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Im Using Windows XP SP2

I have been using PLDT Xperience 1.0Mbps for 1 month already

I haven't used any tweak tool

Here is the result of my Speedtest:

764kb/s Download : 27kb/s Upload : 286ms PING

I only have Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in my LAN Properties

Uninstalled everything except that.

I only use the latest FireFox as web browser, Never IE

I have the latest Driver for my NIC and Cable is directly connected

to my computer with out any router.

My Computer is Free from Virus (kaspersky), Spyware (Spybot) and Adware (Adaware)(Reformatted my computer 2 weeks ago)

I only use Windows Firewall

I have all the latest update for Windows

I run the WinCleaner to clean/remove corrupted files, Temp Files and Invalid Registry Keys

I have no unknown running application (HiJackthis) (Securuty Task Manager 1.7)

I tried to use TCP Optimizer and set these:

Connection Speed 1024Kbps

MTU 1500

Optimal Settings

reboot and now I have this:

886kb/s Download : 433kb/s Upload : 90ms PING

Well I'm glad to have these results... but aren't my Connection

supposed to be higher for 1Mbps? I did notice a drop in PING

after the Tweak.

Please help I'll always check on this Forum to be updated and

to help others as well. Thank you very much.

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hello @bograts. welcome to testmy.net.

if i were you i will be more than happy to have that speed of 886 kB/s on downloads for a 1 Mbps (1000 Kbps) connection.

886 kB/s (kilobytes per second) is equivalent already to 7088 Kbps (kilobits per second) or more than 7.0 Mbps (megabytes per second).

did you mean 886 Kbps w/c is = 110.75 kB/s?

anyways, its appropriate that you are using TCP Optimizer for a PLDT connection. maintain your MTU at 1500 at optimal setting but increase the slider up to 3000 Kbps.

i am on smartbro but i once tweaked a PLDT connection when I rented a PC at the computer shop. Their advertised speed is just 512 Kbps but take a look at the score after the tweak:


Oh sorry.. Kbps is the right abbreviation...

I tried to use the TCP Optimizer and set it to optimal and as far as 3000Kbps.... it turns out to be

Download 751kb/s : Upload 25kb/s : Ping 288

I will be using the Manual Tweak by Van but I don't know the values of 1mbps... The only working CableNut Script for me is:

MTU 1480 , DSL PPPoE 1500 whatever that is it makes my computer fast:

886kb/s Download : 128b/s Upload : 150ms PING

If I could get the exact registry codes for the CableNut Script MTU 1480 , DSL PPPoE 1000 I think that would be helpful.

  • 2 months later...

hello @bograts. welcome to testmy.net.

if i were you i will be more than happy to have that speed of 886 kB/s on downloads for a 1 Mbps (1000 Kbps) connection.

886 kB/s (kilobytes per second) is equivalent already to 7088 Kbps (kilobits per second) or more than 7.0 Mbps (megabytes per second).

did you mean 886 Kbps w/c is = 110.75 kB/s?

anyways, its appropriate that you are using TCP Optimizer for a PLDT connection. maintain your MTU at 1500 at optimal setting but increase the slider up to 3000 Kbps.

i am on smartbro but i once tweaked a PLDT connection when I rented a PC at the computer shop. Their advertised speed is just 512 Kbps but take a look at the score after the tweak:


Hi Coolbuster! its me again, I tried the 20 steps for smart bro before and just got frustrated. Seems like its our location giving the problem. We are too far from the base station and no matter how I tweak, it still gives slow speeds. Anyways, I now have the PLDT plan 1299 with 512kbps speed. Can you share to me how you tweaked their 1mbps plan? Does it also apply on the 512kbps plan? I already used your 20 steps also. I want to double my 512kbps speeds also if possible.

Thanks in advance bro!


Mr. coolbuster,

I tried your TCP optimizer and it gave me up to 667kbps speed (above my advertised speed of 512kbps) but it fluctuates from that to 350kbps and back.. Im not getting consistent test results as compared to my tests now (after reinstalling a fresh new OS due to my deffective DDR memory causing corruption to my system).

Without the TCP optimizer or any tweaks Im getting 372kbps - 377kbps almost consistent test results. Before, with the 20 steps to optimize speed + TCP optimizer im getting 350kbps - 667kbps speed. One more thing I noticed is that when the test is running im getting stable progress bar movements while testing (without tweaks) as compared to some pauses during the test with tweaks. I that choking my speed or theres something I need to adjust on the settings?

It would be great to have a stable 600+kbps speeds! If you have more suggestions or tips, it would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

BTW Im doing all the testings here at TMN.


so nice to know you test your speed nowhere else but in TMN.

that's not choking coz if your connection is choked it could mean, most often, a timeout.

i suggest you slide your TCP Optimizer to 1500 Kbps. and hit ipconfig /flushdns in the cmd prompt before you do a speed test.  :smiley:

some say it does not have real effect on internet speed, but we can always try right? so here's how to do it:

1) Open Start MenuRun

2) Type gpedit.msc

3) A 'Group Policy' window will appear. In it, expand 'Administrative Templates'.

4) Expand 'Network'.

5) Click 'QoS Packet Scheduler.

6) In the right pane double-click 'Limit reservable bandwidth'. A pop-up window will appear.

7) Click 'Enable'.

8.) In the "Bandwidth limit (%)' box, type 0

9) Click 'Apply', then 'OK'.

10) Restart computer.


  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Try using these tweak...

but do this with caution

I've tried it

open run then type notepad

copy this and paste to your notepad




save this file as DSL.reg

press ctrl + N

copy and paste to your notepad




save this file as DSL2.reg

press ctrl + n again

copy and paste this to your notepad



"Max Parallel Num"="100"


and save this as Iwillsinglehandedlykillallthebandwidthfromtheserversidownloadfrom.reg

merge the 3 registry files and reboot to take effect

just a little tweak

try and discover

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