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Unfortunately, a colleague of mine thought it was funny to fuck with my computer and he put that rick roll shit on my macbook. Everytime I open Safari or Firefox it starts up with that Rick Roll bs. How does it work and How do I fix it? It's really annoying and I don't have time for this stupid crap. Strangely, my Opera browser still works though.

Btw, is there any way I can get him back lol? I'd like to return the favor but not just Rick Roll him...but something even better like make his entire screen black or have a a bunch of naked guys on his screen non stop. Preferably if I could do it by USB but i'm open to any other ways too lol. I really want to get back at this guy.

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To stop it... ctrl+alt+del - end session on firefox, and when opening firefox, it asks to "restore session" - hit "new session".

or try this: Reply #31


Rick Roll link: (just copy/paste/save it on notepad or something - do not "click" or else it will go off again)


other pranks: (not so much like rick but it's also good)


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well he set your home page to that

its ben a long time since i have ben rick rolled but if you watch the whole thing im pretty sure it lets you use your browser agin

you could do the same thing to him but use a diff browser i do it to my friend all the im when ever he turns is comp on ie and firefox and oprea all open and go to rick roll

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Thanks a lot it was really annoying. I didn't realize it was something as simple as setting it to my homepage. Oh and I was wondering, is there a way I can set my friend's desktop or screensaver to a picture that he can't find? Thinking of putting lemon party on his laptop lol.

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Sounds like revenge?  :2funny:

Oh and I was wondering, is there a way I can set my friend's desktop or screensaver to a picture that he can't find?

If I want to hide from someone I'd rename it, or hide it inside of a folder, inside of a folder inside of a folder. Like a box inside of a box etc...

Just make it difficult to find, and say inside of his music folder instead or something way off track like.

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