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guys i just wanna ask, if i reformat my pc, do i need to install the software driver of my lancard? how will i reformat my pc? can you guide me.. i have my service pack xp installation cd, please help me to reformat because i am infected with a virus... hope youll guide me, specially in installing the drivers... thanks

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1. set your bios setting to boot up 1st using cd-rom

2. when you're in the dos prompt browse the cd-rom which has your windows os installer (ex. win9x,winxp etc...)

3. when your in the systems folder of the windows os installer (ex. d:win9x) type format c: (this will format your drive c, remember to back up the important files you have in drive c for it will completely erase it)

4. just follow the steps that will pop up (no need to re-install your driver's coz it will auto detect your hardware and install the specific drivers, in cases that you purchased a hardware with a driver installer with it, put the cd installer of your hardware once windows detects it via plug and play)

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1. set your bios setting to boot up 1st using cd-rom

2. when you're in the dos prompt browse the cd-rom which has your windows os installer (ex. win9x,winxp etc...)

3. when your in the systems folder of the windows os installer (ex. d:win9x) type format c:

please expand this.... thanks alot

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heres a pic setting bios to boot up 1st using cd-rom! remember to save your setting before you exit! every BIOS setup differ depending on your mobo so dont expect the pic matches your bios setup (i was kinda lazy to capture a screenie of my own bios setup so i searched some screenies)

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here are tips to really get a fresh installation:

1. back up in a cd or usb all important document files and usefull programs installers

2. after setting up cd-first bootup and already have Windows XP installer running, delete all your partitions (press D then L afterwards)

3. after deleting partitions, enter to run installer in drive C: it will ask you to reformat the drive (quick formatting is NOT recommended coz XP runs very well if formatting is in normal mode)

4. when XP is already installed, it will detect all drivers except those whcih are not supported which you may need to run the installer cds to have the drivers.

5. do not install useless programs to free you up from heavy disk and memory usage.

hope it'll help.  :smiley:

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got a problem here, everytym i install my audio driver.. my computer hangs up after restarting, then it will stay like that.. then i reformat again, so i wont anymore install that audio driver cause it will cause my pc to hang up..  help

i think you have a built-in sound card. note the brand name and model number of your motherboard then post it here.

if you have a motherboard driver cd, the sound card driver installer is pre-bundled on that cd.

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i think you have a built-in sound card. note the brand name and model number of your motherboard then post it here.

if you have a motherboard driver cd, the sound card driver installer is pre-bundled on that cd.

thats what i was trying to get to. its easy if its integrated...if not i was gonna wait for him to post what it was and i would help find the drivers.  :smile2:
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thats what i was trying to get to. its easy if its integrated...if not i was gonna wait for him to post what it was and i would help find the drivers.  :smile2:

maybe he is busy fixing that problem now. but my guess could be right. unless he's got a power pc, he could have an integrated sound card.

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is that a Biostar U8638?

i have a Biostar tforce 550 motherboard and all the drivers and programs came with the board on a cd. check your cd. install this first so you know if it works and isnt interfering with other drivers like you think is happening.

this should solve all the problems...i hope.  http://drivers.softonic.com/ie/13406/Biostar_U8638  im not sure if the actual files are in spanish but if they are at least you have the names of the files you need.

if you have a biostar board.

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i have a cd here... "drivers and utilities cd" --- U85XX/ U86XX version, i dont know how will i install those thngs, ...

thats the cd you need....pop it in the drive and when it loads up click on the audio driver and install it

...should be self explanitory if you put the cd in the drive and read whats up.

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