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Uh, actually. It was last year. I'm so busy/lazy that I can't look at it in more frequent intervals. But can dust be really a huge factor to make the CPU temperatures soar so high?

I've seen CPU temps online and they would post some sort of less than 100 deg F.

At idle times it would go 65 deg C (about 150 F)

At busy times it would be 90+ C (190+ F)

The PC will shut down usually at 95+ C (200+ F)

Hell, I'm so poor I can't even buy a can of compressed air. I'm even thinking of underclocking since I'm really broke.

Another question. Is 150 F still high for an idle system?

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I just did some manual cleaning a bit ago. Seems that I am really too lazy to clean this PC that it started to turn its back on me. Well, I just said my apologies to it and cleaned it and here are the results:

CPU Temp when Idling: abt. 45 deg C (abt 115 deg F)

CPU Temp at Full Load: abt. 65 deg C (abt 150 deg F)

They all went down. My question is, are the temperatures okay enough? Or should I seek some more help?

Another thing. It may sound like off-topic but it is a problem that arises from fixing the problem above. My Floppy Drive won't work. It's LED is always on and it won't go off. I've tried resetting the cables connected to it and the same thing is still happening. Maybe I'm too rough at handling such delicate object...

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i have a case with a side air vent (huge one that sucks dust like none other) and 3 different 120mm fans in my case. so i clean mine alot also. and with stock cooler, my amd athlon 64 3800+ 2.4ghz runs around 33C under load and 25C idle.

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another factor to the Dust problem / heat is that if you leave the Heat sink to fill with dust is that the Compond on the CPU will dry out and become useless

so it might be a good idea to renew the compond

if you clean it more often then this does not happen 

Also having looked at the Screen shot the CPU fan is running a bit slow

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another factor to the Dust problem / heat is that if you leave the Heat sink to fill with dust is that the Compond on the CPU will dry out and become useless

so it might be a good idea to renew the compond

if you clean it more often then this does not happen 

That depends on what thermal paste is used actually, and for most of them it's just a degradation over time. If one's that sensitive to temperature, it must have been an incredibly cheap one.

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What CPU do you have.  When I had that problem with the floppy I had the cable on wrong. I had to flip the cable around and it fix the problem.

I do have a Celeron D 2.8G (Prescott). Just fixed the FDD. Thanks.

Everyone, I do have the stock cooling system here and I just have one auxiliary fan on the side of the case.

If the maximum allowed temperature for your CPU is 95
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Your temps are on the high side for that CPU. What case are you using. I couple extra fan will help with the air flow inside the case which should lower you CPU temps some more. Getting a better heatsink and fan will help to. Changing the thermal compound like Diehard said is a good ideal too.

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