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i thought it would be fun and interesting ...and tasty too...to get everyone to post their fav holiday recipes...any holiday...you may even get some recipes from a country other than the one you're from  :smiley: ...so c'mon post 'em, i need some new recipes

one of my fav is not really a recipe...just something u can whip up as an appetizer...

now don't knock til u try it...


1 8 oz square of cream cheese

one or two handfuls of green olives w/pimentos (to taste)

1 stalk of celery


separate and clean celery and cut into 4" pieces

let the cream soften to room temperature

dice olives

mix the olives and cream cheese together (add a few at a time...to get the taste you like)

spread a mound of the olives/cream cheese mixture on each piece of celery

arrange celery on a veggie or appetizer tray (can go on a veggie tray or cheese tray)

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My favorite has to be chess pie very sweet and rich..

1 pie shell

4 oz of butter

1/2 cup brown sugar

3 large eggs

1 tbs vinegar

2 table spoons vanilla

1 tbs cornmeal

melt butter,blend with sugars,add eggs and other ingredients and stir

bake 1 hour at 350 deg..

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My favorite snack is the chocolate covered Ritz crackers with peanut butter in the middle.

I don't bake, I wait for my mother and sister to make them. :cheesy:

I will attempt the recipe:

1 - a bunch of Ritz crackers

2 - peanut butter

3 - The chocolate stuff you heat up and melt over stuff, then it re-hardens (I think it is called "bark" or something like that.)

First take 2 Ritz crackers, spread peanut butter on one, then smoosh another cracker on top of that.

Make dozens of these and dip them in molten chocolate bark stuff and throw onto a sheet pan of some kind and let it cool and harden.

Then eat up up and get fat!!!!

I will try to think of some more professional recipes for everyone. :haha: :haha: :haha:

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