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yeah I saw this...  I can not believe any of this crap.. How are places like Buffalo Wild Wings going to survive?  They are illegally showing ever NFL game?  They have multiple screens > 55in and use the word Super Bowl in their party name...  Just shocking..  :uglystupid2:

This no joke

IndyStar.com: "The NFL is telling Fall Creek Baptist Church in Indianapolis that the church's plans to use a wall projector to show the game at a party for church members and guests would violate copyright laws.

NFL officials spotted a promotion of Fall Creek's 'Super Bowl Bash' on the church Web site last week and sent pastor John D. Newland a letter -- via FedEx overnight -- demanding the party be canceled.

Initially, the league objected to the church's plan to charge partygoers a fee to attend and that the church used the license-protected words 'Super Bowl' in its promotions.

Newland told the NFL his church would not charge partygoers -- the fee had been intended only to pay for snacks -- and that it would drop the use of the forbidden words.

But the NFL wouldn't bite. It objected to the church's plans to use a projector to show the game on what effectively was a 12-foot-wide screen. It said the law limits the church to one TV no bigger than 55 inches"

That is pretty much crap. So who told on the church? Man if ever a person needed to be banned from a church... So have the snacks be brought in for admission. They can always take donations. It is a church for the love of...  :tickedoff:

How the hell can they say you can only watch it on 1 TV????  :idiot2:

So if I have 2 TV's tuned to the Superbowl, I am breaking the law???  How fucking ridiculous.  I don't see how this can be legal.  Last I checked, the Superbowl can be seen using a freaking antenna.  It's not like it is a pay-per-view event or something.

I would like to see the NFL try to sue someone for having 2 TV's tuned to the Superbowl..

Who gives the NFL the right to tell me how many TV's I can use to watch it?

Oh, and what is the under 55"????  Are they trying to say that if I have a TV that is bigger than 55", I can't watch the game???  What country do we live in again???

I don't see this as being very legal...Yes, I understand the "not charging a cover", but to tell someone how many TV's you can use, and what size the TV can be is totally ludicrous.

I believe the rules (perhaps it's law) are in place for public entitiesestablishments not residential.

But I do agree that the NFL has way too much pull to actually have something that benefits them (the NFL) solely to become law, they are very wealthy and a lobbyist that most lawmakers will side with.


I believe the rules (perhaps it's law) are in place for public entitiesestablishments not residential.

I agree, but the way it is worded makes you wonder...

For groups that want to host Super Bowl parties -- other than sports bars and businesses that normally show televised sports -- here are rules the NFL says must be followed:

To me, that could means any group other than bars and businesses....If you have 3 people over watching the Superbowl, that could be considered a group...

So, I can watch it by myself on a 60" TV, but if I have a few people over, we have to break out the 55" ??

I guess it is all on how you interpret the word "group".  :shrug:

Basically I wrote a quick email to the NFL stating that they may want to consider rewording the rules, unless they actually mean what I stated above...

Yah ok I will put this rules were they belong. Right back up their (insert curse word here).

Seriously they can say what they want. I am going to do what I want, which is ignore them. This has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. They can not and will not tell me what I can say or watch and how I can say or watch it. :booty::thefinger:

Yah ok I will put this rules were they belong. Right back up their  :booty:.

Seriously they can say what they want. I am going to do what I want, which is ignore them. This has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. They can not and will not tell me what I can say or watch and how I can say or watch it. :booty::thefinger:


Give me an...  :flipa:  N  :321:  F  :thefinger:  L  [loser]  SUCKS  [not-fair]

Whats gonna happen if ya got a new 56" digital TV...will a "401 Error" pop up and say your not allowed to view this program because NFL royalties have not been paid for this set? Have you ever checked out the privacy policy from your cable company regarding ya "digital cable tuner" that sits on top of the TV? It has an ip address just like your pc and tracks all theviewing habits. Talk about tracking cookies! It would be interesting to see how their rating were if everyone bypassed their cable box that watched the SuXXX XXXL  :thefinger: 

Oh and I left out this for those actually going to the game.


NFL: Party Poopers

(CBS4) MIAMI Die-hard football fans attending the Super Bowl game at Dolphin Stadium are getting a rude awakening after finding out that no tailgating of any type will be allowed on game day within one mile of the stadium


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