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I will let you guys play with this..


It should calculate your distance from your location to the tmn servers..  Post is the results look close..  Please dont post your IP address (not a good idea) :cool2:


Current Server Status: server_up.jpg  <- if image is seen server is up

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As the arrow flies I'll be this is pretty close.

US USA United States KY Louisville 40223 38.2552 -85.5459 529 502

US USA United States TX Dallas 75207 32.7825 -96.8207 623 214

Distance to location: 738.22 miles

So  this is  "arrow flies" not nic to nic. wow lotta math  :lol:

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yes.. this is the formula..

3963.0 * arccos[sin(lat1/57.2958) * sin(lat2/57.2958) + cos(lat1/57.2958) * cos(lat2/57.2958) *  cos(lon2/57.2958 -lon1/57.2958)]

It is called the Great Circle distance formula..

There are some catches.. I am using a database is that built once per month.. So if your ISP moves IPs around.. well that you are going to get wacked results..  Each month the accuracy should improve.. 

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yes.. this is the formula..

3963.0 * arccos[sin(lat1/57.2958) * sin(lat2/57.2958) + cos(lat1/57.2958) * cos(lat2/57.2958) *  cos(lon2/57.2958 -lon1/57.2958)]

It is called the Great Circle distance formula..

There are some catches.. I am using a database is that built once per month.. So if your ISP moves IPs around.. well that you are going to get wacked results..  Each month the accuracy should improve.. 

looks like this may be a small piece of what accually happens when you activate.  Very cool. Location to the  T  :icon_thumright:

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I will let you guys play with this..


It should calculate your distance from your location to the tmn servers..  Post is the results look close..  Please dont post your IP address (not a good idea) :cool2:


Current Server Status: server_up.jpg  <- if image is seen server is up

So I am going to guess I am late or something.

"Failure To Connect To Web Server

Failure To Connect To Web Server"

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