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:[ well lets see, i contacted sbc about getting dsl and they said it can only go up to 22000 feet, and we are 55000 feet by the way the lines run, but there is a cable trunk on the highway which is 3.5 miles from our house.... it is cox/suddenlink whatever you would call them line and they said we COULD get a line ran from that trunk to our house... but for a price -.-

does anyone know how much it would cost for a 3.5 mile cable line + whatever else they would have to do?... the sales person said it would be a week before they got a quote -.-

thanks o_O

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Your talking many thousands for 3.5 miles of cable.

First, just 3.5 miles of cable is very expensive, and most likely, coax won't cut it as most cable co's only run about 5 amplifiers in cascade maximum.

They would need to install at least 6 amplifiers if they used the largest trunk line.

The amps alone are 500-1000 dollars a piece.

So,  a fiber run and a fiber node are probably the best option, unless there are other homes and neighborhoods that they would pass on their way to you, then it would make financial sense.

Now, where I am, we have tested a wireless DOCSIS system that has a few mile line of sight range from the physical cable plant.

It is not cheap, but alot cheaper than running wires.

Check to see if your local cable company has this as an option.

Here is one example of equipment we have tested: http://www.arcells.com/

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tell them you will run it yourself.. we asked insight to run cable from our box to our house "your talkin mmm... say 45 feet" and they said it would be 100 dollars to do that.. so my dad bought cable.. 100 feet for 15 dollars.. the real good stuff.. and we did it by ourself!!

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tell them you will run it yourself.. we asked insight to run cable from our box to our house "your talkin mmm... say 45 feet" and they said it would be 100 dollars to do that.. so my dad bought cable.. 100 feet for 15 dollars.. the real good stuff.. and we did it by ourself!!

I think he is talking about 3.5 miles  :shock:

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tell them you will run it yourself.. we asked insight to run cable from our box to our house "your talkin mmm... say 45 feet" and they said it would be 100 dollars to do that.. so my dad bought cable.. 100 feet for 15 dollars.. the real good stuff.. and we did it by ourself!!

Through the neighbors yard, field, fencing, mean dogs, etc...  :evil6:

Why not?  :lol:

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no one has cable for 5-7 miles :] [ which is how far town is ] and the reason why theres a cable trunk on highway is because theres town west and east of this houseand the town west of me has a 12mile cable trunks going to town east

some people would say we lives out in the "boondocks" well we sorta do..... i just can put up with this dialup bullshit any more .... the phone lines we have are from 1970s with wholes/sticking out of ground... when it rains water gets into the lines and grounds them out and im currently connectings @ 4.8kbps .... when the road grader  comes by it gets cut in half and no phone/internet....

So,  a fiber run and a fiber node are probably the best option, unless there are other homes and neighborhoods that they would pass on their way to you, then it would make financial sense.

neighborhood? ha... it would pass about only 10 houses.... and suddenlink around here doesnt deal with fiber .... + there isnt ANY fiber around here except sbc.... and again its running under the cable line and thats how town east gets phone/internet from town west lol

what kinda internet would i get from SBC if we had a fiber line ran out here? again it would be 3.5 miles also.... would it be cheaper then cable? also sbc only offers up to 6mbit/ like 712 up? while suddenlink offers 12mbit/1mbit internet O_O

basically, we DON'T live near town, and no one around here even has a computer or even know wtf the internet is.......  the ONLY cable/fiber is the big trunks going from one town to another :|

so you guy think it will be about 6k? o_O my dad keeps think it will be 20000 then again he hates the internet ... then again hes tired of hearing me complain about dialup lolololol

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So,  a fiber run and a fiber node are probably the best option, unless there are other homes and neighborhoods that they would pass on their way to you, then it would make financial sense.

Now, where I am, we have tested a wireless DOCSIS system that has a few mile line of sight range from the physical cable plant.

It is not cheap, but alot cheaper than running wires.

Check to see if your local cable company has this as an option

the cable plant is a good 9 miles from here...

