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its been a while since i have been here

im in college now getting a major in computer science and been really buisy

but next week i will b off for a whole month

so my question

Does any1 know how to attach a router to sattalite to increased its range?

i know this can be done we did this at my old high school 2 years ago

and had it run it for about 3 weeks before it was taken down

i have gotten a hold of a satellite dish and would like to do this expirement

the problem is that i was not the one that was involve in building it in my old high school

i was only in charge of testing it

so my question to you guys

is does any1 know where i could find instruction on how to attach a small satalitte dish to a wireless routers antennas?

Has any1 else done it?


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This is not for a satelite dish but to increase range if you are trying to boost your signal to an access point. It is designed so that you can spread your signal over a vast are instead of a small one. Some of theses types of setups are able to reach 5 miles or so. What kind of internet are you using and who is your isp with that info i know i can direct you in the rite direction. Are you trying to boost signal throughout your house or throughout your town? What kind of router will you be using?


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i have sbc but my neighbor (4 houses down )which is the last house in our neighborhood apparently has access to fiber optic network

so we want to share that speed with a few ppl on the same street maybe 1/5 of a mile at most 1/3 of a mile

as for the router we would use im not exactly sure

we are only getting the drawing board set up


but we would like to do it with a satalitte

or some tinkering just 4 the heck of it

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The main rule to remember is a clear line of sight. No leaves or anything as it will have an effect on the signal. I have done 400+ feet across a busy road using a 30 degree 7db gain antenna and on the remote PC could barely tell a speed drop. Also you will need to match the antenna gain at each end.


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i have sbc but my neighbor (4 houses down )which is the last house in our neighborhood apparently has access to fiber optic network

so we want to share that speed with a few ppl on the same street maybe 1/5 of a mile at most 1/3 of a mile

as for the router we would use im not exactly sure

we are only getting the drawing board set up


but we would like to do it with a satalitte

or some tinkering just 4 the heck of it

Isn't illeage to share a connection like that??? When i signed up with my isp it was in big letter saying that i may not share this connection outside of my residence??

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Isn't illeage to share a connection like that??? When i signed up with my isp it was in big letter saying that i may not share this connection outside of my residence??

I think if you start a new topic with that we can cover that but I believe the question here is

Does any1 know how to attach a router to sattalite to increased its range?

so my question to you guys

is does any1 know where i could find instruction on how to attach a small satalitte dish to a wireless routers antennas?

Has any1 else done it?

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Isn't illeage to share a connection like that??? When i signed up with my isp it was in big letter saying that i may not share this connection outside of my residence??

It might be but whos gonna notice 4 or 5 more comps on?

its got plenty of bandwidth 4 it

we are gonna mac address it so no1 else can get on but us 4 or 5

some ppl have way more comps than that in their houses

i got 3 comps

but 6 wifi eneble devices

so yeah

besides we all have internet we want to host a big wireless lan party

if thats possible

thats really the goal

just to mess around with what we have found and have fun doing it

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It might be but whos gonna notice 4 or 5 more comps on?

its got plenty of bandwidth 4 it

we are gonna mac address it so no1 else can get on but us 4 or 5

some ppl have way more comps than that in their houses

i got 3 comps

but 6 wifi eneble devices

so yeah

besides we all have internet we want to host a big wireless lan party

if thats possible

thats really the goal

just to mess around with what we have found and have fun doing it

That would be cool

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wel im not looking for that kind of range

but i got to admit that kind of sweet

I got plenty of ideas

now all i need is the money

i'll let u guys know what happens

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