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Just wonderign everyones opinion on windows and mac. I just got vista and I am loving it so far. I've heard the mac OS leopard is suppose to blow vista outa the water but I find it ahrd to beleive for a few reasons:

1. Vista's startup time on my machine (vista home premium; amd 3200+ 1 GB ram) is absolutly amazing though for the first minute or so after the desktop apears it eats up 50

+/-% of my ram it doesn't last long then it drops down to about 25% when idle.

2. Program startup time is blazing fast compared to XP and is pretty much instant for any program I've run ranging from firefox to World of Warcraft to gunz.

3. Shutdown time is amazing usualy taking less than 10 seconds.

4. Vista hasn't crashed once yet for me and has run 100% smoothly and though I've ehard of driver complaints all my stuff installed just fine.

5. Aero, though mac has it's aqua I just don't think it beats aero.

that's really all I have to say on it at the moment.

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On the stability factor I've never used mac per se I've just been on my friends mac a few times so I can't comment on that but I admit XP was unstable on my pc it crashed on average every 3 days if I didn't restart it but I got vista the day it was released and it hasn't crashed one on me yet. I know it hasn't been out long yet but XP woulda crashed a minimum of twice for me by now even after a fresh install so I'm absolutly loving vista thus far.

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IMO, Mac still leads Windows in quality of OS for 2 main reasons:

  • stability - based on the Unix kernel
  • security - smaller consumer base, so not a hot target for secuirty exploits

thats not exactly true. there are 100's of security exploits made every day for the mac. The reason no one gets infected is because OS X is built much better, it doesn't allow stuff to edit the OS or even run in the background unless you tell it to. The only way a mac is getting infected is it you tell it to. the users actually has to start these programs, they can not run on there own like on windows.

5. Aero, though mac has it's aqua I just don't think it beats aero.

Areo is better looking then aqua, but aqua is being replace in leopard. the new one is Illuminous. Its not in any of the beat releases, this is one of the "top secreat" things that will be showed off when the os is released. From what ive read it makes vista look like hell. But we wont really know till april or may.

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Oh I love how on the mac comercials they act like having to upgrade for vista is a bad thing or something.  Like "oh-no if you want the best graphics you mave have to get a faster video card... and you may have to upgrade your processor... oh no!" --- you have to upgrade because Vista is the shit!!  It's a bleeding edge OS, Macs would have to upgrade too.  Just 'cause mac OS sucks so bad that it's able to run on even the worst macs is nothing for them to brag about.


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if i had the cash i would buy a mac pro instantly. sexy looking case, sweet interior layout, bloody fast intel chips good os.

andf if i need apps i can't get for mac os i'll just run windows on it.

as for the apple notebooks, sleek sexy things. and windows compatible. just the price issue, same as the desktops.

somebody hook me up with one of those 24 inch imacs. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet thing!

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if i had the cash i would buy a mac pro instantly. sexy looking case, sweet interior layout, bloody fast intel chips good os.

andf if i need apps i can't get for mac os i'll just run windows on it.

as for the apple notebooks, sleek sexy things. and windows compatible. just the price issue, same as the desktops.

somebody hook me up with one of those 24 inch imacs. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet thing!

me too, i want a 24in imac so bad. I have a 20in couldn't afford the 24in.

I am saving for a mac pro with a 24in display.  :grin2:  For being the fastest consumer pc you can buy $2500 isnt that much. it would be close to $4000 form dell for something close.

I don't even really use windows anymore at home, For the few apps that i do use sometimes i just use crossover to run them. When leopard comes out, i will be able to run any windows app natively with out actually running windows.

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