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ok i have had gmail since it vary first started, but ib the log in page it says 2.7 gigs of storge (and counting) yet at the bottem of the page when i login it says i have just over 7 gigs what i want to know is if they gave the people that have had a account for how ever many years more storage

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I've had gmail since the beginning also. The login page says: Over 7086.997761 megabytes (and counting) of free storage so you'll never need to delete another message. At the bottom of the inbox page it says: You are currently using 1608 MB (22%) of your 7087 MB. There is no discrepancies between the two. Awhile back they gave everyone a few extra Gigs of space. :wink:

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<a href="http://uploadingit.com/view/806954_0rfan">

    <img src="http://uploadingit.com/thumbs/large/806954_0rfan/gmail.jpg" alt="gmail.jpg" />


  Here's what mine says, and Iv'e been there since they started as well. Or as close as I can tell.

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Just a quick note to all the gmail users out there. It's been recommended here http://security.Comcast.net/get-smart/security-trends/news-and-alerts.aspx under important security alerts to change settings in google.Learn how to Gmail's new SSL feature. Read more at: http://www.webmonkey.com/blog/Why_You_Should_Turn_Gmail_s_SSL_Feature_On_Now All you have to do is log in to your gmail and go under settings and scroll down and check the box to always use https. Just a good security measure to have when checking your mail.

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