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Now I don't know about your cable company, but I can speak for ours.  We offer fiber to the premis for business customers large and small (of course there is a price) and the performance rivals anything that a telco can offer.  You might check with your cable company but make sure you are speaking with their B2B group and not someone in residential.  If you really need that level of service (if your cable company is set up for it) I'm sure they have a "special" group that can meet your needs but you will have to ask to speak directly with them.  It won't be an option in the IVR.

So you mean I can have a strand of Fiber installed from your Cable Company.. For $45,000 USD?? You know what, I'll pass... Can get a package with Verizon FIOS for 5mbit up and 30mbit down for $105 USD a Month..

Once Fiber hits my town - I will be advertising for them for FREE !!

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I'm not saying Cable is horrible..

Here is my main reason for being completely against my Cable Internet Provider - Optimum Online. When they first introduced the cable Modem to our area we were getting speeds up to 800KB/sec from Modem to Modem. Now how can you introduce a service like that, and feel they have the right to remove it and give out a crappy 60-80KB/sec right after having 800KB/sec..

For me.. It turned me off to my Local Cable Provider..

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I'm not saying Cable is horrible..

Here is my main reason for being completely against my Cable Internet Provider - Optimum Online. When they first introduced the cable Modem to our area we were getting speeds up to 800kB/sec from Modem to Modem. Now how can you introduce a service like that, and feel they have the right to remove it and give out a crappy 60-80kB/sec right after having 800kB/sec..

For me.. It turned me off to my Local Cable Provider..

I can see why you are upset about that.  Sounds to me like someone made a very bad decision at your provider.  Then again there may be some technical issues behind that you might want to look into.  As for most cable based internet providers your experience is not the norm.  Cable didn't get to the popularity that it has because it was a bad value.  My experience has been that in most circles it's very fashionable to bash this or that utility regardless of type (admit it...we've all done it).  There are those who truly have had very negative experiences that's for sure...but for the masses who do have cable based internet most love it and wouldn't trade it for anything except maybe even faster cable based internet.

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Hahahaha....you don't think that Verizon willingly allows other companies on their copper do you?  Federal law requires them to.  It's called equal access and this has been law for some time but let me tell you what....They fought this legislation almost to the death.  I remember the days and the bogus scare tactic ads that ALL the Bell companies engaged in trying to get people to force their legislators not to pass the law.  And since they passed the legislation giving equal access life has been better for all consumers.....

Honestly, AT&T has a pending lawsuit against a lot the major Cable Internet Service Providers. Cause of the simple fact that they currently don't share the coaxle with other Internet Service Providers. So until these current Cable ISP's have to open up their network to other competitors. I will still support the open network providers like the new MaBELL's of today which is clearly Verizon.

When I was in the Co-Location facilities in NY, they had atleast 10-12 Cages for ISP's to rent/lease/etc. That is only fair in a competitive market place. A cable company that provides service and claims to be the best at what they do is lying. How the hell does anyone even know if there is anything better if all they can get is cable coaxle to their location and one service provider. Basically they are the only provider on the line, and who ever is the end user gets stuck with what ever they get dealt. That is the problem with closed network cable internet providers that is everywhere today.

I don't know one network that is open to more than one internet service provider on cable coaxle. On the other hand copper lines have to share to other competitors. This is a double standard, which someone has to correct.

Food for thought, - - VyraX - -  :idea:

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Honestly, AT&T has a pending lawsuit against a lot the major Cable Internet Service Providers. Cause of the simple fact that they currently don't share the coaxle with other Internet Service Providers. So until these current Cable ISP's have to open up their network to other competitors. I will still support the open network providers like the new MaBELL's of today which is clearly Verizon.

When I was in the Co-Location facilities in NY, they had atleast 10-12 Cages for ISP's to rent/lease/etc. That is only fair in a competitive market place. A cable company that provides service and claims to be the best at what they do is lying. How the hell does anyone even know if there is anything better if all they can get is cable coaxle to their location and one service provider. Basically they are the only provider on the line, and who ever is the end user gets stuck with what ever they get dealt. That is the problem with closed network cable internet providers that is everywhere today.

I don't know one network that is open to more than one internet service provider on cable coaxle. On the other hand copper lines have to share to other competitors. This is a double standard, which someone has to correct.

Food for thought, - - VyraX - -  :idea:

Very truye words. Sort of monopolizes a neighborhood or area. Definately gives you absolutely no damned choice. Unless you want DSL and such. And the way they will not service just anyone.

Other than speeds, I personally think CABLE SUCKS!

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Honestly, AT&T has a pending lawsuit against a lot the major Cable Internet Service Providers. Cause of the simple fact that they currently don't share the coaxle with other Internet Service Providers. So until these current Cable ISP's have to open up their network to other competitors. I will still support the open network providers like the new MaBELL's of today which is clearly Verizon.

