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So the latest installment of the SuSE 10.x series was released today and is now available for download.  I would highly recommend downloading the torrent version.  As it is currently seeded pretty well.

Either way I have 40 minutes left on my installation onto my second laptop... and one of the more impressive things that I saw during the auto detect was the fact that SuSE now is detecting broadcom wireless adapters.  Which is great news!  no more ndiswrapper!  This has been one of the largest sticking points for Linux to move to a real possibility for users who dont have a strong willingness to tinker with the os to make things work. 

Here is one of the screen shots from a review using KDE.. I am really excited about the new launch menu!

I am planning to take this on my three week trip to Hawaii for winter training..  I have used SuSE 10.0 to the present version as an operating system for 3 servers and one laptop.  I will repost my thought and recommendations on this version of SuSE once I get some play time with it. 

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Looks nice, do you know if I will be able to duel boot this with XP if installing on a seperate partition?

Yes you can dual boot. This is one way of doing it... http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-15778

The other way would be to install windows first.. then partition your hard drive and install linux on the other partition... I guess I will write a guide or post a link on how to do that at some point cause it doesn't look like this forum has that yet..

But onto the first impressions...  First I must say that the installation went fairly smooth and was a lot faster then 10.0 or 10.1...  The reboot after the first cd was not needed..  which was nice! 

The new KDE is awesome!  I love the new launch menu.  It acts kinda like the vista start menu in a way but at the same time it is unique and pretty sweet.  The only think that I would change about it would be the fact that when you move to different part of the menu you have to click to move down the directory listing.  It would have been nice if it was activated by a timer.. so if you are over the directory that you want to go into after 5 seconds or so it would automatically drop down.  The only thing that really bugged me was the fact that even though the wireless card was detected correctly and oem driver was installed by the installation process... It failed to work correctly :(  So I am back to using ndiswrapper.  Which isnt to big of a deal it is just one more thing that someone who doesn't know/want to tinker with the os has to do to get their network up and running.

Other than that the standard software is all here..  Firefox 2.0 is installed..

Here is the first test on the system via wireless from a DD-WRT 54G router..

::::::::::.. testmy.net test results ..::::::::::

Download Connection is:: 8820 Kbps about 8.82 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 1077 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 895 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 109 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/12/12 - 9:22pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-8B5WZSAHD

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-QANPXK49Y

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061023 SUSE/2.0-30 Firefox/2.0

Not to bad I had a windows machine at 9500Kbps earlier tonight on wifi..

BTW dlewis... I installed xp before all of this to flash the BIOS to the most recent version and since then the high pitched noises have gone away :roll:

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Ubuntu...  that is an interesting story...  I found the installation to be really easy.. However, like just about every single other distribution my wireless card was not detected :roll:  As a little side note the only distro that I have played with that actually detected and then installed the wifi card correctly was Fedora Core 5.  One of the problems that I ran into was the fact that Ubuntu, 6.06 Draper Drake, seemed really slow on the computer that I was running it on.  Which didn't really surprise me all that much since Ubuntu was designed, I feel like, to mimic Windows soooo much that there wasnt that great of a performance increase when ditching XP.

2400+ Mobile, 512MB, 40GB 5400rpm..  So I tried some of the variants of Ubuntu.  I tried Xubuntu, the lightweight version of Ubuntu, and it was pretty good but I am still a SuSE fan. 

Ubuntu's claim to fame is the fact that as of right now it is the most likely distribution to allow a Windows user to make the move with the least amount of problems, be it hardware or software, and enjoy the experience.  The only reason that I use SuSE is because it offers the balance between power and usability that I am looking for.

It looks very nice. Im downloading it right now can't wait to try it out. from the screen shots ive seen it has alot of things that Vista and OSX have. can't wait to put it on my macbook.

It really is kind of a combination of both but with the reliability of linux and the fact that it is free!

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I tried the new SuSE.

It boots about 10 times slower than Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft, no joke.

The new menus in KDE are cool but I prefer Gnome for day to day use and the menu system they have set up with Gnome drives me absolutely nuts.

I have yet to find a distribution that tops Edgy and I download every new thing that pops up on distrowatch. 6.06 Dapper was a bit of a disappointment but Edgy along with aiGLX and Beryl makes for a linux experience that is simply breathtaking.

I always have an Ubuntu CD on hand. I like that installing Ubuntu takes all of 5 minutes in a virtual machine.

SuSE used to be my favorite distro back in the Redhat hey day... like Redhat 4/5 but now that its progressed on, its become as bloated as Mandriva/Mandrake, which I don't appreciate at all.

When a linux distro takes longer to boot up than my 6-month old XP install with a ton of things that load in the system tray, I just can't handle it. Hence why I don't like Sabayon either.

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I have not played with the new edgy elf 6.10 yet.. but one of the main reasons that I ditched 6.06 for Xubuntu was because it took so long to boot...  I am able to boot in about 1min or so which is about the same time it takes to boot my xp machine.  The only other thing that was kinda surprising was the fact in 6.06 the menus would not render correctly.  I dont know if it was graphic driver problems or what but the screen would get pixelated.. 

Either way  Ubuntu is a great distro if you are looking for a quick setup with what seems to be the least amount of tinker time required to get the system functioning.

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Try 6.10. It boots insanely fast and they fixed a lot of things in Edgy that were broken in Dapper. Ubuntu has an extremely fast release cycle. They're already working on 7.10 Feisty Fawn, which is due to be released in March. Its said that they'll have Beryl out of the box on supported video cards, which would put Ubuntu on the same level as Vista in terms of graphical technology.

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