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Satelite 'rain' test'..still no much difference..

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upload speed matter to me too..a lot..I upload small vids to Google and Photobucket..using my old Nikon 3200 CoolPix..

here's a Wichita KS takeoff..(refueling stop) on the way to Harrahs Reno this past July to do a little gambling..(donating to the building fund)..well, my Uncle with me did come away with $3k..

man, in KS, not a mountain no where..FLAT..not used to that as I

live fairly close to the Smokie Mountains..


What I'm really concerned about..LOL..is when do I get my $225 or whatever REBATE check?..saw my AmericanExpress card get hit for like $625ish...

pole installation was extra $125

its been a few years ago, but I remember a $100 back then.....took months to get.  :shock:

Just curious daytrader, does that accelerator help during peak hours? The last one I used only gave me grainy crap, but it has been a few years.  :roll:

the accelerator will work at any time, because it compresses the images, they look like shit till you right click on them and ask for full quality.

TimPawlak..man, some great speed..click and your there, eh?..you on fiber optic or cable or something?..

after 8 years of dial-up, I'm happier than a pig in mud.. :grin2:


:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 9859 Kbps about 9.86 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 1203 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 926 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 113 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/01/01 - 1:16pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YXSD4ZH20

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-EXAV21WUT

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 4.0) [!]


Tommie..bellsouth accelerator had a 'slider' control..

the more acceleration,

the more graphic image loss..

on maxium, image was there and you could tell what it was, but almost like a faded, black & white picture..washed out colors..nevertheless, it helped me alot..

with text, (trading stocks, etc..)

it sure beat 26kbps and waiting waiting all day..lol..to see something in high definition..

Comcast cable on my office computer where I used to work tested only about 350Kbps..company had 43 computers (offices)..don't know if that made any difference or not..

I DO know on the week-ends when  working my supv and me would check out some eye-popping internet sites during breaks and stuff.. :haha:

Tommie..no..I got shafted on a job promotion, after filling in & doing the job for 5 months..my Supervisor got busted on a drug test..I took over for 5 months..then, out of the blue they promote much younger 'minority' guy..he had been with company 3 years,  I had been there 9 years..I am 55, he is 28..so I told them to stick it where the sun don't shine..

I had been 'part-time' trading stocks for 7 years and since Febuary I stay at home, trading stocks..FULL TIME...on dial-up..

had a good GREEN year too..and no BS bosses to put up with, trafffic to fight, and my "work" hours are market hours..

9:30 am to 4pm..but it's not like I stay glued to computer during those hours..I have my buys and sell set to sell automatically..and I just about do whatever I want to..best "job" I ever had..but it's something you can't learn overnight..and they for sure are not all winners..so you cut your loses Quick...there's plenty of other stocks out there..about 15000..and live to trade another day..

my real experienced buddy in NY is real quick and has been doing it longer than I have..here's a shot of some trades he did in 4 DAYS..can you imagine..sitting on a beach with a laptop watching the babes stroll by..making money like this..

MANY people do..

notice amount of TIME he owned the stock..

and banks pay what..3~4% a YEAR on a CD.. :smiley:

penny stocks is where the action is!

if you know someone who trades stocks, ask them to confirm these prices on these stocks on these particular days..

they are genuine!

08/18/2005 10:02:17 Bought 3000000 NEXH @ 0.0003 -905.00

08/18/2005 11:38:57 Sold 3000000 NEXH @ 0.0004 1,194.94

08/19/2005 11:11:16 Bought 3000000 AXAI @ 0.0003 -905.00

08/19/2005 11:35:22 Sold 1000000 AXAI @ 0.0006 594.97

08/19/2005 11:46:24 Sold 2000000 AXAI @ 0.0005 994.95

08/22/2005 09:39:26 Bought 7000000 GMCI @ 0.0002 -1,405.00

08/22/2005 09:52:39 Sold 4000000 GMCI @ 0.0005 1,994.91

08/22/2005 10:29:55 Sold 3000000 GMCI @ 0.0006 1,794.92

08/22/2005 09:38:23 Bought 5000000 GMCI @ 0.0002 -1,005.00

08/22/2005 09:52:39 Sold 5000000 GMCI @ 0.0005 2,494.89

08/22/2005 10:36:19 Bought 5000000 GFYD @ 0.0001 -505.00

08/22/2005 11:43:12 Sold 5000000 GFYD @ 0.0002 994.95

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