When I was in the Co-Location facilities in NY, they had atleast 10-12 Cages for ISP's to rent/lease/etc. That is only fair in a competitive market place. A cable company that provides service and claims to be the best at what they do is lying. How the hell does anyone even know if there is anything better if all they can get is cable coaxle to their location and one service provider. Basically they are the only provider on the line, and who ever is the end user gets stuck with what ever they get dealt. That is the problem with closed network cable internet providers that is everywhere today.

I don't know one network that is open to more than one internet service provider on cable coaxle. On the other hand copper lines have to share to other competitors. This is a double standard, which someone has to correct.

Food for thought, - - VyraX - -  :idea:

Um....I'm sorry to burst any bubbles here but we (as do most of the 7 largest MISPS) have an open network.  We currently carry business for Earthlink, Internet Junction, AOL Broadband and of course our own house brand.  We've been doing this for years and look ma...no legislation requiring us to do so....unlike Telco's who had to be forced to do it.

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Um....I'm sorry to burst any bubbles here but we (as do most of the 7 largest MISPS) have an open network.  We currently carry business for Earthlink, Internet Junction, AOL Broadband and of course our own house brand.  We've been doing this for years and look ma...no legislation requiring us to do so....unlike Telco's who had to be forced to do it.

Well I'm sure you are stating a scenario that is few and far between.. Nothing like that is near me, so wish I could agree with you.. Obviously I can't, because its not true around me..

Cable Internet Service Providers are closed networks.. A lot of people on here would agree with that statement regardless of being able to expand to AOL Broadband which is for children, and costs an additional fee...

Regardless if this was true in the case of a "open network" why would AT&T have a lawsuit against Optimum Online and others? Reason being, not able to have access to compete on their private network.. Which their wires are ran on the same poles that Verizon hangs their wires.. Which they are required to "open network" to other service providers..

Like I said, Double Standard..

Regards, VyraX

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Well I'm sure you are stating a scenario that is few and far between.. Nothing like that is near me, so wish I could agree with you.. Obviously I can't, because its not true around me..

Cable Internet Service Providers are closed networks.. A lot of people on here would agree with that statement regardless of being able to expand to AOL Broadband which is for children..

Regardless if this was true in the case of a "open network" why would AT&T have a lawsuit against Optimum Online and others? Reason being, not able to have access to compete on their private network.. Which their wires are ran on the same poles that Verizon hangs their wires.. Which they are required to "open network" to other service providers..

Like I said, Double Standard..

Regards, VyraX

Hows about this....instead of making wild generalizations just state that your cable company is guilty of all these sins instead of lumping the rest of us with them because of the 7 largest MISPS (optionline is not one of them) all of them offer some type of equal access now and they do it willingly and without ANY legislation or otherwise.  I do appreciate your frustrations but to sit there and label all because of your negative experience is hardly fair.  One thing you didn't do (but I did) is admit that apparently some or all of your income is directly or indirectly derived from Telco business....that way everyone knows and we are on an even playing field.

Full disclosure requires that I state fully that I am posting this information from the perspective of being a FIOS competitor.  The facts posted above however are not disputable and taken directly from the FIOS contract and pricing schedules.  Consumer experiences related are based on numerous news articles and forum posts and are mutually verifiable.

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Here is a great example of Cox sharing its net with Earthlink


Notice this paragraph!!!!

EarthLink has been at the forefront of the MISP movement since high-speed Internet service was first offered over cable lines. In addition to signing a definitive agreement to offer service over Time Warner Cable

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So I guess Time Warner / Cox Cable / Optimum Online / Road Runner / Earthlink / AOL Broadband aren't the same??

To me buddy these are the same company.. Just different names.. They are in direct relation to one another..

Convenient truth..  :shock:

Tell me why AT&T, SpeakEasy, Sprint, COVAD, XO-Communications .. Are not among the names that share their "open network" ??

Food for the Thought Process - - VyraX - -

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So I guess Time Warner / Cox Cable / Optimum Online / Road Runner / Earthlink / AOL Broadband aren't the same??

To me buddy these are the same company.. Just different names.. They are in direct relation to one another..

Convenient truth..  :shock:

Tell me why AT&T, SpeakEasy, Sprint, COVAD, XO-Communications .. Are not among the names that share their "open network" ??

Food for the Thought Process - - VyraX - -

You arent up to speed on these companies are you?  If so you would know that each is its own company with the exception of AOL and TW (which is obvious).  You throw around RR like its a cable company which it is not.  The RR tradename is actually a collective of the 7 largest MISP's who agree to share a network backbone known as RoadRunner.  TW no more owns RR than the other 6 companies do and none of the companies have anything to do with each other OTHER than to share a great trade name and network infrastructure. 

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I'm not saying Cable is horrible..

