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Allot of you guys are so much better at finding the best deal for ram. I been looking at this.  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820104001  Apreciate any input. I forsure want 2 gig sticks. If you have a better idea or cheaper post your links for me pleas. Thank you much in advance.

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Honstely A-Data is great RAM...i use 2 gigs of it with heatspreaders on the sticks..and hella fast...and cool.

but i also like PQI.....never have used crucial...i've put it in some others systems, seems to run nice. but i'll stick with kingston and A-DATA

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Thank you all guys and gals. Once again you pulled through with some great ideas. Still not sure which I will buy but have a few options I will look at. After the ram is upped then its time for a new slave drive, Then a new video card in time. This thing will be a monster.

Just one question starship. What is a "heatspreaders"???

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I've used Kingston HyperX RAM for years.

Never had any problems with it.

Isn't it amazing how cheap RAM is today compared to just 3 or 4 years ago?

4 gigs of Hyper X now for only $80.00 when I paid over $200.00 for one gig not that long ago.

Your tellin me,  I can't even begin to tell you how much I have invested into memory, The pic is just one drawer out of many, of course I have a huge collection of old CPU's, and MB's  from socket 2 80486DX, on up, I wish I had a just one, socket (1), but there real hard to find.

Some of you probably never have seen some of the types of memory in this drawer (on the left).

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Damn mudman... and how many laptops you need on ur desk :shocked:  :-P

I've seen pretty much all those memory sticks somewhere before. ..and what...no Socket CPU's? lol those things were cool..i mean like the cartridges....

I have two Laptops right now, I work on one, transfer to another, so I can take my work with me.  The other one is my oldest sons, XP took a dive south, and the screen hinge is broke so I'm lookin for a hinge for less than 50-60 buck's.

EDIT, yes I do have a couple "cartridges", but I don't takem off the MB's they suck! I have an older asus w/ one of those on it.

BTW, thats half of my desk  :evil6: :evil6: :evil6:

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lol nice.. i have 2 desks..one has an old dell with a crt monitor ..and the dell has the powersupply and drives outside the case....but still hooked up...and my main desk has my system and my 22 inch wide lcd monitor  :wink2:

but yeah. my desk is crowded too...but if thats just half of your desk.... WOAH>>>  :cheesy:

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  There's just one more monitor besides the three laptops and the 24" panel. There's two phones, and a couple external Hdd's. The two ftp's are on the stand at the right, as well as the network devices, and two towers.

Thats not counting the one in my boy's room, then the one in the dining room.

What a mess.

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Boys and thier toys.  :haha:


lol just kidding tommie.

Hey mudman, the only laptop i have is an acer aspire 3100-1033. its nice and all for internet, typing but low battery life...

I want the vostro 1500. OOOOOO....deffinately

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