2:, and my speeds are dropping down to 1.4 Mbps ,

so in the new year I will be moving on , the only reason I have stayed is for my e-mail address as I use it for business ,I get a lot of work that way ,

lol where has the year and one month gone ? I guess time goes quick when your having fun , and TMN forum has been fun for me , thanks for that Guys ,

I have been here nearly 2 years ,  :grin2: some G/F's haven't lasted that Long :evil6:

Regards all

Roco ....UK

Aw heck, what good are G'F's anyway, except to keep a wallet drained. With that in mind one might as well keep variety out of it anyway,

And 1.9 is a respectable speed for a modern ISP. I still wish I could reach those speeds.  :wink2:

British broadband "among slowest in Europe" 10:31AM, Monday 1st October 2007

The UK has one of the slowest average broadband speeds in Europe, according to a new report.

The study shows that Britain has an average connection speed of 2.6Mb/sec, placing it below countries such as Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Holland.

In fact the UK comes in a miserable ninth in the table of 16 European countries studied by the Information Technology Innovation Foundation (ITIF).

Finland came out top in the ITIF study, with an average connection speed of 21.7Mb/sec -  :shocked: over eight times the UK's average speed.


my test results at 18.18 GMT

:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 483 Kbps about 0.48 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)

Download Speed is:: 59 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 188 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 23 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main)

Test Time:: 2007/11/29 - 11:03am

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-765ZQVNTA

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YQ1UPS5CA

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Maxthon) [!]


DSL.zone UK test ,

29 Nov 2007, 18:05 Pipex 8128.plan  :lol:

1913 Kbps   down


both test taken just mins.apart ,

I have been getting slow speeds across the pond for some time now ,


:twisted:  nice speed Fiber O , :twisted:

I just installed sky adsl for a friend , only the 2Mb service , but it runs well , and came free with her Telly vicious contract ,

and their help line was good , LOL her phone line went through the company switchboard , , yeah I did ask b4 she started did she have her own phone line ,

after the second router arrived I figured out the problem  :2funny:,

I shall be of to "Be There" in January ,  as the speed ain't that inportant , but I have a download cap with Pipex (2Gb a month ) and I am getting close to that some months  :shocked:........... :smiley:

Oh! Be* are amazing, We was with them from the launch all the way till the launch of Sky Broadband.

This is what we constantly got wiv Be - http://i12.tinypic.com/6z9q23a.jpg

Roco, What are your Pipex stats, Including SNR and Attenuation..?

Oh! Be* are amazing, We was with them from the launch all the way till the launch of Sky Broadband.

This is what we constantly got wiv Be - http://i12.tinypic.com/6z9q23a.jpg

Roco, What are your Pipex stats, Including SNR and Attenuation..?

Hi Fiber O , I am using a PCI card dsl modem , I will come back shortly on that ,

OK , all I can get from the modem card is

noise margin UP +22.0dB    DOWN 15.1 dB

attenuation    UP +31.0 dB    Down +45.9 dB

I am sync, at 3 Mbps  ,

your test on Be looks good , are they in london ? ,

they are talking about 4-5 Mbps for my line , and  that would be OK for me ,

You really should be able to get about 5Mb minimum on Be with an attenuation of 45.9db. Based on your Noise Margins, They have deffo been set on purpose to 15.1db to keep the line stable, I take it you have a poor line or have some internal wiring issues?

But the BT system is so complex the tweaking and everything would be hard to explain over a forum..

No, My BE* tests arent from London. Both (Sky and Be) are from Redditch, Worcs.

thanks Fiber O  on that , all the line wiring from the pole is new , internal I did myself , computeris hard wired in without wire 3 the ring line ,

my speeds are dropping since Tiscali  :evil2: took over Pipex , especialy at peak times ,

I have followed all the guides over on DSLzone UK ,  but I had found them all by trial and error way back in time ,

yes , Be is talking 4-5 Mbps ,  the down side is I am about 3 miles from the exchange ,which ain't helping any  , still if I get 4 Mb with Be , I will be happy enough ,

so longs at it keeps going I shall wait till after Christmas , b4 changing ,

I am looking at their light user package adsl 8,  as adsl+2 would be wasted on my line lenght , 

My Be works just fine

the process was really easy to go through and i haven't had any major problem

sometimes i had some down time or my modem reboots randomly

5 months now and number os disconnects or blips has been like 3 or 5

definitely recommend them

My Be works just fine

the process was really easy to go through and i haven't had any major problem

sometimes i had some down time or my modem reboots randomly

5 months now and number os disconnects or blips has been like 3 or 5

definitely recommend them

Downtime ?? , well the only thing in Pipex's defence , never had downtime in 2 years , and that would bother me more than low speed ,  still another month or so to make up my mind on that ,

thanks Just for your imput ,

To Be*s defence, We had then from the initial launch in August 2005 and have had them uptil ~September 2006, Only had a couple of downtimes, Both about an hour long, That was only down to exchange upgrades which we were notified of previously.

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