Here is my main reason for being completely against my Cable Internet Provider - Optimum Online. When they first introduced the cable Modem to our area we were getting speeds up to 800kB/sec from Modem to Modem. Now how can you introduce a service like that, and feel they have the right to remove it and give out a crappy 60-80kB/sec right after having 800kB/sec..

For me.. It turned me off to my Local Cable Provider..

I HATED OOL...I know how you feel.  We had it for years, and when we started getting dial up speeds with BOTH computers @ night(and we paid for 2 modems in the house, which both slowed down at same time).  Their "techs" insisted it was a problem with both pcs...Yeah, both pc's have this mysterious problem(OOL) where at 5pm the internet goes from 8,000kbps to maybe 100kbps if you are lucky...Ping?   :haha: Who knows, it went all over the place...Again, it was "our pcs".   Finally made them change the drop to my house, after the tech came to the house, and saw the speeds, and confirmed with his laptop...Of course this didn't fix crap, because the node is just oversold...It would be like selling too many tickets to a movie theater, and making people stand to watch it.  You should only sell the tickets if you have a seat for everyone!

Their techs are nasty mofo's, and really could care less....

Then, some miracle happend that gave me my internet speed back...........

FIOS...I get and have gotten my full advertised speed since day one of Fios install(3x OOL's Max. 'Advertised' Rate on download, 5x upload at the time)....I get absolutely no slow downs...Speeds at 3am are same as speeds at 8pm....

I NEVER even got full speed from my OOL... :angry5:  

F@#k OOL  :flipa:

As you can tell, I still have pent up anger towards OOL...  :haha:

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I HATED OOL...I know how you feel.  We had it for years, and when we started getting dial up speeds with BOTH computers @ night(and we paid for 2 modems in the house, which both slowed down at same time).  Their "techs" insisted it was a problem with both pcs...Yeah, both pc's have this mysterious problem(OOL) where at 5pm the internet goes from 8,000Kbps to maybe 100Kbps if you are lucky...Ping?   :haha: Who knows, it went all over the place...Again, it was "our pcs".   Finally made them change the drop to my house, after the tech came to the house, and saw the speeds, and confirmed with his laptop...Of course this didn't fix crap, because the node is just oversold...It would be like selling too many tickets to a movie theater, and making people stand to watch it.  You should only sell the tickets if you have a seat for everyone!

Their techs are nasty mofo's, and really could care less....

Then, some miracle happend that gave me my internet speed back...........

FIOS...I get and have gotten my full advertised speed since day one of Fios install(3x OOL's Max. 'Advertised' Rate on download, 5x upload at the time)....I get absolutely no slow downs...Speeds at 3am are same as speeds at 8pm....

I NEVER even got full speed from my OOL... :angry5:  

F@#k OOL  :flipa:

As you can tell, I still have pent up anger towards OOL...  :haha:

It really sounds like OOL sucks in a huge way.  And I'm sorry to see that because they give all cable companies a bad name.  Yes...years ago cable pretty much had the market but today things are very different.  We realize that you have choices and that we must work for your busienss.  Let's try something....

When was the last time you called you cable company to just say hi and maybe remind them (NICELY) that you have been a loyal customer for x years and you wanted to see what special deals they could repackage you into to make sure you stay nice and loyal? Most people don't realize that cable companies run specials about every 60 days that can save you big bucks on existing services....all you have to do is ask (they arent going to call you up one day and say hey John...we have this great deal...ya want it?)  None of the cable companies talked about in this thread (with maybe the exception of OOL) have contracts of any type....you are not obligated to stay with them if they offer you a better deal.  Now...on the flip side of things I defy you to call Verizon up and say...hey...gimme your best deal...and no contracts please......they will  :haha: :haha:you out of the building.  If their offering is soooo great why is there a one year contract and early termination penalty to get their best deals?  What's with that?

So...all you grumbling cable guys out there....take a deep breath and call your local providers sales number and make them earn your business in a NICE way.....BE NICE....don't open the call with YOU GUYS REALLY SUCK.....that is not a smart way to get another human to want to do nice things for you...professional or not...people are people. Then post back here with your providers name and the results you had.  Be honest...I want to hear the goods, bads and ugly.

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I was always courteous when I called, and was NEVER treated with the same respect.

I used to do service work, with lots of customer interaction, and I NEVER treated anyone with the disrespect that most OOL techs showed.

They just have issues with customer relations in that company...

I should know, as I used to service their HVAC equipment for their sites and one of their main buildings.  I did not work directly for them, but for a sub-contractor...

When I tell you stupid is as stupid does...That doesn't even begin to tell the story over there...  :haha:

Perhaps it has changed since I left the field, but that place was so mis-managed, I don't see it ever lasting very long...Plus the owner, Dolan, is a complete ass.

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