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yet another WTF is happening topic.....

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hey hey my fellow speed freaks and computer gurus...i have a problem..(what a surprise huh?lol) :undecided: :undecided:

OK heres the situation....

i want to right click on a file...or a song to check on properties...and instead of things running smoothly....i get this...

"Instruction at '0x0267e7d1' referenced memory at "0x00000000"

"The memory could not be read"

click OK to terminate

click cancel to debug

this is something i have not run across besides when i was running WIN-95 those many eons ago....

so i call on you guys to see whats going on...

my big question is...referencing the "memory" hell i have 1.5GB of memory and ALOT of it is still free...

so here i am stumped and PO'd that i cant figure out WTF the problem is....

any and all notes or suggestions or fixes are  greatly appreciated!!


PS this may also be something very simple ive overlooked and it takes 2 mins or so to fix...in that case...please dont  :violent5: me...lol

thanks again...

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yes...it was one of the 1st things i did....a warm boot @ first,.....then the same thing happened and so i did a shutdown cold boot

when i click either option (OK or Cancel) it looks as if explorer is crashing i lose all my icons on the background ...but then they re-appear and alls well..until i again try to right click an icon or whatnot and the situation repeats itself....

hope that helped...

i also scanned for viruses...none

scanned for mal=ware...etc with a2...again nothing...

spybot...same thing...no threats..

im somewhat computer savvy but this is a stumper for me.....unless its so simple and its right under my nose...

This prog looks like it may be useful, Maybe you could try it out and let us know ?? 


I tried it, it looks simplistic , and does not contain your issue.  But, I did find a link to the issue at MS


hey all...got the chance to work some OT...so i couldnt turn it down...who says no to extra  cash??  :haha:

ok i followed the advice and i went to MS and says this is an error that usually is displayed with SP1...problem is i have SP2 and all the updates...updated.. 


resopalrabotnick you said it sounds like to you somethings borking around...

elaobrate please..and watch your borking mouth... :cheesy:

wife sugested i re-install windows.......but its still a minor problem and not worth re-backing up everything and reinstalling the OS....i seriously think she did this to make me upset and frustrated and  go and buy vista...she didnt know of my connection here though  :lol:

thanks again for the asst

You know, You don't have to back everything up if you're just going to reinstall Windows.

There is an option you choose prior to the install, something along the lines of "Repair an Existing Copy" or something like that. It will repair the Windows directory itself, and it will leave everything else alone.

Now if you want to FORMAT, then you need to back up important files.

Also, Try re-seating your ram modules. See if that does anything.

no, not that the ram chips may be loose but the little circuit boards that attach them to the mainboard. if you know where on your mainboard the ram is and how to remove/replace/upgrade it then remove what you have and put it back. if there is a loose connection there that could be the problem. and the other thing i was referring to was some toolbar or other accessory that adds things to the context menu (the menu you get when you right click on a file/folder) could have screwed up the process ofadding it or have addedit and have an internal problem that is causing the error message.

found my XP cd and i tried that and all i got was a list of commands like in old DOS...(which i never mastrered) and i was lost...so repairing like that didnt work...

i opened up my CPU and checked everything and it all looked fine...nothing loose or whatnot...not even much dust  :angel: 

im wondering if a rollback a ways back would fix this....or will the problem still persist?

I don't think rolling back the OS will help you.

Try this:


It is a step-by-step guide (with pictures!) showing you how to repair your current XP installation.

Let us know if that helped ^^

Hmm.. Well, I suggest getting ahold of an external hard drive and backing up all your important files (songs, porn, docs, etc.) and format the drive.

If you have access to another hard drive, try plugging that one in and see if you get that same message using another hard drive. If you don't, it could be your old hard drive going out.

Hi M,

I think the suggestion of reseating your RAM is a good one.  Your RAM sits in slots in your mainboard with little clips on each side. You may want to unclip it (there should be release triggers), and maybe clean it out (ie. Can-O-Air) before you put it back in.  When you put the RAM back in, be firm but not jerky.  You should hear it click as the clips fall back into place.  If you have more than one RAM stick, try swapping positions.  Otherwise, it may be that your hard drive is on its way out...  :icon_pale:

If the RAM is not the issue, and since the OS repair didn't work, I would recommend a format + re-install.  If you're hesitant to jump to that, or if you can't, try some of the other system tools -- scandisk, defrag, etc. ...but I wouldn't hold your breath.

thanks everyone for the suggestions...ive done all of the above mentioned things...i checked the RAM ...now i havent swapped sticks...i have two...im no stranger to formatting and re-installing..lol so this is more and more looking like the only solution....and i pray the HD isnt on thew way out...but im already in the process of backing things up...

thanks again for all the suggestions....and ill keep e1 updated...

as of now...problem is solved...ran steganos shredder and then did a trace destruction and rebooted and voila....i can right click an icon and get options instead of an error message.....

im keeping my fingers crossed and hopefully this doesnt come back to bite me...  :haha:

thanks to all of you who helped noodle this and troubleshoot......... :cool: :cool: :afro::occasion14:

problem solved? ok cool.

More then never and less then rarly, I get an error "memory at that address cannot be acessed", but it often happens in the same programs. Also, I used to get memory errors left and right untill the misfit computer was fixed by raising my northbridge voltage.  (But that problem is not yours.)

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