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Well guys i finally did it bought myself a bike me and the wifey just went in to look and thats was all ...but  :uglystupid2: me drove home on 2007 HD XL1200C OMG i love it the ride is hard and Bumpy and my insides vibrate like a drink mixer ... and from red light to red light that thing is fast as hell so far I'm happy as hell with it!!!  not bad for $9995 and no $$ down  $269 a month is a little steep but if i would have put the cash down it would have been low I'm sure but O well  :evil6:  now i need to fine some ridding buddies.


out tstillery                        :evil6:

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a pretty pretty  nice one ------------$15000

so not to bad at all  some were getting up $40000  lucky bastards

thanks  coknuck  your a long time biker maybe you could give me a few pointer on HD since this is my first one


out tstillery              :evil6:         


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Aren't there any riding buddies on base? I would not think it is not that hard to find someone.

Very nice bike. What color did you get?

Pointer I remember, wear a shield to keep the bugs out of your teeth. And a helmet to keep your brain in one piece.  :wink: And sandals and shorts only show stupidity. (ok so there were three)  :evil6:

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yha tommie im sure i will fiind some riding buddies once i get to FT Benning im still on leave in TX for Xmas

and yes to the helmet and the right gear i have always rode smart. it is a blast  to ride this bike it has alot of power and torque more then i thought it would heres a pic of it


out tstillery                    :evil6:

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yes it is made to cruise the back roads ..had to install a sissy bar for the wife she almost fell off when i hit the gas  :uglystupid2:  $300 bucks just  to that. like they say HD translate to $100  lol


out tstillery                      :evil6:

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I guess the wife has never riddin one before.  :lol: Few woman really have ridden bikes. My sister is one  of the best passengers on a bile I have evr known. Whenever she rode, you could hardly tell she was on the back, sissy bar or not. My ex brother in law was a big biker.

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