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It IS Christmas for me..got Hughes net installed the other day..

have been on dail-up for 8 years..99% of my county here in Chattanooga, TN have comcast or DSL but I live on a 6 mile road

where it's still rural, farms...has been a long 8 years riding a tricycle on a freeway..

this higher speed net will help greatly in online stock trading..

this is sweet!..


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Ok..thanks..I'll get it all figured out as I check everything out..still a newby obviously..

but certainly not new to internet..

got some odds and ends to do..I'll be back later!

Will be glad to see the new year..been hectic lately..

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did another quick test right now before busy day ahead..

still good..

seems like I need to use hughesNet tools very often or it will get sluggish...also had bunch of problems with IE 7 it seemed like..went back to IE 6, added 1 gig memory and a gForce graphics card to my Dell computer also the other day...Dell Dimension 3000 is only 18 months old but started having graphics trouble..so bought new card..seemed to help..no problems yet..

PCpitstop.com  score is about 1400 area..all checkered flags..good to go!


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And why is that?..I did away with POS dial-up and bellsouth landline phone so, money wise cost per month is about the same..

I take it you have trouble alot or something?..

Alot of people do. Since you are new to high speed internet you will like your current speeds, but soon enough you will want more. Like if you want to download a large file or something. Many people do have troubles with dway, such as speed problems, weather, and just general service.  :smile2:

Also, welcome to the forum!

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I have the HN7000S modem and I have no complaints..some people I've talked to prior to me getting this system said they had trouble and all that..BUT what got me is that TN has a relatively new state lottery and every mom & pop store, conveinance store, etc around here that sells lottery tickets has a direcWav on top of building. I buy lottery tickets every week, several times a week, as as far back over the last 2 years I can't remember NOT being sold a PowerBall ticket because the 'net' is down..

the machines always spit them out..to whit, I'm thinking...satellite internet has to be pretty good..

and it's not like I never got bumped off dial-up quite often.

I'm sure I'll 'want more' but very satisfied right now AND  if I have another 1000% up on my portfolio trading penny stocks like I did this year..it won't matter anyways..I'll be getting a brand new house in an area that has Comcast.. :cheesy:


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Merry Christmas daytrader, and good luck to you with your increased speed.

Maybe a few tweaks will make it even faster.

Merry Christmas Leo..if all goes well I may spring for the 2 watt 1500mbps plan in a few months...but I'm going to let the 'new' wear off this first..to my my installer, I explained the importance of the net because I online trade and he kept tweaking, moving  my dish position until he got a 74 signal on lis laptop..he said for where I live that's great...most around this area can only get 50ish..I sprung for the pole mount..I don't know if that makes any difference...but that way, I keep them all in the same area..I have a pole mount with 2 DirecTV

dishes, (one of those DirectTv dishes is for 'local ' progaraming)...the Hughes dish pole & dish is about 5 feeet away from them.

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hey, this is what my parents got me for christmas


great quality.. kills my old 17' CRT =)

I'm jealous. I really need to pick myself a widescreen up soon.

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I buy lottery tickets every week, several times a week, as as far back over the last 2 years I can't remember NOT being sold a PowerBall ticket because the 'net' is down..

the machines always spit them out..to whit, I'm thinking...satellite internet has to be pretty good..

I have had Hughes/Dway for a couple of years now....actual down time is very little. The problems most of complain about is lazy installers, slow downs during peak hours, ping times, customer support, and the ignorant price we pay compared to what others are getting for $29.99. It is better than 26k regardless of what your doing on the web. One other thing you may later encounter is FAP bucket.....for some this is a serious issue, others never know it exists. As far as the upgrade you mentioned...Hughes is working  on a Ka band system called Spaceway3, scheduled to be released in 2007 :smiley: 

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fikester..well, so far I've not noticed any significant slowdowns during market hours..9:30am to 4pm..I suppose I've not had it long enough to know what a 'slowdown' is..it all seems very fast too me compared, as stated earlier, 8 years of dial-up..

i've been dabbling part-time in on-line stocks for 8 years and recently in February I quit 'factory work' and went to trading full time..got shafted on a job promotion. I'm 54 and they gave job to some young punk..after I filled in doing the job for 5 months.

so i told them to stick it..

Best thing I ever did..so far..because, with stocks, sometimes, I get real lucky..I make more in one morning than some of my relatives make all week..and never leave the farm..don't have to fight traffic, no BS from bosses to put up with, and I smoke, drink coffee at will, basically do what I want to do. And the price..well, that's trivial..you gotta spend money for good tools to succeed..this faster speed will help.

Some stock trading programs cost $100 a month..I don't use any..yet..I just fly it by the seat of my pants.. :cheesy:

Lots of people don't mess with stocks especially 'penny stocks' but that's where the money is..IF you know what your doing..here's a shot for example of what can happen..

a picture of my screen..note length of time I owned stock..and what does a bank pay on a CD?..3 or 4% a YEAR?

that's all I'm going to say about stocks except I NEED good internet and good computer and I personally don't care WHAT it costs..

you can probably see why..


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fikester..well, so far I've not noticed any significant slowdowns during market hours..9:30am to 4pm..I suppose I've not had it long enough to know what a 'slowdown' is..it all seems very fast too me compared, as stated earlier, 8 years of dial-up..

i've been dabbling part-time in on-line stocks for 8 years and recently in February I quit 'factory work' and went to trading full time..got shafted on a job promotion. I'm 54 and they gave job to some young punk..after I filled in doing the job for 5 months.

so i told them to stick it..

Best thing I ever did..so far..because, with stocks, sometimes, I get real lucky..I make more in one morning than some of my relatives make all week..and never leave the farm..don't have to fight traffic, no BS from bosses to put up with, and I smoke, drink coffee at will, basically do what I want to do. And the price..well, that's trivial..you gotta spend money for good tools to succeed..this faster speed will help.

Some stock trading programs cost $100 a month..I don't use any..yet..I just fly it by the seat of my pants.. :cheesy:

Lots of people don't mess with stocks especially 'penny stocks' but that's where the money is..IF you know what your doing..here's a shot for example of what can happen..

a picture of my screen..note length of time I owned stock..and what does a bank pay on a CD?..3 or 4% a YEAR?

that's all I'm going to say about stocks except I NEED good internet and good computer and I personally don't care WHAT it costs..

you can probably see why..


Have you thought about T-1 or T-3, or is it available there? Nowthere would be some nice speed. And one thing fikester forgotto mention that might matter to you would be storms. They shut me down for hours. And it could be at the worst time, especially for you as I can see. It would be a shame to get stuck right in the middle of a trade like that. You might go and shoot it then.  :tickedoff:

Happy Christmas one and all.  :icon_santa:

Next New Years.  :occasion14:

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HO HO HO Merry Chrsitmas all!..Ham is in the oven and I plan on pigging out after while..

Hope everyone has a great family day..

most of mine are still asleep..up to 2 am last nite..

This forum/site has nice features..emotioncons, customizing features, etc..

Time permitting today I will check it out more..how to post pictures, a signature picture, and other customizing stuff..

a Tn Hillbilly here..ya know!..I ain't too smart :idiot2:

but once I do learn it..watch out! :lol:

Everyone have a good one!

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Tommie..you said And one thing fikester forgotto mention that might matter to you would be storms. They shut me down for hours..

well, I don't know about where you live but sometimes we have these little pop-up thunderstorms in the summer and it takes a BAD one to knock my DirectTV off the air..and then it's a flash in the pan thing..only lasting a few minutes..so, I am assuming that my internet will behave the same way..we'll see..

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