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Ok this is kinda random, i've been wearing contacts for ~half a year now, and every now and then, im too lazy to put in new solution int othe little case, so i re-use the solution i had in there from last night

my eye doctor said that i shouldnt re use solution, but honestly, i dont really see any harm coming out of it...i'll re use my solution every now and then for a 2nd time, and nothing really seems wrong when i put the contacts back on

so, does anyone know exactly why they say 'dont reuse solution' ?

does it really make a difference if you reuse it occasionally??

and also, i usually tend to wear my contacts for more than a month (probably a month and a half) and they seem okay for the most part, so is it REALLY required to replace yoru contacts every month (instaed of going a little over board)

yea..i know this is kinda random for a computer-related forum...but o well...it did say general discussion :-D

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I used to wear contacts years ago... I think there are a few reasons they tell you not to re-use the solution are A) It's just "good practice" to use fresh solution each time, B) Your eyes can easily get infected should the wrong thing get in there... perhapes they figure there's more of a chance of contamination when re-using the stuff, or maybe C) The eye doctor is a stock holder in the contact lens solution maker and he wants dividends....(well maybe not).....

Just a few guesses....

I never was lucky enough to be able to keep mine in...I had to take mine out every night.

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:) I wouldn't reuse solution, my wife uses contacts and the more years that go by the more sensitive your eyes become to infection, whatever "crud" is in the solution after the first use, its used to clean the second time and its not going to be as effective...IMHO.....its kinda like the same reason I take showers, I don't take baths because I don't wanna Wash my face with the same water I just used to wash my ass....L0L if ya get my point.... :)

8) Microwave

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:) I wouldn't reuse solution, my wife uses contacts and the more years that go by the more sensitive your eyes become to infection, whatever "crud" is in the solution after the first use, its used to clean the second time and its not going to be as effective...IMHO.....its kinda like the same reason I take showers, I don't take baths because I don't wanna Wash my face with the same water I just used to wash my ass....L0L if ya get my point.... :)

8) Microwave

lol i take showers because i dont like having dust mites and parasites and BILLIONS of dead skin cells on me :P plus baths take too long... :haha:

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lol, but the solution looks pretty effin clean

and plus, im only 16 my eyes arent alll sensitive to crud yet...

but yea...i think i'll start changing the solution every night...i usually change it, just maybe 2 or 3 times a month, i get lazy and just stik my contacts bak into the old solution


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The solution contains enzymes that clean the contacts. So if you reuse the solution the enzymes have already don their work and arent as effective. Plus if you reuse your solution then the solution companies would go out of business and many people would loose jobs, you dont want that do you?

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