There is no telling how much they would charge you. Like dn0 said if you have neighbors around you then it could be alot cheaper.

only 1 neighbor actually, they would definitly get cable internet lol.... but thats literally the only person besides me . . . we are only 2 people that would get the cable internet/tv[which we prefer directv anyways] that the cable line would go by lol...

Welcome to the forum run  wave Welcome!

Hopefully they answered your question. If you get the quote, you might post back the results. Thanks.


i will, and im also going to ask them about the internet through powerlines

tell them you will run it yourself.. we asked insight to run cable from our box to our house "your talkin mmm... say 45 feet" and they said it would be 100 dollars to do that.. so my dad bought cable.. 100 feet for 15 dollars.. the real good stuff.. and we did it by ourself!!

where would i get 3.5 miles of cable, or how would i even connect the cable line to the big cable trunk ROFL?

even if i was able to connect it to the big cable trunk how would i go about get a cable line across a really busy 4 lane highway? heck if i get that far there is 2 more roads i have to get cable across, on top of that theres 10 peoples yard i would have to dig into annd have a chance i hit a phone line.....

yeah i dont think thats a option...

run welcome to the forum.

your looking at $5000 - $5500 for them to run the cable to you. If you have any neighbors around try and talk them into going in on it with you.

thanks , my dad was thinking about 15000-20000 dollars for this cause copper is so damn exspensive around here.... and a neighbor split it 50/50[the only neighbor]


lol they have 2 kids in college atm , just about a new car and bought one there kids a new computer just a little back , so i dont think they will consider getting cable :P the most they would do is get the internet lol

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seeing as you are close to that highway connecting two towns you should see if there is coverage for a wireless data solution at your house. (i'm figuring there's cell towers to cover the 4 lane highway here...)
nah not near the highway haha., this place i live is sorta weird, theres only 1 cell tower[ and heck i dunno if is even a cell tower]

but we do get good signal on cellphones with data but cellphone crap is wayyyyyyyyyyy to slow i  need goodupload for running gameservers D:

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would be nearly impossible for 2 people to get some huge cables across a busy highway -.-

so you guys think it will be at most of 7k installed/everything ready to go?

i been connecting at 4Kbps for the past 2 weeks/does this everytime it rains and it is driving me nuts as hell.. considering when i do connect at 24Kbps WoW is still barely playable, forget diablo 2 and cs 1.6 loooooool

also, as i said before it would be nearly impossible to run cable lines our self.... how would we even connect our cables to the trunk :|?

edit: the people along the highway[the people with the cable trunk in front of house] dont even get cable... so what would they do to connect our line to the trunk?

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get yourself a circular saw with a blade for masonry or rock. then steal some traffic cones. block off the highway one lane at a time in the middle of the night, slice into it about 1 inch deep with the saw and lay the cable into it. seal it with tile grout so it doesn't come back out. when you get to the trunk just dig it up and cut it. wait for the repair crew to show up and splice it then dig it up again, open their splice and add your cable. then get someone in town to subscribe to their service so you get an activated modem and hook it up at your house. voila!

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get yourself a circular saw with a blade for masonry or rock. then steal some traffic cones. block off the highway one lane at a time in the middle of the night, slice into it about 1 inch deep with the saw and lay the cable into it. seal it with tile grout so it doesn't come back out. when you get to the trunk just dig it up and cut it. wait for the repair crew to show up and splice it then dig it up again, open their splice and add your cable. then get someone in town to subscribe to their service so you get an activated modem and hook it up at your house. voila!

lol that put a smile on my face...

i assume you mean start from my house and work my way to the highway? o_O

also the trunk isnt under the ground it is above ground hangning under a power line lol

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Now where the heck is he going to get electricity for the saw? In the middle of the night? And roofing asphalt is a much better and more invisible patch in the road. Just sprinkle a little sand on it when done to remove the stickiness.  :grin2:

So that makes the splice even easier.  :twisted:

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either bury from your house or hang in trees. but bury across highway. or string under the powerline if it crosses it. then just splice into the trunk on a pole.

don't try this at home. i'm what you'd call an expert.

edit: you use a gas-powered saw of course :uglystupid2:

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