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I tried proxy.meridian.ph and it works very very well for me. Thank you guys for this guide. My ave connection was 20kbps-50kbps. Im a smartbro user but after trying this out my connection boost up to 300+kbps it even reach 400kbps sometimes. I didn't believe at first so i tried using mozilla and internet explorer to compare the results but its always 200kbps+390+kbps. WOW. I tried for so many many times just to make it sure that i was not dreaming.

my last test was


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I tried proxy.meridian.ph and it works very very well for me. Thank you guys for this guide. My ave connection was 20Kbps-50Kbps. Im a smartbro user but after trying this out my connection boost up to 300+Kbps it even reach 400Kbps sometimes. I didn't believe at first so i tried using mozilla and internet explorer to compare the results but its always 200Kbps+390+Kbps. WOW. I tried for so many many times just to make it sure that i was not dreaming.

my last test was



very nice. keep it up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

whew...the proxy really works sir....btw way im new here im observing all the tweaky things...im suffering very slow connection...i suffered 1 month of slow connection...the slow connection is still on going...i already edit my CANOPY..i follow the thread about accessing CANOPY...but still it doenst work...when i try this proxy thing...darn it my speed is increasing...last night my speed is 110kbps when i check it today it when to 160kbps..wow..BUT the question is....is this proxy will affect my ONLINE GAMING???when i play Perfect World DAmn  im so laggy...i cant move for a 1min..then it will resume fast damage to my foe and BOOOMMM im dead... :cry2:...please tell if this proxy will affect my ONLINE GAMING???ndi ko [pa natry mag laro gamit proxy...thats why im asking..please answer me...thnx..

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btw way heres my speed...i just run my speed a sec ago..


:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 161 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)

Download Speed is:: 20 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

Test Time:: 2007/09/19 - 6:39pm

Bottom Line:: 3X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 51.2 sec

Tested from a 579 kB file and took 29.516 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 62.4 % of your hosts average (179.202)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-9NM278C0Q

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070914 Firefox/;MEGAUPLOAD 1.0 [!]


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whew...the proxy really works sir....btw way im new here im observing all the tweaky things...im suffering very slow connection...i suffered 1 month of slow connection...the slow connection is still on going...i already edit my CANOPY..i follow the thread about accessing CANOPY...but still it doenst work...when i try this proxy thing...darn it my speed is increasing...last night my speed is 110Kbps when i check it today it when to 160Kbps..wow..BUT the question is....is this proxy will affect my ONLINE GAMING???when i play Perfect World DAmn  im so laggy...i cant move for a 1min..then it will resume fast damage to my foe and BOOOMMM im dead... :cry2:...please tell if this proxy will affect my ONLINE GAMING???ndi ko [pa natry mag laro gamit proxy...thats why im asking..please answer me...thnx..

you will experience lag when using a proxy server. based on my own experience with a proxy, lag is present upon playing freestyle philippines, server of which is within the country. how much more if the game server is located abroad.

@ lapako

please post ALL the software/programs you have installed in your computer. and i mean all including anti virus, anti spyware, firewall.

i am challenged by your slow speed despite all the tweaks. there must be something that's making your speed miserable.

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programs i usually use: adobe photoshop and other adobe application.Macromedia dreamweaver.tune-up utilities,avg anitvirus.cccleaner,ad-aware,Visual basic 6.0, encarta encyclopedia,nero,limewire, chikka,and the game i usually play PERFECT WORLD...thats all the program that i installed here in my computer...my limewire startup is disabled...i always turn off my firewall before surfing the web or playing....

thats all sir...please help me....i already report this slow connection to smart BROKEN...but theres no response from them that they will reset or fix my problem...naiinis na po ako...its almost 1 month that my connection is very slow...please help me sir.... :sad3: :sad3:...

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programs i usually use: adobe photoshop and other adobe application.Macromedia dreamweaver.tune-up utilities,avg anitvirus.cccleaner,ad-aware,Visual basic 6.0, encarta encyclopedia,nero,limewire, chikka,and the game i usually play PERFECT WORLD...thats all the program that i installed here in my computer...my limewire startup is disabled...i always turn off my firewall before surfing the web or playing....

thats all sir...please help me....i already report this slow connection to smart BROKEN...but theres no response from them that they will reset or fix my problem...naiinis na po ako...its almost 1 month that my connection is very slow...please help me sir.... :sad3: :sad3:...

I'm not saying that AVG is not good but you can try Avast. Download Avast first before uninstalling AVG. make sure you disconnect from the internet while uninstalling AVG. delete also the registry keys of AVG. DL location of Avast http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_home.html

Disable your Windows firewall and replace it with Comodo Firewall Pro http://www.personalfirewall.comodo.com/download_firewall.html

Thru TuneUp's startup manager, allow only Avast, Comodo and Ad-Aware to run on start up.

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so ur saying sir that avg is the one cause thats why i have a very slow connection...ok sir ill uninstall my AVG...but the problem sir is that ryt now i only have 30KBPS speed...but ill try sir...i hope this will fix my problem...TNX you sir...btw sir coolbuster2007 can i have ur email add or YM??/so i can pm u fast..so i can talk to u tru chat of wat im going to do...btw tnx again..ill post again if im finish doing it...

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w0w my speed change to that...weeeeeeeeee...thnx sir cool...but i would like to ask...how will i have a speed that you have 500+ Kbps???

kudos!  :smiley:

1. Try to go back to the 20 Steps. http://www.testmy.net/t-20438.0

2. Try to use the cablenut setting in my Blog as an update. http://coolbusteratyourservice.blogspot.com/

3. Use OpenDNS. http://www.opendns.com/

4. Right click internet connection icon in task bar, click repair.

That will help.  :smiley:

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If you're using Mozilla Firefox,

In the tool bar, click Tools > Options > Advanced Tab > and under the Network Tab Click Settings.

You should be able to see a window like this:


Configure the Proxies to Access to Internet:

Select Manual Proxy Configuration

Then Place one of those proxies in the space provided, and use the port 8080.

Click OK all the way, =)

If you're using IE,

On the toolbar, click Tools > Internet Options > Click on the Connections tab > Click on the LAN settings.


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sir Cool what should i put in "Connection type" in "http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php"???i dont know what should i select there...and also sir in DL , UL, and Lantency...i will put there the result of my speedtest???

sori for asking many things...thnx sir

put 1500 for connection type

try download = 384, upload = 384, latency = 600

or if you have cablenut already, open Adjuster and copy the values showed in my blog.

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