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Inksys WRTG54 routers - how do you tell which version you are looking at buying?

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The version is critical.

Is there a serial number guide somewhere that you know of or some way to tell what I am looking at. You guys have this cool guide: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-12222  on the forum for installing third party firmware for these routers but I notice that the version of the router is CRUCIAL to not screwing the firmware flash. I am going to the big box stores tonight to look for a the right version of router, but I need to know how to find it.

The first 4 digits in the serial number (look on the box or the underside of the router) represent the hardware revision:

CDF0 = WRT54G v1.0

CDF1 = WRT54G v1.0

CDF2 = WRT54G v1.1

CDF3 = WRT54G v1.1

CDF5 = WRT54G v2.0

CDF7 = WRT54G v2.2

CDF8 = WRT54G v3.0

CDF9 = WRT54G v3.1

CDFA = WRT54G v4.0

CDFB = WRT54G v5.0

CDFC = WRT54G v5.1

CDFD = WRT54G v6.0

CDFE = WRT54G v7.0

CDFF = WRT54G v8.0

CDFG = WRT54G v8.0

CL7A = WRT54GL v1.0

CL7B = WRT54GL v1.1

CGN0 = WRT54GS v1.0

CGN1 = WRT54GS v1.0

CGN2 = WRT54GS v1.1

CGN3 = WRT54GS v2.0

CGN4 = WRT54GS v2.1

CGN5 = WRT54GS v3.0

CGN6 = WRT54GS v4.0

CGN7 = WRT54GS v5.0

CGN8 = WRT54GS v5.1

CGN9 = WRT54GS v6.0


CJK0 = WRTSL54GS v1.0

CO61= WRT54G-TM v1.1 (T-Mobile HotSpots)

Cool. Thanks for the reply and for the information.

I understand that this firmware allows all kinds of additional functionality in addition to not sucking like the Linksys firmware. Have you used any of the added functions ?

Can I run two of the routers to better cover my house with the new firmware ? I have been agonizing over which router to get because I bought a media streaming device, a Slim Devices Squeezebox - a stereo / computer piece that lets you play your MP3s on your stereo. It is 802.11g. If I can buy two of the Linksys routers that might allow for a good signal to the media server

Ok, here's the thing. You're not likely to find one of the routers that can run these custom firmware packages in the big box store. There is a WRT54GL which runs the linux kernel, but I'm not sure how many of the firmware packages work with that model.

As for using it to extend the wireless network--yes, you can. I have my house set up with the two routers as WDS. The problem with this is it effectively cuts your speed down quite a bit because it's exchanging all network traffic between the two routers. However, it still works great and you'll likely be able to max out most home connections with only two routers in a WDS setup.

Well they have them, but you gotta hit the smaller stores first, someone that hasn't quite been able to sell out their stock......A month ago I noticed frys electronics that they had a whole stack of v4 wrt54g's ... dont ask me how, but they did....

you just gotta search for it !

Ok, here's the thing. You're not likely to find one of the routers that can run these custom firmware packages in the big box store.

As of late 2005 - early 2006, the last time that Linksys has rebates on their stuff, that was when the move from the v4 to the now v5-v8 which are harder to put the firmware on but still possible with either using jtag cables or vxworks.. The only model that I know of for sure that does not allow a third part firmware is the v7 model which has a completely different chipset based on the Atheros chipset instead of broadcom..  Finding a pre-v5 router is basically impossible in any of the large retail stores.. You might, if you are lucky, be able to find one in a local mom/pop shop. 

There is a WRT54GL which runs the linux kernel, but I'm not sure how many of the firmware packages work with that model.

The WRT54GL is linux based..  However, the lovely tech's at Linksys locked the upload image size to either 3-4mb.. Which makes it hard to put third-party firmware on.. However, DD-WRT does offer a mini version that then corrects this issue and then at that point you are able to upload a standard version of their firmware.



I never noticed this topic or 3rd party firmware... I've got a WRT54GS version 5. Running Linksys' Firmware Version: v1.52.0   

Running 3rd party firmware, I don't see how it could 'boost' the signal level. I'd think Linksys would try to do that in the first place, but then again... There are risks of overheating and no rollbacks right?

Edit::: Ahh, I'm 1 version too late.

Running 3rd party firmware, I don't see how it could 'boost' the signal level. I'd think Linksys would try to do that in the first place, but then again... There are risks of overheating and no rollbacks right?

I have DD-WRT on my linksys router and there is an option to increase the signal of the router.  It works great.  I went from 2-3 bars to all 5 no matter where i am in my house.  Heat has not been an issue for me and I've been running this firmware for years now.  If i remember correctly I quadrupled the signal strenght and have never had a problem.

I know that some buffalo models are supported.. here is the offical list of everything that is currently supports by the DD-WRT team.. http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Devices#List_of_all_supported_routers

The signal boost is done through the radio on the router.. Linksys can't offer to boost the signal because the FCC has governed how powerful the device can be.  But with DD-WRT you are about to boost the signal and get the additional channels that are only available in Europe and the rest of the world. 

I just download & install dd-wrt and had no problem installing it .What is the best security mode to use for my wireless access point. All I have hook up to it is 1 laptop. Is there any other setting I should change to get better  performance

A couple months back, Fry's had a huge encap of WRT54g's for around $50 a pop. I don't know if they were version 4, but looking at the new Buffalo router with the processor speed is enticing.

I thought I would post a text file to help some of you whom wonder what the different nic features and properties do. I did a recent driver update on my nic which is Marvell Yukon Gigabit Eth. Adapter..

88E8053 PCI-E ..

The stuff like rx/tx offload checksum buffers, Jumbo Duplex...etc. I find it hard to find what they mean even on some support pages.

Huh.. that is to bad.. i guess it was time though.. I the market is truly moving to a network as a platform kinda of world then Cisco knows what it is doing..  Wonder what the others are doing about this..

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