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ok im back just to ask for advice on a laptop. i want a high performance laptop with at least a 2 hour battery life. it can have 1 gig of ram thats ok, i have another gig stick of ddr2667 just sitting in its box.  but i want like a 8600gs or something that will run games such as cs source fear, bf2 moh airborne...etc. on medium/high to high settings.

i have a cap of around 1300 or so dollars usd.

heres what i was thinking.  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220190

any advice. i would like something similar to this in graphics power, and everything but oppinions for deals like this are needed.



for those of you who would like to know (LOL) im gonna be back in the next couple days hopefully, i got everything done earlier than expected and had some help. just have one more thing to do but that will be over time so im not too worried. hopefully i'll be back by the end of the week

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the asus is ok...

But the dell inspiron 1520 is also very good for the just about the same price

2GHz core 2 duo

1GB Ram

15.4in screen

256mb 8600m

250GB hard drive


Me personally i would go with the dell because it is a better built notebook, gateway also has a few good notebooks for that price

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since you are detting a dell, be sure to pay for the 3 year coverage. it is well worth it. from my experience they will pretty much fix the thing as long as you can hand em a pile of parts that contains most of the original rig. (which is exaggerated, but you get the idea)

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