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hey all. i have been lurking this site for a few months, reading posts, and using it as my speedtester of choice.

i have a problem. i have a small home network using a linksys wireless g router. my wife's laptop has a linksys wirelss g notebook adapter. the connection and the speed is great when it works, but the network is very unstable. throughout the day the notebook will disconnect adn claim that there is no wireless connection.

i had this problem a couple month ago and found out that i needed a beta driver patch for the texas instrument bus card that my laptop had. after days of screwing with that i finally got it working and ever since the connection has been unstable.

before microsofts last big security patch the network was flawless.

does anyone have any ideas? thanks for your time.

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Try changing the channel you run on. If you are on channel 6 then go down to either 1 or 11. You may be receiving to much interferience from other wireless networks or other devices. If you are running WEP try changing the codes. I had this exact problem on my dlink system. I changed over to channel 11 and then had a friend come and look to see who else had wireless networks around me. All of my neighbors did and they were all on channel 6. Which then explained why my connection was crap and it would always drop out.

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hey all. i have been lurking this site for a few months, reading posts, and using it as my speedtester of choice.

i have a problem. i have a small home network using a linksys wireless g router. my wife's laptop has a linksys wirelss g notebook adapter. the connection and the speed is great when it works, but the network is very unstable. throughout the day the notebook will disconnect adn claim that there is no wireless connection.

i had this problem a couple month ago and found out that i needed a beta driver patch for the texas instrument bus card that my laptop had. after days of screwing with that i finally got it working and ever since the connection has been unstable.

before microsofts last big security patch the network was flawless.does anyone have any ideas? thanks for your time.

:) jumper,

Thats why I am not a big fan of wireless anything...Its the old story guy next door opens garage changes channel on your TV he he now if its the spice chan I guess thats alright.....really all wireless has gotten much better but anything can and does cause problems but,like ya said when it works right it is good..keep after it and let us know how you make out.

8) Microwave

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  • 1 month later...

if ur looking for a good wireless router, get the new linksys wireless g router with speedbooster, works maybe 200 kb below my regular cable :D

::: Download Stats :::

Connection is: 2215 Kbps about 2.2 Mbps (tested with 748 KB)

Download Speed is: 270 KB/sec

Auth Code: 2033226 (validate at http://www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line: 40 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 3.79 second(s)

Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&align=&num=2033226&kbps=2215&gen=gen&a=2.85714285714286&b=2.28571428571429&c=1145.14285714286

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The problems with the super g router is that it combineds channels... It makes super pipeline for data but anyone with a standard g router gets screwed.... Cause you cause interference... Also these are more Vulnerable to attacks from war drivers... So many channels are used it is like putting in the welcome mat out...

Update: Here is the article that I was talking about... It is called "Don't be a wireless wanker" from tech tv... :lol:http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/products/story/0,24330,3671189,00.html

I guess SpeedBoost doesnt use channel bonding but I dont know how else you could get those types of speed with out increasing the "bandwidth".

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Yeah you could run 2 dial up modems at one to get twice the speed of one.. Of course this took 2 phone lines but... This is also how the D-Link 22mb system works... I have found that the higher you are in the channels the better... I am running channel 11, i think i have to check later..., with no speed loss due to interference..

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  • 2 months later...

Yea i just brought the wireless g without the boost because im really not running a home office i mean i have the wireless g desktop card...works fine always has connection, and also the wireless g notebook card, i had the same problem but seems to work good now...and i brought the gaming piece made by linksys too and it works fine...the only thing wired is my other ps2 which is directly wired from router to network adapter...everything seems to be working fine havent had anyconnections droped or anything but im wondering if i should've brought the superboost because i have 3 wireless things running of the router and only 1 out of the 4 ports on my wireless g router wired...should i take it back and get the boost

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The thing about having 3 clients is that you will not see a huge slow down until all three are operating at full speed... Even then it will be bairly noticable... And the probility of 3 all running at full speed for more than 3 sec is highly unlikely... If you could you might want to hard wire the ps2 and return the game adaptor... It will be more reliable and less likely to get interfered with... But that is up to you... The speed boost is really not going to help that much... But if you have to have the new and great that would be the way to go...

Here are the real life speed results from PCWorld.com :

WRT54g (what you have)


WRT54gs Same router with "Speed boost"


So you can see it is going to be faster... but unless you have a connection that is more than 30 mbps you will not see a difference... If you are going to use it to transfer files from a server and use it for other network reliant programs you might want to check it out... I personally have the DI-614+ from Dlink and here is what I get..


One other thing is that I doubt that the WRT54g has the latest firmware on it so it could actually be faster now than when it was tested... The test date was Oct 14, 2003... :lol:

Now I have a 4.3mbs connection so I am almost approaching the point that I need to replace my router but that is a minor issue.... I have no problems gaming on it or streaming video over the wireless from Videolan... The only time that it gets slow is when i have one client downloading a file from my server and another surfing the web.... You can see/feel the slow down... Other than that I have no problems with my wireless connection... I also have wep enabled so those numbers are a little bit lower that what they are showing in the graphic....

You can see the difference in the speed but most of the people hardly evey push their network to those speeds... And if you are then you might want to spend the extra money and wire your home/office with ethernet or even go gigabyte...

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