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Hi, I'm new here and I've been reading the previous post and I hope you could help me here. I'm using canopy 5.7 GHz antenna and also connected it to a reflector dish. I opened the canopy page and it says here that my RSSI is 987 and -56 db and jitter is 1. So I these this means that I should have a good signal so I should surf just fine and play my 9 dragons without any problem. But walla I don't enjoy these results I open youtube and it just keep on buffing for a long time and then move then buff again. I open cmd and continuously ping 1921.168.224.1 and and I observed that I get intermittent sync. What's the problem here?

Here is my speed test.

::::::::::.. Download Stats ..::::::::::

Download Connection is:: 61 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 97 kB)

Download Speed is:: 7 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

Test Time:: 2008/08/04 - 7:58pm

Bottom Line:: 1X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 146.29 sec

Tested from a 97 kB file and took 12.938 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 15.76 % of your hosts average (smartbro.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-E1DVRLJH8

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1

I already called smartbroken techtalk guys and they say that they're going to send somebody to do the adjustment at the base station and still it's the same.

BTW if I remove the antenna from the reflector dish I only get like 34+ RSSI so can someone help me here? Please.

Good day! and hoping for you brilliant minds

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welcome to testmy.net...

i moved this over here to the smartbro boards so that you can maybe get an answer to your question quicker...browse these smartbro topics in the meantime and you will find alot of helpful info for you connection

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since you are getting a good wireless signal based on the results you've given, it might be that the base station where you are connected is having problem.

have you tried asking some tech support guys of smartbro?.. you could also try to ask them to check the signal of your antenna..who knows,they might

be looking at a different result compared to what you see on your canopy page. hope this helps.. @_@  :angel:  :grin:

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hi there petechez000,

I been calling smart techdonothing guys and they say that same blah blah blah base station is being repaired and it's been a week already. The truth is we live in a small town here in Mountain Province and the base station is just a 20 min. ride up the mountain. I actually can see the base station at the rooftop where my SM is connected and it's pointed directly to that station.

On our rooftop is a bunch of satellite dish for cable tv that supplies tv here in our place and I actually removed the boomer of one of the satellite and attached my SM antenna. Wow, then i get these unbelievable rssi's but don't seem to enjoy them at 1st. I made some cool panning of the satellite dish and wow i managed to lock the configuration.

ATM, I do enjoy the speed even if all 10 pc's in my shop play youtube and walla they love it. I thiink is smartbroken problem now that i get intermittent sync. If only smart has another ISP to compete with there business here like globe or pldt, I would have left smartbrokebackmountain already.

I'll update you guys about this if any changes would be made.

Thanks anyways

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hey, im having 500 as my Rssi and jitter of 2 and yet i'm getting a good reception and a good speed...

heres the thing you can do..

1. open your canopy page

2. do an AP evaluation

3. it should give you several results with corresponding color code

4. use the color codes to change the channel on your RADIO tab on the CONFIGURATION pAGE

it must be that though you are getting good signal something is interfering on that particular Access Point.. so the least thing you can do right now is change your AP..

usually a cell site has more than 3 AP

getting a good RSSI is not an assurance of getting fast connection though it can be a good indicator but still you have to try changing the AP... :) it may take time but its really worth it.. :) patience is a virtue..

welcome to the community..

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ATM, i'm observing the new AP i'm using with only 956 RSSI and Jitter is also 1as of now they say that field contractors are busy doing there maintenance at our base station here and I confirmed it to the field technician himself as he also has his own shop. Just yesterday at noontime until 6 pm our entire place had no internet because of their maintenance and reason is in our place there base station is already congested so i think they are adding up their receiver (if that's the term or antenna) to fix the problem.

Thanks anyways and I will soon update any changes made.

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ATM, i'm observing the new AP i'm using with only 956 RSSI and Jitter is also 1as of now they say that field contractors are busy doing there maintenance at our base station here and I confirmed it to the field technician himself as he also has his own shop. Just yesterday at noontime until 6 pm our entire place had no internet because of their maintenance and reason is in our place there base station is already congested so i think they are adding up their receiver (if that's the term or antenna) to fix the problem.

i see. though "we are doing some system upgrade in your area" is some sort of a lousy excuse cut them some slack and monitor your connection "system upgrade" shouldn't take one week right? unless they are really scrapping the entire cellsite.. keep us updated or whatsoever.. good luck :)

Thanks anyways and I will soon update any changes made.

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