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Forum change??

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Guest helloimtim

I am sure this has been asked countless times. Sorry. But why cant a few new options be added to this area. Like help with the net. Help with xp. Make it not only a speed forum but as well a tec forum. Have the best of both worlds!! Im sure

by reading some of the posts there would be allot of good people to help. Somebody feel free to smack me upside the

head if this has been asked countless times

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That new server will be coming online within the hour.  RIght now it is 11:44 EST (USA).  Should have it up and running smoothly for CA3LE in about 60 more minutes or less.  We are working out some bugs plus I added some "nice to have" features that everyone can benefit from.  Sit tight!  I'll post when we are UP and then we'll celebrate the GROWTH of TestMy.net.  (I"ll have to get into the Communal Wine Cabinet)!  lol....  (rolling eyes)


The Reverend

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  Hey Indestructable thats is very rude I hope you are not serious!!! No it's because there are some many new users testing and on site that the speedtest my be getting allitle slow it is so we can keep the test accurate I can up with the idea contacted the reverend and he said ok he would pay for it so that is cool!!!

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:shock: Whats up with that.....not a very nice thing to say especially since in point of fact The Reverend is a contributing member of this site. The Reverend IMO has gone out of his way to be helpful to everyone he has come in contact with on this site, and I'm sure he conducts himself like a gentleman no matter where he is. I say that because their is no doubt that he is in fact a gentleman, what he has done is enabled this site to grow a little faster. His actions will benefit all of us,I'm always amazed when someone attacks someone else's character because there is no valid points to otherwise dispute. Regardless of ones motives this kind of behavior is boorish  and insensitive and never appropriate. I have no argument if someone wishes to dispute any subject on valid merits, the problem is there is no foundation for this.  :(  sad sad sad


Very good post MICROWAVE  :!:  [applaud] and jim2006  :!:

I suggest you get back on track Indestructable, i know your a nice dude  ;)

VanBuren :)

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Please allow me to speak for Indestructable in that I personally feel he is just being full of his usual "DRY" humor, because we are very good friends as I am will all others here.

And, I am deeply humbled by the gracious words of those who have flocked to my defense.  I don't know what to say except thank you for being such good friends, and rest assured that I did not finance the new server for personal gain.  I did it for the betterment of this website so that the topics being mentioned can now become a reality (and so VERY much more), and the capacity of file transfers will be increased, along with a host of features that only CA3LE is able to tell you of.  I just set it all up and she's now online as off 1hr24 minutes ago.  As a soon as she is incorporated into this website so that both act as one, we'll have power beyond believe my friends!

Again, I am deeply humbled and graciously speak many thanks to all.  Please do enjoy the contribution to its utmost in every way.

The Reverend

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hey, hey guys, please...sorry. I never (as the reverend stated) was trying to put him down in the least. sorry to all of you that that came off wrong to. :oops::icon_pale:

I personally will try to stop with the dryish humor, sorry. again, if it sounds rude, i don't mean it like that. I guess I deserved those smites...hmm... :cry::angry2:

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hey, hey guys, please...sorry. I never (as the reverend stated) was trying to put him down in the least. sorry to all of you that that came off wrong to. :oops::icon_pale:

I personally will try to stop with the dryish humor, sorry. again, if it sounds rude, i don't mean it like that. I guess I deserved those smites...hmm... :cry::angry2:

:) Ty glad to hear you say that and maybe I jumped the gun so to speak,I guess words can be taken differently by different ppl....after I write things and I re-read if I think someone may take it the wrong way I try and put "jk" somewhere in the text. Again thank you for your explanation and for what its worth I didn't click your "smite" button , I was waiting until I was certain I didn't mis-understand your true intention. Actually jim2006 dealt with it much better than I did by saying if thats what you meant it wasn't cool...... I'd like to say I don't make mistakes but there are to many ppl around that know differently.... LOL

8) Microwave

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ok... back on topic plz... ty...

i think thats a great idea. with all the smarty-pants-know-it-alls, ( :lol: just a joke :lol: ),  we have here, we should have a lot more ppl posting with computer problems because as we all know, microsoft aint goin away anytime soon :haha:

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Hey don't worry about it ....Please!


"The Rev"

We have far better things to worry about than common misunderstandings.  Please be yourself in all ways and everyone will get used to you just as I learned to perceive your words.  WORDS ARE WEIRD. 

Did you konw taht it is not a rqeirenemt for aynnoe to sepll crorcetly as lnog as the frist and lsat lttres are correct?  The human mind does not read letters, it interprets words.  So, you do not have to spell great at all to be intelligible!  That sentence I provided is living proof yes?  heheh...

The only problem with words is tha they lack inflection, and so they can easily be misinterpreted, and this is a simple instance of just that!

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