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I just order some new computer upgrades to get my comp ready for some good pc games coming out and i wanted to make sure the motherboard and memory would work together. I order the following motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813138026  ,and this memory  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820145573 ,and a Athlon 64 X2 5400 +. I thought that the memory i was ordering was ddr2 800 but its to late to change it now because its been shiped and will be here tuesday. I think it will work with that motherboard since the motherboard supports up to ddr 2 800 and that memory i ordered ddr 2 675. Just wondering if you guys know, thanks for the help. If it wont work ill have to RMA the memory and order some other kind  :icon_pale:

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ok thanks i appreciate the quick reply. I cant wait to get the new hardware. Right now I have a single core Athlon 64 3200 +  and 1 gig ddr memory, I am hopping this upgrade will make my computer feel alot more snappy with windows vista. Next upgrade will be the video card.

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right now iam just running the 32 bit, i've heard that 64 bit has some bad compatibility problems with games, don't know if thats still true or not. But i think this will help alot. Also forgot to say that i ordered two of those sticks of memory so ill have 2GB of ram this time so that should help alot to. Do you think its a good idea to run 64 bit vista if your going to be gaming?

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I see a lot of games still that same 32-bit only. I am waiting to go to 64-bit until the compatibility gets better myself. Very good choice to go with the dual cores though. I saw a big boost in performance whenever I went dual core. Not to sure about in games, but in other use. Like I can run a spyware/antivirus scan and *gasp* my computer will still function lol. :cheesy:

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